$1350.13 surprise today. Not stimulus money.
I didn’t invest a single red penny to get it and exercised no strategy at all for it except for the simple strategy of consistency.
I had no idea this money was even there accumulating every month, I was just having fun with no expectation of getting paid.
Once I saw it, I filled out the tax form so they could deposit it into my credit union account.
Each month this new passive income will automatically deposit passively.
I wrote 31 ways to raise money without having any and this isn’t even included in that awesome content I created for anyone who wants it for free from my website. Ask for the link if you don’t have it.
What this shows is you do not need money to make money. You can have fun, just be consistent.
Here is what it is..
I’ve been creating and uploading videos to my YouTube channel for YEARS about topics I love talking about. At one point a while ago I decided to turn on ad revenue just in case it actually generated any free money for me. I guess I made the right decision..LoL
It looks like I’ve been getting an average of about $80 per month extra from this. I’m going to find some trainings on how to analyze youtube analytics so I can find out what exactly has been driving this source of free passive revenue my way and then scale up on that. If I’m getting an average of $80 per month then I can get it to $100 per month. Then $100 per week. Then $100 per day. Eventually $1,000 per day and keep going.
This is in addition to my online health and fitness business passive and residual revenue. It’s in addition to my rental property passive revenue.
All three of these revenues have one thing in common..
I’m not super talented or highly skilled.
I was a D student in school.
I’m socially awkward.
I will beat a smart, talented, and socially connected person who is not consistent because consistency is more important and it’s the one variable most people underestimate.
Maybe my story will move some of you into the lane of consistency so you can become a financially independent person and live free with your life to create experiences rather than worry how bills will be paid.
That’s why I’m sharing this, to undo whatever estimation you’ve made about the power of consistency.
I also love to drive with uber, lyft, and I recently started door dashing. Every penny I make from those things I buy more passive income with because that’s why you want to make money.
You don’t want to make money to pay bills and eat!
That’s how you stay behind and never become a free human being!
You make money so you can buy passive money and then pay bills and eat with passive money so you can live as a free human being to do whatever you want with your time.
I help people live natural chemical free natural lives and make BETTER money.
Feel free to request free membership to my group Change Makers. I’m happy to accept POSITIVE people into our energy vortex. It also doubles as a huge middle finger to the status quo of business as usual.
P.s. If you’d like to work with me I don’t charge any fees I’m not going to sell you something you don’t want or need: http://workwithtom.fireyourboss.xyz
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