The SEARCH Will Expose How to Get What’s MOST Important To You EVERY Time

My friend Andrea Noble Respectfully retired herself from her Job within 6 months of taking Action on her goal.  Before taking action was the SEARCH for the WAY and before the search was the DECISION about what she wanted.

I wanted to share a little bit of Andreas words with you to INSPIRE you to decide, to search, and to take action on whatever you decide is most important to you.

Most of you have decided what’s really important to you but sadly most of you haven’t made it beyond decision. Most of you are not IMMERSED in the SEARCH for the WAY to make it happen.  And some of you, when you find the WAY, you offer up reasons why you believe you can’t instead of why you HAVE to. Most of you ROB YOURSELVES of even making the discovery of HOW TO because you’re not IMMERSED in the SEARCH for HOW TO.  Most of you will have the HOW dropped right in front of you and you won’t even see it because you’re not Searching. Instead you offered up reasons why you can’t.  Your brain is stuck on why you can’t and won’t even see the obvious Rhino standing in the middle of the living room.  When you focus on why you can’t, you’ll find why you can’t every time.

Change your focus on why you MUST and you’ll see opportunities that were always there.  IMMERSE yourself in the SEARCH and you’ll make the life changing discoveries of HOW TO EVERY TIME.

Read What Andrea Noble Says and let her words IMMERSE YOU into the SEARCH:

Andrea Noble Loving Her New Found FREEDOM

Andrea Noble Loving Her New Found FREEDOM

You guys are lucky. Tom is here for you. I found that my job was very unhealthy for me.  It BURNED me every gorgeous day that I had to drive thrive traffic to a prison of an office every day! In my [highlight]searching[/highlight] I was led to TOM who helped me learn how to get into profit mode quickly. I respectfully walked away from the day job forever within 6 months. In the beginning when I told him I aimed to be job free within 6 months, even HE suggested “I don’t recommend it! Unless you are one of the 2% that has what it takes to do it, but so far I haven’t met anyone that has been able to do it that quick yet.” 6 months later, I was job FREE! The 30 days to profit training sequence is what is unique and helped me become successful.
andrea noble follow your heart
A new round starts every month. My whole life has changed. And I will be spending the rest of it happy, free to lie down beneath a tree in gorgeous weather whenever I want! I hope to see some new faces in the group starting up!

Have you enjoyed this? Was it helpful in breaking some circular thought patterns you might have been stuck in? Do you know anyone who could benefit from this? Sharing is caring. Share with friends and family.

– Tom

Was this helpful? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you commented and shared on Facebook and other Social Media, too. You might also enjoy my 31 Ways to Raise Money Now.

If you enjoyed my blog you might LOVE my YouTube video about changing one thing, the direction of your cash-flow, to change Everything:


High School Drop Out and Teen Runaway Generating New Money Without Using Any Of Her Own Money

I’m working with Rebecca, a High School DROP OUT, Teen RUNAWAY, Abuse Survivor, Former Druggie, currently ENSLAVED to a corporate job and in financial DEBT that she wants to ESCAPE from as soon as possible. She is totally hungry, Teachable, just an AWESOME lady.

She just sent me a screen shot of all this new money she is Very Quickly creating in her spare time outside of her corporate job. She only enrolled with me a couple weeks ago without using ANY of her own money. This is so powerful because this demonstrates in the Real World that you and I both live in that no matter who you are, what your past is, what your present is, what your hardships are, you can overcome if you can begin to look beyond what the eyes can see. And it can start VERY quickly!

It’s not about the money. There is a PURPOSE behind it. I’m going to copy and past some of what Rebecca sent me because it’s from her mind and only she can express her true self more accurately than anyone else can. I want you to get a sense of what this is meaning for her to INSPIRE YOU to begin searching for answers to overcome whatever pain you have in your life right now, too, regardless of your past or present.

In Rebeccas words:



“Considering my hectic schedule as of late, I’m happy with this start.

I put my faith in this project. I desired to get out of debt (from divorce last year) and pay off my house so I can devote myself to healthy fulfilling work. I’m a corporate slave right now. IF I could make a career change into something that gives back – getting paid while helping people conquer their unhealthy demons right along side me conquering my own, then HOW PERFECT would life be!? Seeing $$$ come in DIRECT DEPOSIT into my bank for merely trying to be happier and healthier is one of those “too good to be true” moments, except it really is true. And I know from seeing this initial reward that it can and will happen. Dreams can and will come true.

Bottom line, I look forward to the day when I have a choice to not be a corporate slave anymore.

I have more to give to the world than making the rich richer at the expense of my health and time.

The quick return means… hope.

The light at the end of the tunnel. I see it.

Of course there’s much more to the story. I may need a whole book.

One of these days I’ll write it. Another project for when I have more free time after the transition. Along with a recipe book.

I’m a high school drop out and teen runaway.

Abuse survivor and former druggie. Lots of fun stuff there.

Lots of juicy drama bits with a happy ending.”

Has Rebeccas words resonated with you?

Have you enjoyed this? Was it helpful in breaking some circular thought patterns you might have been stuck in? Do you know anyone who could benefit from this? Sharing is caring. Share with friends and family.

– Tom

Was this helpful? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you commented and shared on Facebook and other Social Media, too. You might also enjoy my 31 Ways to Raise Money Now.

If you enjoyed my blog you might LOVE my YouTube video about changing one thing, the direction of your cash-flow, to change Everything:


Telling my Boss NO is Actually Helping me Help Others Create New Money and Freedom In Their Lives..

Let This INSPIRE you..

Have you enjoyed this? Was it helpful in breaking some circular thought patterns you might have been stuck in? Do you know anyone who could benefit from this? Sharing is caring. Share with friends and family.

follow your heart– Tom

Was this helpful? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you commented and shared on Facebook and other Social Media, too. You might also enjoy my 31 Ways to Raise Money Now.

If you enjoyed my blog you might LOVE my YouTube video about changing one thing, the direction of your cash-flow, to change Everything:


Life Can Be Tough But Here is What I know..

Let this Change You from the Inside Out..

tombirkenmeyercomHave you enjoyed this? Was it helpful in breaking some circular thought patterns you might have been stuck in? Do you know anyone who could benefit from this? Sharing is caring. Share with friends and family.

– Tom

Was this helpful? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you commented and shared on Facebook and other Social Media, too. You might also enjoy my 31 Ways to Raise Money Now.

If you enjoyed my blog you might LOVE my YouTube video about changing one thing, the direction of your cash-flow, to change Everything:


Why Most People Never Make a Breakthrough and Stay Stuck

Blurred out faceI’ve been running this Closed Group on Facebook that I’ve seen more people experience MAJOR Breakthroughs in their lives than in anything else I’ve ever put together before. It’s called, “30 Days to Profit”.

Someone bails out of the group in the midst of all these others creating BIG breakthroughs saying he believes his gender is causing people not to trust him as much as the opposite gender, so therefore he believes he cannot succeed because he is not a female.

His note sums up why people never make a Breakthrough.  This blog is entirely free and I’m giving you your moneys worth so read carefully, without taking any offense, but to BREAK a mindset that has kept you back from creating your own Major Breakthroughs.

Pick the excuse you use, any excuse, every excuse is a well planned lie you use to protect your ego from getting hurt because you falsely identify your excuse as the reason when in reality you place protecting your ego higher than positively impacting people.

Ever wonder why most people still fail to make their own Breakthrough? Most people have a lot of excuses.  Some people give up their excuses for results. Wanna let your PAST be your GAIN from here on out? Where are YOU making excuses? Where can you draw a line in the sand? In my Profit Training Sequence I have people retiring themselves from the job racket, restoring relationships,  building up their confidence, inspiring others who feel trapped, and the list of successes over hardships gos on and on un-ending. The way one does one thing is the way one does most things.  But for people who are drawing a line in the sand this has been the thing to help them create MASSIVE breakthroughs in their lives.

When most people are squeezed they quit and offer up excuses to protect how they feel; their ego. Deep down inside they know they quit and that their excuse in reality only serves a failed attempt to protect the ego.

Don’t do what most people continue doing.  Buck the trends of excuse making and ego protection.  They go hand in hand. Success is not selfish.  It’s your excuses you’ve used that has kept you from inspiring people that you’re suppose to inspire in a selfish effort to protect yourself.  Your Ego will feel BETTER when you’re INSPIRING people.

Have you enjoyed this? Was it helpful in breaking some circular thought patterns you might have been stuck in? Do you know anyone who could benefit from this? Sharing is caring. Share with friends and family.

– Tom

Was this helpful? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you commented and shared on Facebook and other Social Media, too. You might also enjoy my 31 Ways to Raise Money Now.

If you enjoyed my blog you might LOVE my YouTube video about changing one thing, the direction of your cash-flow, to change Everything:


Stop Stealing Time From Your Family To Make Money At Your Job

This is some of My AWESOME Family. Position yourself to spend more time with your family and whatever is MOST important to you.

This is some of My AWESOME Family. Position yourself to spend more time with your family and whatever is MOST important to you.

What happens if you stop stealing time away from your family to be at your job?  They take your livelihood away and you stop getting paid.

Investing your Time Versus Stealing your time are two totally different worlds.  Stealing your time for money positions you inside of a modern day form of SLAVERY that 49 out of every 50 people are living. Investing your time positions you for FREEDOM, INSURANCE, Security, Stability, Peace..

Investing your time is something that doesn’t typically pay you right away, but, is powerful to set you free to NEVER have to work for money or a paycheck ever again so you can spend your time on the things you decide are most important. 49 out of 50 people have ZERO willingness to delay ANY gratification, so they are unwilling to invest their time, and they stay ENSLAVED to money for which they’ve anointed their master to steal time from their family for it.

Have you enjoyed this? Was it helpful in breaking some circular thought patterns you might have been stuck in? Do you know anyone who could benefit from this? Sharing is caring. Share with friends and family.

– Tom

Was this helpful? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you commented and shared on Facebook and other Social Media, too. You might also enjoy my 31 Ways to Raise Money Now.

If you enjoyed my blog you might LOVE my YouTube video about changing one thing, the direction of your cash-flow, to change Everything:


There is More Money Available Than There Are Opportunities

National-Debt-Equals-SlaveryTruth Serum: There is so much more money being printed and in circulation than there are opportunities to solve money problems for every person in the united states. So why are most people broke if there is more than enough money being printed for EVERYONE?  Here me out..

In 1971 the government took the dollar off of the gold standard so they could print more to meet the demands of an ever growing entitlement driven society. Today they print a fiat currency backed by absolutely nothing, artificially propping up our economy with the value of the dollar, faster than you could ever save it which is why the savings accounts pay you back very low interest while using DEBT to make money has become financially sound.

looting and Growing entitlements are behind the dramatic de value of the dollar which has made it more difficult for you to support yourself and your family.  One of the best ways you can serve your country, as well as support your family, is to get your hands on as much of this artificially propped up money as you can and produce something with it.

california-constitutional-law-attorneyProduction creates money and raises the value of that money while people who take and produce nothing devalue money and dishonor people who work hard and produce.  If enough people learn about money and go to work to produce something we can restore the value of the dollar as well as the stability of our nation which is good for everyone.

The ONLY reason so many in the USA are struggling financially is the average person is financially illiterate and constantly transfers any new money they make to people financially smarter than them, and even worse, most who claim to know something about money know absolutely nothing about money and seal their fate with their beliefs and relationship with money.

debtIf you have problems or stress stemming from Money Draw a Line in the sand. It’s a learning process, you can do it, there are people like me Rooting for you because I know you can do it. You’ve learned to do everything that you know how to do today. You’ve already proven you can learn a new skill time and time again.  You are more capable than you realize or give yourself credit for. Instead of looking at how far you have to go look at how far you’ve come and build on THAT.

Have you enjoyed this? Was it helpful in breaking some circular thought patterns you might have been stuck in? Do you know anyone who could benefit from this? Sharing is caring. Share with friends and family.

– Tom

Was this helpful? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you commented and shared on Facebook and other Social Media, too. You might also enjoy my 31 Ways to Raise Money Now.

If you enjoyed my blog you might LOVE my YouTube video about changing one thing, the direction of your cash-flow, to change Everything:


Living Off the Cuff

Desert Blue Sky

Desert Blue Sky

I’m going to show you the tip of the iceberg of what’s possible by LIVING it rather than just talking it. Lots of people are full of talk with Empty results to back up their talk inspiring no one to do anything.

What are some of your favorite places to travel to? Where would you like to travel that you’ve never been? What, where, and with whom would you like to EXPERIENCE as you assume Captain of your own ship? And the big question.. How do you get to a place where you can LIVE all of that from where ever it is you are right now?

Those answers are different from person to person, but, here is what I know..

I know living under the thumb of someone else who can tell you to do anything because they have the power to take your livelihood away kills the human spirit making it easier to give in to your current circumstances without even searching for a way out of that enslavement. I also know that all it takes is a new belief to spark a SLEEPING GIANT within you to begin that relentless search for those answers to live FREE from under anyones thumb so you can spend the rest of your life on what you decide is MOST important to you.

follow your heartIt doesn’t matter if you’re broke, in debt, no free time, whatever your past and present there is a pathway that works for EXACTLY where you’re at right now and where you want to go. Sell yourself on being pulled so powerfully by your vision that everything else that’s pulling you away from your vision suddenly becomes weak and insignificant to you anymore.

Inside the VERY “off the cuff” video below I touch on some of these answers that go directly toward your Human Spirit. This video represents part of my Vision which is different than yours so absorb it as that for whatever your unique vision is that YOU get to create for yourself and your Family.

Have you enjoyed this? Was it helpful in breaking some circular thought patterns you might have been stuck in? Do you know anyone who could benefit from this? Sharing is caring. Share with friends and family.

– Tom

Was this helpful? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you commented and shared on Facebook and other Social Media, too. You might also enjoy my 31 Ways to Raise Money Now.

If you enjoyed my blog you might LOVE my YouTube video about changing one thing, the direction of your cash-flow, to change Everything:


Money is the Root of All that is Good – Change Your Relationship With Money


Hear me out before CLUTCHING YOUR MORALS to judge me with =)

The LOVE of money is the ROOT of and where evil and corruption is birthed.

When you generate money from work and production you give value to money.

Therefore, the value of money is sourced from good people who work and produce.

When you generate money from looting and entitlement you take value away from money and dishonor the people who work and produce.

The devastating paradox happening right now is there are many good working people producing something who say things like, “money is evil” or, “Money causes greed” or “money makes people do bad things” etc..

When you associate a negative connotation to money you actually dishonor the source of that money which is YOU doing the work that you do to produce something that generates money and adds value to money.

So you are both taking from and adding value to money through your in-congruent good work and negative connotations about money.

It’s a sinister form of Self-Sabotage you’re not aware of you’re doing to yourself and to your family.

The looting and entitlement has grown to a level that the united states government decided to take our Dollar off the gold standard in 1971 in order to keep printing more paper money, backed by nothing and giving rise to inflation, to be able to keep up with a demand for an ever growing entitlement driven society and a shrinking VALUE driven society.

Some of you need to place a catchers mit on your mouth when you start talking negatively about money because when you speak such foolishness in reality you are paving an easier way for more corruption and entitlements which only hurts your ability to make an honest living for you and your family.

You need to stop shooting yourself in the FACE, not in the foot, in the FACE.

Line up your values with your mouth and how you spend your time and your money.

Put your money where your values are.

Everything is connected to money because it’s the medium in which we trade goods and services on.

This is how we transform entitled and corrupt business, government, people, and cultures into value driven business, government, people, and cultures.

This is how we can end poverty, starvation, factory farming, the sex trade, human trafficking, corruption in all levels of government and business, and it’s also how we restore HONOR and fairness to every working person who produces something.

Something more to “Chew On”..

When you think about it, as a whole culture we are voting for every problem we have with government, corporations, PhRMA, our food supply etc.

When more people start to put their money where their values are you will start to see banks, corporations, PhRMA etc reflect it with how they change their behavior, too.

When you think about it, they are only doing what we are voting for by the decisions we make about money.

We are corrupt = they are corrupt.

We clean up our own home first = they clean up theirs too or they go out of business.

We routinely vote for Cancer, Chronic disease, Chronic Debt, Corporate Greed, Corrupt Government, entitlement Banking, the lifestyle Death of our kids

WE vote for all kinds of needless SICK things that are happening because of Our Relationship with Money and the decisions and beliefs we have about Money.

One final thought to inspire you to change your relationship with Money..

Ego says, “I have what I need I don’t need to make more money”.

Humility says, “I NEED to make millions more than what I need because 1 billion kids in the world are starving to death and they need me to put my stupid ego aside to help out.”

Have you enjoyed this? Was it helpful in breaking some circular thought patterns you might have been stuck in? Do you know anyone who could benefit from this? Sharing is caring. Share with friends and family.

– Tom Birkenmeyer

Was this helpful? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you commented and shared on Facebook and other Social Media, too. You might also enjoy my 31 Ways to Raise Money Now.

If you enjoyed my blog you might LOVE my YouTube video about changing one thing, the direction of your cash-flow, to change Everything:


The Fear of Loss is a Path to the Dark Side

follow your heartBecause the Great and Wise Yoda Said it, so it must be true!  People who try to cause harm by taking away from us actually do us some really big favors but most people don’t see the “favors” they only see the loss and feel frustrated.

Hear me out..

This is a VERY human emotion to feel and operate from because we don’t want to lose anything.  We want to gain!  Right?  The fear of loss actually gets in the way our gains. We inhibit ourselves BIG TIME when we operate from a fear of loss.  It sends us down a path to the dark side. We FEEL it!  A fear of loss is a ceiling we place over both our personal and professional lives.

So what are these “favors” we are not seeing? What is the solution so we can arrive at our destiny without this massive hindrance getting in our way?  The solution to liberating yourself from your Self Imposed prison sentence actually has Everything to do with something that no one else on planet earth is better at than you, regardless of your past and present.

Watch the video below to see what I’m talking about:

Have you enjoyed this? Was it helpful in breaking some circular thought patterns you might have been stuck in? Do you know anyone who could benefit from this? Sharing is caring. Share with friends and family.

– Tom

Was this helpful? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you commented and shared on Facebook and other Social Media, too. You might also enjoy my 31 Ways to Raise Money Now.

If you enjoyed my blog you might LOVE my YouTube video about changing one thing, the direction of your cash-flow, to change Everything:


You’re Better Off Starting Totally Broke

tombirkenmeyercomBeing Broke and even homeless is a blessing depending on what you do with it. HEAR ME OUT ALL THE WAY THROUGH THIS BLOG..

The gift of life is in the struggle you’re in. Every challenge is gifted to you by the powers that be to use them to get what you need so you can get what you want. Most people miss the gift in the challenge because they won’t look beyond what the eyes can see.  The powers that be don’t ask if you like them, the powers that be ask you to — USE THEM.

Professional investors don’t find what works so they can rest there.  Professional investors are constantly adapting to external market conditions they have no control over so they can do well when the market is down, up, or sideways.  Most people only know how to do well when the market is up because they never put themselves through the PROCESS to become professional investors.

In life you can professionally invest how you spend your time by re positioning yourself as external forces change.  This kind of ADAPTATION is the ONLY survivable skill available to you, so, it makes sense to focus on developing yourself to be able to adapt as often as external forces you have no control over change.  This way, every time an external force you have no control over changes you pick up more skill and become even more unstoppable and recession proof.  Most people find a bed to rest on. That may work for five minutes but as soon as external forces change, those people find themselves totally broke again and without any skills relevant to the new market conditions because they never put themselves through the PROCESS of becoming professional investors of their time or money. This is true for EVERYTHING from personal life to professional life to spiritual life to relationships with all people in your life past present and future as well as the size of your bank account.

Most people who are comfortable never do anything great because they were never squeezed and not enlightened or selfless enough to want to amount to anything more than what they can do for themselves.  Most of the worlds greatest most inspiring innovators who contribute to the world in which we live come from deep running childhood wounds and financial poverty. Life squeezed them and the BEST of them came out which the world benefited from. When you start from broke, financially or otherwise, you have to get really creative and develop a skill set that is totally recession proof that you can bring with you for the rest of your life even as market conditions change so that you are always relevant and significant. You will NEVER starve even during a great depression. Your company could blow up and you’ll build another that goes from zero to six figures in six months because you already did that so you already know how and nothing can take those skills away from you!  These adaptable skills are your security, your insurance, your ability to build relationships with people and inspire them, these adaptable skills are EVERYTHING.  Sadly they are the skills least sought after. Most people are seeking skills that are not recession proof, do not change with market conditions, and provide ZERO security, insurance, or inspiration. Most people would rather jump ship than get better. Jumping ship makes you worse, not the same, and certainly not better.  Jumping ship is foolish because now you are even more vulnerable for the next challenge that you will have even less of a clue on how to overcome.  Find out what 98% of the population is doing and do the complete opposite.

youre_better_off_starting_totally_brokeSee the image to the left? This comes from a lady I’m working with who has no money whatsoever. She wrote down on a piece of paper her plan for raising money from no money. She wrote on another smaller piece of paper, the paper you see to the left, a break down of how many days it would take her to come up with enough money to begin putting money to work for her instead of only working for money so she can once and for all solve the problem of having no money in a way that the problem no longer keeps popping back up in her life again. I’m told by other people I’m a pretty cool guy because I’m a guy who is financially free and independent who will actually help people who literally have zero dollars in their bank account. Apparently there are some financial “gurus” who won’t give anyone the time of day unless they already have piles of money. I don’t know about all of that. I’ll help anyone who deserves my time.  I may not require a person to have any money to be worth while for me to spend my time with but I do require they are going to go to work, they are hungry, and they are teachable.   Sadly most people are too ego centric to be any of those qualities and therefore they remain stuck.

The Only industry that makes any sense to start in if you’re broke, almost broke, have no business skills, is the home based business industry because their is far more leverage in this industry than any other.  This industry creates more rags to riches stories and sees more people make Major Breakthroughs financially, spiritually, emotionally, physically, and every other way, than any other industry that exists.  I see it every day in other people.  For me personally it was my starting place when I was broke, no job, no income, almost Homeless, physically weak, emotionally unstable, zero business skills, average C and D student, and no time to do anything outside of what was already sucking up my time.  This was the Only industry that I Could have gotten started in if I wanted to do something Great with my life starting from Totally Broke. Now I’m financially free, independent, retired from the job Racket for life, providing clean quality affordable housing for low to mid income families, starting my own non profit projects to feed starving kids and take care of orphans, all funded 100% by my home business and I’m showing others how to do it too.  Does any of this resonate with you?  Does your heart BLEED to be more and give back more? I cannot make any promises that I will work with you because I do turn people away including people who already have money.

If you are willing to go to work, you’re hungry, and your teachable, watch the video below with your undivided attention for the full fourteen minutes and connect with me over Private Message on Facebook beginning with your primary motivation to private message me.

Have you enjoyed this? Was it helpful in breaking some circular thought patterns you might have been stuck in? Do you know anyone who could benefit from this? Sharing is caring. Share with friends and family. If this was helpful, I would greatly appreciate it if you commented and shared on Facebook and other Social Media, too.

– Tom

By the way.. Change this ONE THING and you can have more to give and be generous by in Multiplication tables ~ You might also enjoy my 31 Ways to Raise Money Now.

If you enjoyed my blog you might LOVE my YouTube video about changing one thing, the direction of your cash-flow, to change Everything:


Live a Genuine Lifestyle that Sets You Free

I don’t have a job anymore and I never will again.  I get paid so much more money just by living my life by my own design as a FREE and joyously happy human being.  So can you if your brain isn’t shut down and closed from an experience in your past that you’ve used to project and rob you of your future and your families future.  You have no idea what it means to be yourself, to enhance the BEST inside of you, and to be able to use who you authentically are to get out of the Job Racket and inspire others around you who feel trapped, too.  I LOVE Freedom but I HATE the way most people try to obtain their freedom by being someone who they are not and turning everyone else off around them.   When you learn to LIVE authentically in the way I’m going to talk about you’ll be surprised at how you really don’t ever think about money because you’ll have more than enough to do all you wanna do, give all you wanna be, have as much time as you wanna have for whatever is most important to you etc.  It’s when you don’t have enough money a person tends to think about money and the problems it’s causing by not having enough of it.

DSC05600So this year I finally found my Birth Family and connected with them!!  I’ve always known that I as adopted because I have the BEST adoptive parents one could ever dream for.  They were always open, honest, and even encouraged me to keep looking for where I came from.  Finally after 35 years and 10 months of living, I found them!  And get this, we all want to build relationships with each other.  How amazing is that?  It’s LIFE CHANGING.  And now I have my FREEDOM to fly back and forth between Wisconsin and Colorado as often as I wish to visit, build those relationships, enjoy life, share life, be part of each others life.. If I still had a job I would not be as free to do this. Not even close.  You know exactly what I’m talking about.  You don’t have to be adopted to know what I’m talking about because you have your own pains, wants, needs, desires, and struggles.  Lack of freedom is a MAJOR hindrance and you know it personally.

Would it be cool if you got to do all you wanna do, be as free as you wanna be, spend more time with people you wanna spend more time with? Does your heart bleed to give back more if only you had more to give? What would all of this feel like to be able to design the life of your dreams and then LIVE it?  Would you share your success over your pains with others to give them inspiration to no longer feel trapped, too?  How would that make you feel if by you creating your own success you started receiving “thank you” letters from people for inspiring them to change their lives?  What would that do for your sense of purpose and relevance during your very limited time on this earth?

Life was not like this for me a few years ago.  I was broke, no job, no opportunity that I could see, I was almost homeless, I had no time.  I couldn’t just hop on a plane to visit with and build a relationship with my new found birth family. I overcame so that I could enjoy these freedoms. Now I share my lifestyle that I get to design with you to inspire you, too. I had pains and struggles I had to overcome.  My over coming them, and sharing them with you in an honest way, inspires who I’m suppose to inspire.  I know that if I had been selfish and not created my own success I would not have been able to inspire who I’m suppose to inspire.  Success is the most selfless thing you can create in your life. Self neglect is selfish especially when self neglect is falsely identified as a personal sacrifice to help someone else.  Selfless success actually rewards you and others around you in synergy.  Let this, or some other story, inspire you so the WAVE of inspiration can continue to move and inspire people to get results that feed the human spirit.  When the human spirit is fed, there is no greater force in the universe. This is when humans can accomplish the most amazing things no matter what.

DSC05695This year, not even one year into our finding each other, my birth mother and I decided to take a dream trip to San Diego, the place where she gave birth to me with the purpose of adopting me out.    See the picture on the left?  That’s my Birth Mother and I standing in front of the hospital where she gave birth to me 36 1/2 years ago.  This time was very different, we left together =)  Our trip started with her flying out to my family in Wisconsin to meet them for the first time.  POWERFUL!  After a few days of visiting here in Wisconsin we hop on a plane to together to San Diego for a few days and rent a car to have an adventure up the pacific coast HWY for a few more days up to West Hollywood.  Just 10 months ago I would NEVER have imagined this would happen.  When I turned 30 I can remember thinking it’s no longer likely I will ever find my birth family. Now that we’ve found each other we get to enjoy life together.

My goal with this blog is to inspire you to do whatever you have to, to obtain your freedom.  It takes money, time, health, and a mindset.  The mindset is the most difficult of them all.  Once you have the mindset then the money, time, and health aspects become so simple.

Most of you, so far, can’t see beyond where you’re at right now.  You can’t look beyond the Zeros in your bank statement. You can’t look beyond the chronic health conditions you have.  You can’t look beyond how little free time you have.  You refuse to look beyond what the eyes can see.  You justify where you’re at by “tellin how it is” and therefore you remain stuck. It’s a nasty circular pattern you’ve allowed yourself to be in for years and years and sometimes you even fight hard to defend what’s kept you stuck. It’s time you SMASH that circular pattern you’ve been justifying all these years.  Isn’t it?

Creating Priceless Memories with my Birth Mother in San Diego..

Have you enjoyed this? Was it helpful in breaking some circular thought patterns you might have been stuck in? Do you know anyone who could use this? Sharing is caring. Share with friends and family. Share & Connect with me on Social Media, too.

– Tom

By the way.. Change this ONE THING and you can have more to give and be generous by in Multiplication tables ~

If you enjoyed my blog you might LOVE my YouTube video about changing one thing, the direction of your cash-flow, to change Everything: