Use Your Failures to Invoke Some Massive Success In Your Life

This philosophy dramatically helped me  see my dreams come true.  See if it can help you to.

It’s not what happens to you that determines your destination its the set of your sail that determines your destination. Another way to put it is… It’s not what happens to you that determines the way your life turns out it’s how you respond to what happens to you that determines how your life turns out.

If you get burned by a false promise, a person, an entity, it will kill you or grow you depending on how you respond.

You’ve been burned before. We all have. Some of us die others grow beyond anything we could imagine.  Let all your experiences teach you.  The lessons found in our failures is so incredibly powerful if we take the lesson and apply what we learn.

Welcome all new experiences the good with the bad because the same walls that drive out sadness also drive out happiness. Not only that but they also drive out opportunity to make the discoveries you need to make to get everything you want. Walls are murder to your dreams and once that happens life is over.

When you make a mistake and totally mess something up, because it’s not if but when, let it teach you. EVERY event in response to an action validates if that was the right or the wrong action. The more mistakes you make the more you learn what not to do and the closer you come to FAILING YOUR WAY FORWARD TO THE TOP. That’s how I did it. You can do it to. I know you can. In fact I promise you that you can. The universe guarantees it!


P.S. A Quote from Lindsay Matway, “You MUST come to terms with and create a space in your life to fail, but large enough to fail-forward, not fall complacent… Remember that even a championship thoroughbred must first be broken to arrive at its destiny. It’s in the journey to become what you think you want, that you actually become who you are destined to be!”

Megadeth A Tout Le Monde


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