Perpetuating the Human Species to Death or to Life

epicAre we as a human species on a path toward cancelling out our existence through a public policy that encourages how we re produce?

This is incredibly intriguing food for thought and action that goes to the heart of All that is Wrong with Having an “Entitlement” people that now dominates politics and the planet in which we live on…

As a matter of fact, not opinion, there are more people having children who do not have the means to raise them than there are people having children who do have the means to raise them.

This in and of itself is not sustainable and either this will change, or, we will perpetuate our species out of existence.

Anything that is unsustainable that does not become sustainable will die, period.

Before you send hate mail read this and truly understand the message.  Odds are favorable that you and I are on the same page anyway so stick with me here…

For the first time in the worlds history human kind through public policy is working against nature in that it’s no longer building a sustainable gene pool.

Through bad systems of well fare and other public policy human kind is manipulating nature by weeding out the sustainable so the unsustainable can thrive right up until there are no more resources to sustain anyone or anything including the sustainable and responsible.

The unsustainable making poor and selfish decisions are imminently taking out the sustainable and responsible with them.  It’s exactly like a Cancer to the body that siphons nutrients from it’s own host to thrive until the host is dead, and when the host is dead, the cancers dies with it.

Cancer by it’s nature is self sabotaging right to it’s own ultimate demise.   For the first time in world history through public policy and reproduction PEOPLE are self sabotaging a whole human species right to our own ultimate Demise UNLESS we become sustainable before passing a threshold of no return.

We are the only species on the planet doing this.  We are the only species that is a cancer on the planet.

Am I saying Welfare and other subsidies should stop?   No…

I’m Not even saying welfare is a bad idea, but, when you have welfare that largely enables rather than equips then we are fighting nature and that’s why we are ultimately on a path to annihilating the entire human population less we change course and learn to cooperate with nature.

Welfare, and other subsidies and public policy, can be a tool used to equip people rather than enable. 

Sadly MOST people, when given a crutch they don’t need, will take that crutch and cripple themselves with that crutch so badly they will eventually no longer have a choice but to be NEEDY for that crutch, for real.

I know most of you will read my message and understand it for what it is.  I also know SOME of you will interpret my message for what it is not and falsely identify me as someone who would leave the “less fortunate” to the wolves.

It’s the entitlement driven enablers of the world successfully affecting public policy to encourage more enablers that will take resources until they are gone and kill us all in the end.  This is done under the perceived flag of “compassion for all”. That falsely perceived flag of “compassion for all” ironically will be the death to us all.

There is no compassion in giving someone a crutch who does not need a crutch.  The quickest way to cripple a person is to give that person who does not need a crutch, a crutch.   That is cruel and unusual commonly falsely identified as compassion and STEALS from people who truly do need a crutch.

Sadly on one extreme side of the fence we have a few people shouting from the roof tops that all forms of welfare and subsidies should end because it’s SOCIALISM.  Sadly a few people will believe that’s my message, too.   It’s a ridiculous message and just maybe as cruel and unusual as giving out crutches to people who don’t need them.

So the BIG question comes up…

Capitalism or Socialism?

Can you be both Capitalist & Socialist?  The answer is YES!!!

Just so you know… Most people are closet socialists anyway and don’t even know it ESPECIALLY in the United states.  Just ask anyone receiving social security, medicare, a government backed mortgage, a government insured savings account, grants for business or higher education etc..

Plus, you would not seriously say that someone who truly needs free government money because they have ZERO means to do for themselves should be denied, right?  I didn’t think so… But, you do believe when someone is pridefully “milking the system” they should probably have their “free lunch” taken away, right?

Congratulations you are both a Capitalist and a Socialist!

It’s important you recognize you have the intelligence to be both so you’re not perpetuating a very Dangerous message of hardline capitalism or socialism.

“The test of a first rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald…

Hard Line Capitalists and Socialists never look at opposing ideas and they are always wrong…

To be hard core capitalist or socialist is a very poor and lazy mind set that destroys everything it touches…

To be both capitalist and socialist is where True Wealth is with Money and In Every Other way Possible.

My Message to Perpetuate into the world is this…

To compassionately become both capitalist and socialist is the path to turning the unsustainable into sustainable again in which EVERYONE wins.

“If all insects on Earth disappeared, within 50 years all life on Earth would end. If all human beings disappeared from the Earth, within 50 years all forms of life would flourish.”
— Jonas Salk, Biologist

Have you enjoyed this? Was it helpful in breaking some circular thought patterns you might have been stuck in? Do you know anyone who could benefit from this? Sharing is caring. Share with friends and family.

– Tom

Was this helpful? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you commented and shared on Facebook and other Social Media, too. You might also enjoy my 31 Ways to Raise Money Now.

If you enjoyed my blog you might LOVE my YouTube video about changing one thing, the direction of your cash-flow, to change Everything:

Rich Online Marketing That Works Today

andrew carnegieCRIMINALS have too Much Control of the Money Supply…

I’ve created a new Facebook Page SOLELY Dedicated to helping people with a message of GOOD and HEALING to Create Fortunes using Social Media.

I created my First $100,00.00 Online and I’ll Equip You as well If You’ll Let Me..

Point blank this New Page is Catered for people who FLAT OUT want to create Fortunes Using Social Media by NOT being WEIRD & selling useless Stuff to people. If that turns you on Visit, click LIKE, Share, and most importantly INTERACT on the page Posts =) Enjoy..

Regardless how Broke or Rich you already are this will be a Proven resource in creating win / win scenarios for everyone NOT winners and Losers.

I’m excited about this. The track record is already established to make an accurate prediction that this is going to be hugely beneficial for a lot of people with a positive reach FAR BEYOND just the people who Engage on the Page.

After you “like” my new Facebook Page Come back and Enjoy Some FREE Training while Simultaneously helping a very worthy cause of feeding starving kids and rescuing them from global human trafficking rings:

Have you enjoyed this? Was it helpful in breaking some circular thought patterns you might have been stuck in? Do you know anyone who could benefit from this? Sharing is caring. Share with friends and family.

– Tom

Was this helpful? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you commented and shared on Facebook and other Social Media, too. You might also enjoy my 31 Ways to Raise Money Now.

If you enjoyed my blog you might LOVE my YouTube video about changing one thing, the direction of your cash-flow, to change Everything:

Get a Job?!?! – Not to Insult Anyones Values, But…

follow your heartOk so let me get this straight…

You’re suggesting my S E X LIFE should be dictated by someone else…

That I Ask permission for personal time to grieve at a loved ones funeral…  There is something VERY wrong with this set up…

Ask permission when I want to Visit my Birth Family in Colorado… F. U.  I’m seeing them whenever I wish it’s none of your business anyway Mr. Employer face that I will never have to answer to or seek permission from…

Pay a great deal more in taxes (NO THANK YOU. I will actually put more money to work to actually HELP PEOPLE. The government will just waste it while people suffer)…

Shut down all my passive income streams so I can be a SLAVE to Money and the STRESS that comes with THAT lifestyle…

Steal my own Time for Money (That’s pretty stOOpid)..

Get a boss and do what he says even if his decisions are unintelligent…

Work longer hours for less pay (That’s pretty stOOpid too but All these reasons to get job are pretty StOOpid)…

Take fewer and shorter vacations and ask permission to take them (This would Never Work For Me I’m not into Tyranny)…

Throw away my Freedom to be a SLAVE to the Dollar (I have a thing against tyranny)…

Throw away my Security for the Vulnerability of a job that I’ll never own and can be taken away from me at any time at no fault of my own…

Work hard my whole life (For MONEY) only to retire poorer than I was when I was working (PYRAMID SCHEME RACKET)…

No chance to make any more money than the guy at the top of the company even if I outproduce that person (PYRAMID SCHEME PRIMA FACIE)…

Be grateful anytime I’m given a Scooby Treat (Pay Raise, Promotion etc)…

Get a haircut and allow someone else to be supreme ruler over my personal life even if it had nothing to do with job performance (No joke this actually happened once except I didn’t get a hair cut and it got me fired)…

Severely reduce my ability to give back, help the poor, feed the starving, provide Clean Quality housing for lower income families they can afford…

Steal a job position from someone else who actually wants a job…

And on top of all of that… this is what popular opinion construes as Intelligent???

All the reasons to get a job are reasons for me personally to never get a job again.  Any Job that has you working hard your whole life to retire poorer than you were when you were working is a RACKET and a PYRAMID Scheme.  Anything that so severely limits your ability to help others is selfish.

I’m Not telling anyone what to do…

If you intrinsically love having a job you should follow your heart and have the best job you want.  What I am saying is if you depend on a job to nourish yourself and your family then you’re completely ripping yourself and your family off.  It makes no sense to depend on a job for your security or income.

I LOVE Mobilizing People who have some Fire in the Belly to become FREE from a neediness for a paycheck from a job.

I don’t write this to offend your values. I write this to challenge your belief about what you think you know so you can make a Major Breakthrough that leads you to improving the quality of your life.

Have you enjoyed this? Was it helpful in breaking some circular thought patterns you might have been stuck in? Do you know anyone who could benefit from this? Sharing is caring. Share with friends and family.

– Tom

Was this helpful? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you commented and shared on Facebook and other Social Media, too. You might also enjoy my 31 Ways to Raise Money Now.

If you enjoyed my blog you might LOVE my YouTube video about changing one thing, the direction of your cash-flow, to change Everything:

To Participate or Not in the Job Racket…

follow your heartYou don’t have to be out in field seeking employment…

Or working for someone else unless you like that sort of thing..

I could still be participating in the Job Racket.  In August of 2007 I made a different decision than most people make so now I live a different lifestyle than most people live…

And that decision, in America and much of the world anyway, is free for anyone to make.  So we all have to take responsibility for where we are at and then realize we can draw a line in the sand any time we wish. YOU can draw a line anytime you wish…

But then the questions follow…

What will it be that sells and fuels your financial situation?

Answer: A passive income.  It’s the only kind that creates any freedom. Ordinary earned income takes your freedom away and makes you a slave to the dollar that you have to continuously keep stealing time away from yourself and family or you stop getting paid and then the lights in your home get shut off.

Passive income means you get paid regardless of how you spend your time.  Passive income gives you your Freedom of time to spend your time however you wish. You can put your focus and your energy on creating experiences rather than how the bills will be paid.

I get an optional 360 days paid time off per year.  I never “have to” work . I’m covered now. It took me two and a half years of ground work to get that going.  That’s the Speed of Light compared to the 40 year plan and that plan has a person retiring poorer than they were when they were working anyway.

The 40 year job plan is a financial racket.

ANYTHING that demands you work hard your whole life only to retire poorer than you were when you were working is a Racket in my opinion.  And as if that is not bad enough, you will lose more of your money through taxes than in any other type of income.

The more money you make at a job the more you lose to taxes. People who depend on Job Income can Never Get Ahead.

Mainstream school of thought sells you on getting a higher paying job.  Financially that makes no sense to get a higher paying job.  The more money you make with this type of income the more nourishment you steal from your family.

You’re literally penalized the more money you make with this INSIDIOUS type of income from a job.

Mainstream school teaches you to make more of this income type. I recommend mainstream school can be a valuable resource for PART of your education, however, if you get your financial education from mainstream school then you’ll use your other skills to steal from your family.

I recommend looking at the Rich Dad Education Resources for your financial education.

A participant in my 30 Days to Profit Training Sequence commented to me that participating in my Training is like being in my “pocket” so they can observe closer and see how exactly I created freedom from being needy for a job and even how I bought my house in cash.

Her comment made me think… Especially when another friend, who is not participating in my profit training sequence, told me she wanted to be in “my pocket” to observe and see how I’m doing it.

Being “in my pocket” is kinda the idea behind how I designed my profit training sequence…

I record my screen with pictures, videos, sounds, so that others can see, LEARN, DO, and Follow Along.

I invest in a lot of really cool tools so I can give my participants the BEST learning experience possible.  This also saves my participants from having to make these investments by leveraging what I’ve already set up for them.  This can make duplicating what I’ve accomplished much easier for people to create their own freedom.

My Profit Training Sequence can save a person Massive Amounts of Time and Money in creating their own freedom.

If you have questions… Look me up on social media and Ask…

I’m happy to answer them.

Have you enjoyed this? Was it helpful in breaking some circular thought patterns you might have been stuck in? Do you know anyone who could benefit from this? Sharing is caring. Share with friends and family.

– Tom

Was this helpful? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you commented and shared on Facebook and other Social Media, too. You might also enjoy my 31 Ways to Raise Money Now.

If you enjoyed my blog you might LOVE my YouTube video about changing one thing, the direction of your cash-flow, to change Everything:

Job Money is the Worst Money that Exists & the Most Commonly Depended on…

winter_backgroundThe paycheck you steal your time for every week is the most Insidious Pyramid Scheme ever developed against human kind and you’ve positioned yourself and your family to depend on it to live.

Hear me out because I know I just jolted your foundation a little bit…

Their is No Such Thing as Good Money at a Job even if they pay you a thousand dollars an hour..

Mainstream thinking Sells You that it’s smart to get a high paying job. The only pathway to that conclusion is you haven’t learned how money works..

Loving your job, if you’re one of those people who loves that sort of thing, is totally cool.. But to cite a job as a “Good” source of money means it’s time to learn about money so you can live better without stress about problems stemming from money problems..

I know the first thing you’re thinking is…”Well I have to pay bills and feed my family”. I’m just letting you know there are other types of incomes out there you can take care of your family with. A Job income just happens to be the WORST one out there. You’d like to know, right?

W2 JOB income Steals money and nourishment from your family and puts your family at the highest risk of losing everything. You can’t get ahead this way and whatever you do have is at the highest risk possible.

Job Income steals money from your family via the tax code. The entire tax code is written against employees. The more you make the more you’re penalized through taxes. If you depend on your job for income your biggest liability your whole life will be taxes and you’ll never get ahead.

In order to keep getting paid you have to keep stealing time from yourself and from your family. If you quit or get fired you don’t get any more.

Do you see the MAJOR problems with that?

It boils down to you are a slave to money. Money is your master if you depend on this type of income. They don’t teach this in school so don’t be hard on yourself for not knowing this.

The ONLY income type that gives you any freedom is Passive income…

Any other type of income requires your continuous time or you stop getting paid.

Passive income gets the bulk of the Tax Breaks and more importantly this type of income is not tied to your time. That means you can be with your family, take trips, do more philanthropy, you can spend your time how ever you wish creating experiences regardless if they pay or don’t pay and you will be more than covered financially.

You can start broke, homeless, too much month at the end of the money, you can have a bad history that no employer would ever hire you knowing about, passive income does not judge you, its not prejudice, it rewards you based on value rather than entitlement, it doesn’t care if you dropped out of grade school, and the tax breaks are in place for you.

When I heard about passive income I stopped what I was doing to pour myself into learning about it and implementing it FAST.

It took me two and a half years to become free. Two and a half years is the speed of light compared to the forty year plan and the forty year plan has you retiring poorer than you were when you were working anyway.  That is a RACKET to have you work hard your whole life only to retire poorer than you were when you were working.

All jobs are Pyramid Schemes.

If you’re one of those who likes having a job do it because you love the job not for the money because that makes no sense to have a job for the money.

My next 30 days to profit training sequence in my Private facebook group begins on the 1st of every month. Privately write me on facebook if you’d like to know more about that.

Enjoy the Video I made on this topic matter at Container Park in Las Vegas Nevada..

Have you enjoyed this? Was it helpful in breaking some circular thought patterns you might have been stuck in? Do you know anyone who could benefit from this? Sharing is caring. Share with friends and family.

– Tom

Was this helpful? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you commented and shared on Facebook and other Social Media, too. You might also enjoy my 31 Ways to Raise Money Now.

If you enjoyed my blog you might LOVE my YouTube video about changing one thing, the direction of your cash-flow, to change Everything:

65 is the new 40… Or 20?

65 is the new 40

The lady in the picture doesn’t spend her time how most people spend their time =)

TYPICAL ACHES AND PAINS DON’T COME WITH AGE (that Lie is perpetuated by big PhRMA so they can manipulate you into giving them your Cash along with your health)…

Age exposes you for daily slight error in judgements in how you treat your mind, body, and spirit.

If you Learn from your mistakes you can create a whole different future than your past. Age can Reward you and give you YOUTH as you get older.

You can draw a line in the sand anytime you wish  =)

Want some help in getting started on your new BETTER journey?  I put together some valuable resources that others have used to Successfully Reclaim their health no matter what was already going on.  See if there is anything for you:  Hover over “Get Healthy” and dig around…

Have you enjoyed this? Was it helpful in breaking some circular thought patterns you might have been stuck in? Do you know anyone who could benefit from this? Sharing is caring. Share with friends and family.

– Tom

Was this helpful? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you commented and shared on Facebook and other Social Media, too. You might also enjoy my 31 Ways to Raise Money Now.

If you enjoyed my blog you might LOVE my YouTube video about changing one thing, the direction of your cash-flow, to change Everything:

Shortcuts Really Do Exist Contrary to Popular Commercially Digestible “Guru” Wisdom

tombirkenmeyercomIf you could go back in time would you have done things differently with having the advantage of what you know today?

You know what’s GREAT about having the advantage of what you know today? You don’t have to go back in time to apply what you’ve learned all these years. You can start figuring out a way to implement those lessons for LIVING for today.

Simple concept , right?  It’s also simple to over look… 

I’m getting to the SHORTCUT stick with me..

Keeping your focus on living in the past will trap you where you’re at. You’ll feel stuck and hopeless.  You know what you know for a reason.  So why not build on that and implement that for how you live for today and tomorrow?

By default as a human being you’re going to slip and make mistakes.  Some people live in the past about what they would have done differently if only they could go back in time and they really never seem to have any long term happiness.  Others unleash how far they’ve come and LIVE for Today.   They seem to have more long term happiness  =)

Develop the Wisdom to recognize mistakes QUICKLY so you can make corrections just as fast.  Ya know what?  Corrections will never ever stop.  We just grow better at the correction process with Intention…

Some people never learn to catch their mistakes early on so they can make the corrections.  Others train their brain to be acutely aware so they can recognize and correct FAST which dramatically shortens the time it takes for someone to achieve their goals and dreams.

I’m getting to the shortcut…  =)

Without mistakes it’s hard to know what to correct.  The feedback we get from our mistakes are priceless because every mistake we make gives us opportunity to hone in and Craft a way to get what we’ve decided is really important to us.

Sadly some people see mistakes as a bad thing.  If they are living in the past and not learning anything then mistakes are pretty devastating.  For people who see mistakes as feedback to hone in on an craft a better way these mistakes not only become necessary but we become ANXIOUS and EAGER to go out and make as many mistakes as we can as fast as we can because that is the “Shortcut” we are told that does not exist.

The short cut does exist and it’s in our mistakes and how we LEVERAGE them!

Mistakes, challenges, errors, set backs, the “phone call” with bad news, lifes struggles that are no fault of our own and all of the above to the enlightened person are all various forms of feedback to use as points of LEVERAGE to get the emotional strength, the skills and whatever else we need to be able to get what we want.

LEVERAGE is actually the real shortcut.  Leverage can be found in EVERYTHING not just in our mistakes and challenges. Leverage can be found and utilized in wisdom, time, money, debt, properties, duplication, business, people, relationships, laws, nature, technology, equities, an up economy, a down economy, being broke, being rich, being poor, value, etc..

The more you Leverage the Greater the shortcut and the shorter amount of time it takes you to achieve whatever you want.

Enjoy this fun short video I took in the Breath Taking Mountainous Desert just outside of Las Vegas Nevada about Leveraging Challenges to make you stronger:

Have you enjoyed this? Was it helpful in breaking some circular thought patterns you might have been stuck in? Do you know anyone who could benefit from this? Sharing is caring. Share with friends and family.

– Tom

Was this helpful? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you commented and shared on Facebook and other Social Media, too. You might also enjoy my 31 Ways to Raise Money Now.

If you enjoyed my blog you might LOVE my YouTube video about changing one thing, the direction of your cash-flow, to change Everything: