Face-broke & time waster or do you see facebook as a platform of impact to reach the entire world?

Neat lil Acronym for you who like to Learn…

G.R.O.W. to get the most out of your learning experiences by keeping these ideas front and center in your mind.

Goal: What are you trying to improve or achieve?

Reality: Where are you now? What’s working? What’s holding you back?

Opportunities: What are your areas of strength and how can you play to those strengths more?

Way forward: How are you going to handle challenges? What are your next steps?

What I love MOST about this acronym are the questions involved. These questions are rooted in unleashing the power of your mind to be RICH AND CREATIVE in a search for answers rather than excuses. It also helps battle laziness. When you are lazy it’s easy to settle and find excuses. When you’re on the search for answers it forces your mind to become rich and creative and to battle against laziness.

If you’re poor, middle, rich, have NO time, lots of time, if you have Zero skills, lots of skills, if you have a bad past, a great past…. It’s time to G.R.O.W.

Feel free to share =)


P.s. If you’d like to work with me I don’t charge any fees I’m not going to sell you something you don’t want or need: http://workwithtom.fireyourboss.xyz

follow your heart

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Was this helpful? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you commented and shared on Facebook and other Social Media, too. You might also enjoy Fire Your Boss & 31 Ways to Raise Money Now.

If you enjoyed my blog you might LOVE my YouTube video about changing one thing, the direction of your cash-flow, to change Everything:

Twelve 9/11s Happen Every Year in our System of Health Care(less)

36 thousand people died last year and every year because they don’t have health insurance in America. Just let that sink in for a second. 9/11 was a little under 3,000 people. That’s twelve 911s per year. This is not a spectacular event. It doesn’t have it at 36,000 people at once. We just ignore it but it is a fact it happens every year. People in other countries don’t understand what that means. They’re like, wait, I don’t get it, you just let people die? And our answer in America seems vicious and deeply immoral to them because yeah we just let them die.

People who come into the emergency room in America right before they die. They never came in for checkups because they have no insurance so we never caught their disease so they come into the emergency room to die and that’s what we have here in America so let’s just acknowledge the depth of the depth of the problem.

Some talk about it would cost too much to insure everyone. No, NO it’s the exact opposite of the truth that’s why it’s maddening that this wasn’t covered by cable news outlets! The reality is it costs nine thousand eight hundred dollars per person in america for every person. Other countries have a health care system measured by doctors and experts that is demonstrably better than ours. They have better health care by how much it costs them and in results. If it costs ninety eight hundred dollars per person for us it must cost other countries what maybe fifteen thousand? No, four thousand six hundred! We cost nine thousand eight hundred to get worse results they cost four thousand six hundred and get better results so why are we doing this??????

And our doctors spend half their time filling out insurance forms. Bureaucracy we’ere talking about a bureaucracy! All they do is deal with insurance companies! Hey my patient is dying for gods sake can I give them some sort of treatment??? Well I don’t know you fill out the forms and have them fill out the forms and we’ll see what happens.

Some guy comes in and he’s got a four dollar deductible the next person comes in has the same exact problem has a twelve hundred dollar deductible so one of them gets to live the other one gets to die because he doesn’t have twelve hundred dollars. Other countries have no deductibles, no premiums, no co-pays.

Just think about that for a second and what a sigh of relief we would all have as a country. Some say covering everyone is not practical. No OUR SYSTEM as it is now is not practical it’s the most expensive it is double what almost all developed countries pay for and we get worse results and we stress ourselves out about how we are going to afford it. Other countries have no deductibles, no premiums, no co-pays, and no insurance forms to fill out.

This one actually got to me the most I don’t know why but no medical bankruptcies so no one has to ever worry if they got hit with cancer am I gonna lose my house am I gonna lose my business?? Hey my mom or my wife or my uncle had a stroke are we all finished? Are we all done because we all have to put all of our money in to try to save their life and then we’ve lost our house? The rest of the developed world is asking what kind of a monstrous system says you get a health care problem and you don’t have the right insurance you picked the wrong thing etc and that’s it bankruptcy.

The good thing is we don’t have to invent a new system we already have it it’s medicare and it is among the top two most popular programs in the entire country. Social Security is number one. Medicare is number two. All we have to do is let other people in expand it from 65 and older to everyone. We already have a system that works and that’s incredibly popular so people are racing to get to 65. People are working at jobs they don’t want to work at because it has decent health insurance. Some people go back to work out of retirement because a family member gets sick so they have to hang in their until they turn 65. Why do we ask the whole country to wait till they are 65? We already have the system why don’t we just let everyone in so you can have a little bit of relief? And again its cheaper so it makes no sense not to do it.

Here’s why we don’t do it. The PhRMA industry alone, not the rest of healthcare, just the PhRMA industry and not in campaign contributions, just in lobbying, spends 3.6 BILLION dollars a year so that’s why we don’t have a far more rational system that costs less that covers people better that allows us relief and decency and equality.

Other countries treat poor people, middle, and rich people the same they all get health care. Imagine if in America we were all treated equally and it actually cost less money and the only reason we don’t is because we have an insane system where we allow Private PhRMA companies to spend billions of dollars corrupting our system through lobbying campaign contributions. The NUMBER ONE donors are not the oil companies. They’re not the banks. It’s the PhRMA companies and lo and behold they have monopolies.

The one problem with Medicare is because the government is so bought and corrupt by these companies that medicare is not allowed to negotiate with drug companies. What do you mean you can’t negotiate with drug companies? You represent the people how could the companies rule the people????

Well that’s what we have in America and that’s why we have the disastrous system that we do.

We know that government bureaucrats know how to bring down the number from age 65 to 1 or zero because they keep pitching raising social security eligibility. They keep calling medicare for all a pie in the sky idea but it’s not it’s fundamentally pragmatic. We don’t have to pay any more money to get health care for everybody in the USA. We have to keep pushing that single payer doesnt cost any more money thats the thing people need to remember and that it saves money because you no longer have deductibles, premiums, or co-pays.

The effect of income inequality on health care outcomes is real because the greater the income disparity the worse the health is for the poor.

Health care costs is the tapeworm in the belly of our economy it’s actually hurting our businesses it’s not helping them. It actually creates an incentive for companies to be more immoral. I’m going to be a decent person and pay for my employees health care but the guy next door doesnt pay for their health care go get medicaid instead and put it on the tax payers, now they have a competitiveness advantage over me because I actually care about my workers I want to make sure that they have health care. That is an INSANE system. We should not have that system.

We are subsidizing the walton family because walmart paid the wages of their workers so low they know that they’ve got to go to medicaid and we pay for their workers and then they use that to drive mom and pop businesses out of business in the middle of america.

So none of this makes any sense. We’ve got to change the system. Luckily the answer is really simple we already have medicare all you have to do is say now everyone is eligible instead of just people over the age of 65.

– Transcribed this from a Young Turks Video. You can find “The Young Turks” on youtube and google searches.


Life is about having the FREEDOM to do whatever you’d like whenever you’d like

You get to decide your balances.

You decide who you LOVE and How.

Who you surround yourself with & who you distance yourself from.

Life SHOULD be about creating experiences NOT how bills will be paid.

I started advancing my personal Liberty and Freedom over a decade ago.

All that’s required to do it is an INNATE desire to learn something new.

It sounds so cliche and trite but it’s not.

Something MAGICAL happens when you INNATELY CRAVE learning something new.

You begin to fight back against your excuses and procrastinations because now it’s all about figuring stuff out.

Excuses shuts down your mind to possibilities—you don’t have to think. It is a poor and lazy mindset.

ACTION ORIENTED LEARNING opens up your mind, forcing you to think and search for answers. It is a rich and creative mindset.

Most important, an INNATE DESIRE to learn something new and figure stuff out releases the potential of your human spirit to battle with the lazy mindset.

Most people think rationalizing their excuses and procrastinations teaches them to battle greed, but really it teaches you to find excuses, which leads to laziness.

If Liberty and Freedom is your calling you have to be IN LOVE head-over-heals with Learning something new and you’re excuses won’t hold you back any longer.

Comment below with something you’ve found that helps you battle against excuses?

If you love health and fitness like I do and interested in advancing your own freedom and liberty to do whatever you’d like when you’d like feel free to ask me what Ive been doing for over a decade. If you see it as a good fit for you we will do it together.


P.s. If you’d like to work with me I don’t charge any fees I’m not going to sell you something you don’t want or need: http://workwithtom.fireyourboss.xyz

follow your heart

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Was this helpful? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you commented and shared on Facebook and other Social Media, too. You might also enjoy Fire Your Boss & 31 Ways to Raise Money Now.

If you enjoyed my blog you might LOVE my YouTube video about changing one thing, the direction of your cash-flow, to change Everything:

I’m a social Capitalist..

because I think and make Nuances =)

Checks and Balances.

Capitalism works best when its checked and balanced by socialism. Socialism works best when its checked and balanced by capitalism.

Hard line capitalists and socialists are equally wrong and equally as mentally lazy. They are one or the other so they no longer have to think and figure out where we should be more leaning one way over the other.

Intelligent and thoughtful debates are about where those nuances should exist and how and where they should be balanced.

I’m neither a capitalist or a socialist. I’m a social Capitalist =)

Depending on the issue I could be a socialist or I could be a capitalist.

I feel the same about big vs small government.

I don’t want to shut off my critical thinking faculties and claim one or the other.

What’s the issue? Then I can tell you if I believe big or small government is the best answer for a solution.

A staple of our constitution and other founding documents is a system of checks and balances. There is no such thing as an unlimited freedom. Each and EVERY amendment has checks and balances and our responsibility is to debate about where those checks and balances should be.

We do ourselves and others around us a dangerous dis service when we shut off our brain and throw everything under the same blanket.

Make America smart again.

Feel free to share these great critical thinking points never talked about by capitalists or socialists.


P.s. If you’d like to work with me I don’t charge any fees I’m not going to sell you something you don’t want or need: http://workwithtom.fireyourboss.xyz

follow your heart

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Was this helpful? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you commented and shared on Facebook and other Social Media, too. You might also enjoy Fire Your Boss & 31 Ways to Raise Money Now.

If you enjoyed my blog you might LOVE my YouTube video about changing one thing, the direction of your cash-flow, to change Everything:

Boomerang Generation Problem Solver

The “Boomerang Generation” (according to wikipedia) is a term applied in Western culture to young adults graduating high school and college in the 21st century. They are so named for the percentage of whom choose to share a home with their parents after previously living on their own—thus boomeranging back to their parents’ residence.

This is a significant piece of my own story. I’ve talked about how I was reduced to needing my parents for my survival all over again as an adult like I did when I was a baby and all of the self loathing and intense depression that came with it.

Nobody has asked me to talk more about it until now =)

The gut reaction is “Tom not everyone has their parents to go back to maybe if I did I could be successful like you”.

10 times out of 10 times there is someone who had it worse than you who figured it out and teaches us who love to learn new things.  They teach us that where a person starts is NEVER the common denominator of where a person finishes.  The common denominators between people who’ve successfully become financially free and free to live their lives on their own terms I’ll talk to you about in the video down below.  This is more than important because before I figured out these common denominators it didn’t matter what my situation was I was not progressing in my life.  It wasn’t til after I figured out these common denominators I began solving my problems.  It’s the same common denominators that marks where you’re at right now as irrelevant to where you Finnish.

Some people start rich and finish poor.  Some people start poor and finish rich.  Many more people toggle back and fourth between rich and poor until finishing rich or poor.

So what is the common denominator between all who finish rich if they’ve come from all walks of lifes challenges?   I’ll talk to you abou that in the video.

The questions posted to me I’ll copy / paste and ill dedicate this whole blog post to the answers and how to solve that problem for other current boomerangs and anyone else interested for that matter in unshackling themselves from the dollar to live free.

The questions copied and pasted:

“Did you live out on your own when you started this process? Or did you still live with your parents? Do you think that made a difference if you still lived at home? And if you were out on your own, how did you pay all your bills for the time you were jobless? Until your business started generating income to live off of.”

Enjoy this video where I answer these questions and I will talk to you about the Common Denominators I mentioned above..

I’ll copy / paste the blog post that inspired the questions just because it’s a great blog post and always inspires someone to tell me they are inspired to take action on their dreams:

Once and a while someone who reads some of my blogs about how I bought my house in cash and get to travel BITCHED AT ME because “not everyone can be lucky like you, Tom”.

Here is what always annoys me when someone makes the “luck” statement about me vs. them…

I started my process of being able to do these things when I had no job, no income, no unemployment benefits, no free time, no energy, no resources, no tools, straight Ds in Grade School Special Ed Classes, I rode the “short buts”, No skills, No good experience..

I did not have luck on my side.

Here’s the difference..

I stopped being lazy about my problems and started to figure stuff out.

It wasn’t having things that made the difference because I didn’t have things.

I don’t have the background or a lotto ticket.

I didnt have income, time, or skill so I figured out how to come up with income, time, and learn new skills.

I worked on these things not once and a while, but 7 days a week until I emerged a free human being WITHOUT a Job.

I wanted financial freedom because it’s the one thing that affects all other things.

Financial freedom is Time freedom.

I choose teachers over television.
I chose to invest rather than spend.
I chose veggies over cake most of the time.
I teach as I learn so you take action with me.
I drink my superfoods shake daily.

Now that I’m a free human being I choose to travel instead of have a job, be free of consumer debt, own my house so I have no mortgage and no rent, I fired my boss, I LOVE teaching stuff in my videos and blogs, I love creating my own random adventures and being a Free Spirit without shackles to the dollar.

This doesn’t have to be what healthy and FREEDOM looks like for you… but don’t lessen my hard work to make yourself feel better.

I can do things physically people half my age can’t do and I’m more free with my time than people twice my age and I plan to keep showing up to show YOU what’s possible to inspire You who wants to take action.

When you say, “I can’t _____ because xyz” what you’re really saying is “I lack the creativity and ingenuity to figure stuff out”.

Remember to look at how far you’ve come and build on that!

Learn some new skills from the right teachers and mentors and take action on what you learn.

Find out what most people are doing, how they think, how they make excuses, how they spend their time and money, how they say NO to opportunity and YES to being Wage Slaves, and DO THE EXACT OPPOSITE.

If you’re sincerely interested in what I did to create health and freedom feel free to facebook inbox me.

Share if you’d like.


P.s. If you’d like to work with me I don’t charge any fees I’m not going to sell you something you don’t want or need: http://workwithtom.fireyourboss.xyz

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Was this helpful? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you commented and shared on Facebook and other Social Media, too. You might also enjoy Fire Your Boss & 31 Ways to Raise Money Now.

If you enjoyed my blog you might LOVE my YouTube video about changing one thing, the direction of your cash-flow, to change Everything:

I like Oprah, but, I would not vote for her to be president and here is why

We have no idea what she stands for on policy specifics! We only know she is a nice lady who is for good things and against bad things. Where does she stand on Private money in politics? On medicare for all? On ending the wars? On a new new deal with a green tech revolution? On ending the drug war? On POLICIES that actually affect our lives? WE HAVE NO IDEA. Does she even know about things like the Deep state? Glass steagall? About our drone strike program that 90% of the time kills innocent people? Most americans don’t know these things but they effect Everything in various ways.

Our culture is mentally challenged when it comes to the currency we give toward celebrity status.

I think Oprah is a wonderful lady so I’m not putting her down. I’m saying I wish the average person in this country would become more interested in POLICY SPECIFICS and other things that actually affect us. From there we can have disagreements and agreements and we can move toward a more perfect union for real.

Oprah isn’t the only celebrity being floated for president. There are quite a few others and we have no idea where ANY of them stand on any policy specifics. Politicians aren’t screwing over the country we are doing that ourselves we really are. Let’s draw a line in the sand and become interested in policy specifics so we can DESERVE a congress that actually represents us =)

Feel free to chime in… Any personal attacks against anyone I will most likely delete so be MATURE passionate adults please.

We have just one party creating an illusion of two parties. Dems and Repubs have MOST of the same donors so they are working for most of the same people. We have a system of legalized bribery. They don’t represent us. YOU cannot compete with their Billion dollar donors so naturally they are not going to represent you. Get all the private money OUT so we can have a functioning Representative democracy. Where is oprah on this issue? And all other policy specifics? The one party we have is the MONEY party. The money party created the illusion of Dems vs republicans. I LOVE making money but it should not be in our politics. If you don’t create opportunity for yourself then you are screwed. That’s one big reason I’m harping on creating your own passive and residual money and getting out from underneath depending on a job to pay bills and eat. Having a job to depend on for money is the single most self sabotaging thing people do and ALMOST everyone does it. Few will draw a line in the sand and start LEARNING how to get out from underneath their pyramid scam nonsense.


P.s. If you’d like to work with me I don’t charge any fees I’m not going to sell you something you don’t want or need: http://workwithtom.fireyourboss.xyz

follow your heart

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Was this helpful? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you commented and shared on Facebook and other Social Media, too. You might also enjoy Fire Your Boss & 31 Ways to Raise Money Now.

If you enjoyed my blog you might LOVE my YouTube video about changing one thing, the direction of your cash-flow, to change Everything:

Boobs and Brains

The question is, what turns you on the most? Discuss below after reading my entire rationale behind my answer.

The “Brains” part of the answer represents the macro picture of how she thinks, how she feels inside, how she expresses herself, and over all the non physical part of her being. What a POWERFUL connection it can be with another human being to have a beautiful connection of the non physical minds.

The “Boobs” part of the answer represents the macro picture of how she appears physically. I love the whole physical body but I’ve always been particularly infatuated with womens beautiful breasts so I chose “Boobs” in reference to her whole physical body. Boobs, in my opinion, are an ultimate physical sign of femininity and nurturing.

Some people dismiss the physical and only give mind to the non physical in an effort to claim a moral high ground. In my opinion this does not make any sense to ignore either the physical or non physical because in this experience of life on earth there is a relationship between the physical and the non physical. Between the soul and the body. Between metaphysical and empirical. This is true in everything not just in people. So knowing about these relationships between the physical and non physical I want to enjoy both individually and together at the same time. In the next life we shed the physical for only the non physical so it will be different. But as for now in this experience I EMBRACE my love for both BOOBS AND BRAINS and I feel GREAT about that.

To take it one step further.. There is something magical like when there is a certain kind of non physical chemistry, that is, she becomes more physically beautiful than I originally thought because the mind connection is so over powering it heightens the physical connection, too. This has only happened once in my life, so far.

Likewise the reverse has happened where the body becomes less attractive the more I learn about her mind.

I love both the mind and the body but for me personally the mind dominates the body even still.

feel free to share this. I think it’s an incredibly interesting topic open for discussion and different points of views.


P.s. If you’d like to work with me I don’t charge any fees I’m not going to sell you something you don’t want or need: http://workwithtom.fireyourboss.xyz

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Was this helpful? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you commented and shared on Facebook and other Social Media, too. You might also enjoy Fire Your Boss & 31 Ways to Raise Money Now.

If you enjoyed my blog you might LOVE my YouTube video about changing one thing, the direction of your cash-flow, to change Everything:

Cover Yourself and Be Where you Need to be When you Need to be

When I was caring for my dad before he passed on to heaven, and still currently my aging mom, I enjoy telling people I don’t need to worry about my bills and food I am covered because of passive and residual income I created years ago. I can spend time with them, take them to appointments, be there for them as I need and want to me. I get to be where my heart needs to be instead of at a job. I get to do what I want when I want and I don’t have to run it past a gatekeeper at some job where someone else gets to say yes or no.

This kind of FREEDOM is what I wish for you. I want you to emerge at a place in the future where you can be where you need to be when you need to be without having to run a dayum thing by a gatekeeper who has the power over your income and your life to say yes or no.

Passive and residual income is the ultimate form of leveraged income. It’s also the ultimate insurance, the ultimate safety and security, and the ultimate spring board if their are other interesting projects you’ve always dreamed of doing regardless if it pays something or pays nothing at all. Maybe the projects you’ve dreamed of for years costs you money! Maybe it’s charity work. It’s whatever you want it to be. Passive and residual money (leveraged income) is your BEST springboard to make your dreams come true.

Leveraged income is passive and residual income, that is, it’s money that pays you with or without your personal involvement so you can have your time back to do whatever you want with and when you have your time back you have your LIFE back. The opposite of this type of income is ordinary earned income. Ordinary earned income is income you get from your job and MOST self employed people also only have ordinary earned income. The result of this type of income is a severe lack of freedom of time because this type of income requires your personal involvement. Anything that requires your personal involvement requires your time. The moment you clock out you stop getting paid until you clock back in again. If you lose your job, even at no fault of your own, your income turns off for good unless you find another job then it starts all over again with only getting paid when you’re on the clock. For most self employed, they don’t really own a business as much as their business owns them. They can never leave it, take a trip, go on vacation, because if they do they stop getting paid. If they have a person cover for them while they are away this is a low form of leverage because it may not be the same while they are gone and could be more costly for them depending on what happens while they are taking their well deserved break.

I’m going to equip YOU WHO ARE INTERESTED to be able to do that. From here it’s up to you to see it through, follow through, never give up, be a daily self starter CONSISTENTLY including the days you don’t feel like it, and it’s up to you to hold yourself personally responsible for everything including for how you respond to people who break promises and how you respond to any difficult “wrench” life throws at you because all of these undesirables are part of LIFE. It’s not if but when, how often, and how intense the setbacks in their various forms will be.

Life has a funny way of weeding people out who are more like clowns about their goals and dreams, waiting for life to suddenly become easy before they are willing to become successful. They will never become successful. Life will never stop and become easy just so someone can be successful. I’m not pointing fingers. I personally use to have that philosophy of waiting for things to become easy. I swapped that dumb philosophy out for a better one and only then I was able to put myself on a better path that eventually set me free some two and a half years later. Two and a half years may seem like a long time but I was able to do it in my spare time. So will you no matter how much or how little time you have right now so you can have more free time later. Two and a half years to retire richer instead of poorer is the speed of light compared to working over 40 years to retire poorer than richer. I call this the 2 – 5 year plan. Most people fall within that window. Some do it sooner than 2 years and some take longer than 5 years. Even if it takes a person ten years it’s still worth it by far and away. The better you get at learning leveraged income the more quickly you can emerge at a point in the future where you can have the option of walking away from your job or any ordinary earned income all together and that is the goal! Thats the goal that affects all other goals and dreams.

How many more of the things you’d rather be doing would you be able to do if you could clone yourself not once, or twice, but as many times as you wanted to clone yourself? What would you be able to do? How would life look? How would that feel? Who’d benefit with you with that kind of freedom?

The difficulty for everyone, including myself when I first started, is we are addicted to a paycheck. We put in time we expect a paycheck. We’ve been conditioned to expect an automatic paycheck our entire lives through our schools, media, politicians, 98% of our environment is one big brain washing machine designed to keep us chained and shackled to the dollar. Most people cannot handle another way and will quit if they don’t see an immediate paycheck for their efforts. It’s all part of our social programming because our society wants obedient unquestionable workers.

Free thinking people will break that terrible social conditioning. That’s who I like working with. Free thinking people open to a better way than being chained and shackled obediently to the dollar.

Through consistently and sharpening your skills and personal philosophy you will start getting paid leveraged income. It will start small. You will do all kinds of things you won’t get paid for. As you SEE THIS THROUGH you can begin getting paid large amounts of money for what you started, nutured, and grew in the past.

Imagine starting something new with an intrinsic fire in your belly to LEARN SOMETHING NEW and it generates passive residual leveraged income for the rest of your life. You never have to be chained and shackled to the dollar ever again. Can you imagine how that could change your life? Can you imagine how you’d spend the TIME FREEDOM that would open up for you because all your bills and all your expenses of all kinds are covered now?

If you’re at all interested feel free to pm me.

If you want to learn something new and something better than you’ve learned in the past feel free to fb inbox me.

Share this if you’d like.


P.s. If you’d like to work with me I don’t charge any fees I’m not going to sell you something you don’t want or need: http://workwithtom.fireyourboss.xyz

follow your heart

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Was this helpful? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you commented and shared on Facebook and other Social Media, too. You might also enjoy Fire Your Boss & 31 Ways to Raise Money Now.

If you enjoyed my blog you might LOVE my YouTube video about changing one thing, the direction of your cash-flow, to change Everything: