Your body isn’t just carrying your brain around — it IS your brain.

Ever notice how your anxiety shows up as a knot in your stomach? Or how that headache gets worse when you’re stressed? That’s not a coincidence.

Your emotions aren’t floating around in some abstract cloud. They’re living in your muscles, your gut, your bones. That tension in your shoulders? That’s last week’s argument you never resolved. Those tight hips? Years of sitting on uncomfortable feelings.

Think about it: When was the last time you felt mentally amazing while being physically exhausted? Or emotionally stable while surviving on junk food and energy drinks?

You can’t separate your mental health from your physical health any more than you can separate the ocean from its waves.

So next time you skip that workout, remember: You’re not just skipping leg day. You’re skipping therapy.

Next time you grab fast food instead of cooking a real meal, you’re not just feeding your body empty calories. You’re feeding your mind empty emotions.

Want better mental health? Start with your body. It’s been trying to tell you something.

What physical changes have you noticed when you’re stressed or anxious? Share below ????


#MentalHealth #WellnessJourney #BodyMindConnection #SelfCare

Ever wonder why some people bounce through life while others drag themselves through the day?

Here’s the truth about energy that nobody talks about: Your heart is your body’s battery pack.

Think about it… When was the last time you ACTUALLY felt energized after a workout? Not just “survived it” but felt ALIVE?

Most of us have it backwards. We blame our tiredness on bad sleep, stress, or “just getting older.” But here’s the real secret: When your heart is strong, everything changes.

The magic happens with high-intensity interval training. Not those endless, boring cardio sessions. I’m talking about quick, powerful bursts that transform your heart from a Honda Civic into a Ferrari.

The results?

  • You’ll spring out of bed (no more zombie mornings!)
  • Physical activity becomes a boost, not a drain
  • Your sleep becomes DEEP and actually refreshing
  • Your focus gets laser-sharp

The best part? Your body becomes a natural energy factory. No more expensive energy drinks or triple espressos needed.

If you found this helpful, share it with someone who needs their spark back! ❤

#HealthyHeart #EnergyHacks #WellnessJourney


Nature’s Medicine Cabinet: Fighting Inflammation & Pain the Holistic Way

Let me tell you a little secret (that I tell everybody)… your body already knows how to heal itself. It just needs the right tools to work its magic.

I’ve spent years uncovering nature’s most impressive solutions for inflammation and chronic pain. No prescriptions. No side effects. Just pure, natural relief to various degrees that your body craves.

Here’s a taste of what mother nature’s been hiding from you (right in open site!):

That golden goddess, turmeric? She’s not just pretty to look at. When you pair her with a little black pepper, she transforms into one of the most powerful anti-inflammatory compounds on earth. It’s like nature’s own love story.

And don’t get me started on tart cherries. These little red temptresses don’t just help you sleep – they’re packed with compounds that can potentially kiss your pain goodbye. I’ve heard them called a “midnight miracle.”

But here’s the juicy truth that more people are beginning to recognize: Sometimes the most powerful healing comes from letting go. Breaking up with inflammatory foods like sugar and processed carbs might be the best move you make all year. Trust me, your body will thank you with the kind of relief you’ve only dreamed about.

My favorite forbidden fruits for fighting inflammation:

  • Ginger root (spicy, warming, and oh so good to your body)
  • Wild-caught salmon (anti-inflammatory omega-3s)
  • Raw honey with cinnamon (nature’s sweetest pain-fighting duo)

Ready to flirt with natural healing? Drop a comment below and I’ll slide into your DMs with my private stash of pain-relieving secrets.

Or better yet – tell me about your secret natural remedy in the comments. What’s that special something that makes your body feel amazing? Let’s share our forbidden knowledge…

#NaturalHealing #HolisticSecrets #PainFree #WellnessWitch #WellnessAdonis

P.S. Want more sultry secrets from nature’s medicine cabinet? Follow my professional profile for regular doses of natural healing wisdom that your doctor won’t tell you about… ✨

BONUS SECRET (Again, that I tell everyone!): The Ultimate Anti-Inflammatory Shake
I’ve been enjoying a powerful anti-inflammatory 70 + ingredients super foods shake including ceremonial-grade matcha, marine collagen, adaptogenic mushrooms, and ancient healing herbs. It’s literally inflammation’s worst nightmare in a glass! Reply “SHAKE” if you’d like the special link to try it for yourself.

Important Notice: The information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Always get your doctors blessing before modifying or coming off prescribed medications.


Want to know the single most powerful workout I’ve discovered at Planet Fitness?

It’s not what you’d expect.

It’s the Sprint 8 program you see pictured here with me. I’ve got very good reasoning for this. And while I’m a devoted weightlifter..

Here’s the truth: your heart and lungs are the real power players. Your heart is the most important muscle to workout and right after are your lungs. And this Sprint 8 workout? It’s like finding a cheat code for your mind and your body.

What makes it special isn’t just the workout itself. It’s how it transforms your entire system – from energy processing to recovery time. Everything in your daily life becomes smoother, more effortless. Even your brain gets an upgrade.

But let’s be clear – this isn’t your typical cardio session. Forget mindless treadmill trudging. This is calculated intensity that makes your body wake up, pay attention, and get better.

You pick your level (1-20), and it guides you through a perfectly orchestrated dance of intensity and recovery.

Currently, I’m dancing with level 16. Level 17? She still plays hard to get, usually winning around interval 4. But we’re getting to know each other better every week.

The science behind this is absolutely fascinating. Recent research revealed something almost unbelievable: this kind of high intensity interval training (HIIT) can make your heart perform like it’s 20 years younger. Not metaphorically – literally. Scientists at UT Southwest discovered people doing HIIT training developed hearts functioning like those decades their junior.

The benefits run deep:

  • Blood pressure drops rival medication
  • Brain function sharpens dramatically
  • Depression may not stand a chance
  • Even cancer cells get nervous

When you push your body this way, it produces lactate – think of it as premium fuel for your brain and muscles. It triggers a cascade of changes that make you stronger, sharper, more alive.

Ready to find your baseline? Try the Sprint 8 and let me know:

  • What level can you complete?
  • Where does it start to get interesting?

Speaking of interesting… I’ve been getting questions about my energy levels and recovery. Since 2009, I’ve been relying on a particular superfood shake that’s become my secret weapon (I tell everyone). Drop “tell me more” in the comments if you’re curious about what’s keeping me powered through these sessions.

Your progress might surprise you. Some days you’ll need to step back, and that’s part of the dance. What matters is showing up and letting your body learn and adapt to these new stimuli.

Who’s ready to elevate?

#FitnessEvolution #HigherState #PeakPerformance


Lactate: The Body’s Mechanical Fountain of Youth for your Brain

Lactate is the body’s fountain of youth for the brain.

First off, your brain loves lactate. It’s like its go-to energy drink. See, your mitochondria (those are like the powerhouses of your cells) find it way more efficient to run on lactate than glucose. And here’s the kicker – your brain is actually wired to run on lactate. Your brain’s support cells, called astrocytes, gobble up glucose and spit out lactate for your neurons to use. It’s a clever little system, right?

Now, things get really fascinating. When your neurons run on lactate, they conserve glucose. That conserved glucose gets diverted to create NADPH, a key player in making glutathione, your brain’s top-tier antioxidant. It’s like having a supercharged defense system to keep your brain sharp, young, resilient, and healthy.

Lactate: The Brain-Building Signal

So, lactate is like a power-up for your neurons, but it also triggers a ton of beneficial changes in your brain. One of the big ones is that it promotes the growth of new mitochondria in your neurons. Think of it like leveling up your brain’s energy production.

And remember how we talked about lactate being a signal? Well, when your neurons use more lactate, they start pumping out neurotransmitters like norepinephrine, which helps you focus and be at the top of your game. It’s like a shot of mental clarity.

But the biggest deal might be that lactate signals your brain to produce more BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor). BDNF is like the ultimate neuroprotector. It helps your neurons survive and thrive, and it’s key to neuroplasticity – your brain’s ability to adapt and change. Higher BDNF levels mean better memory, sharper cognition, and protection against neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s. It’s like a youth elixir for your brain.

Lactate: The Blood-Brain Barrier Booster

And the benefits don’t stop there. Lactate also signals the blood-brain barrier (that’s the tight barrier that controls what gets into your brain) to produce more VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor). VEGF is like a call to action for your blood vessels. It promotes angiogenesis, the growth of new tiny vessels, and helps repair damaged ones. Think of it like keeping the roads into your brain clear and flowing.

This is huge, because breakdown of the blood-brain barrier is a major player in brain aging and neuroinflammation. It’s like a vicious cycle that can lead to dementia. So, by promoting healthy blood vessels, lactate is helping to keep your brain young and resilient.

The Bottom Line Solution: Vigorous exercise, such as HIIT training, for a Higher Brain

Now, don’t get me wrong, all exercise is awesome for your brain. The increased blood flow, the improved cardiovascular fitness, the rush of neurotransmitters and endorphins – it all adds up to a brain that’s performing at its best. But there’s something special about HIIT, about pushing yourself to that point where you’re producing a ton of lactate.

It’s like you’re unleashing a cascade of benefits that take your brain to the next level. You’re fueling your neurons, supercharging your defenses, promoting growth and adaptation, and keeping your brain young and resilient. And it’s all thanks to that hard work you’re putting in when you push yourself to the limit.

Okay, last thing I want to touch on is how exercise impacts your mitochondria. Those are the little energy factories inside your cells, and they’re way important for everything from your muscles to your brain to your liver. The problem is, as we age, our mitochondria start to lose their superpower. They get less efficient at cranking out energy, and that’s a problem. But there’s a silver lining – exercise, especially the vigorous kind, can actually increase the number of mitochondria you have. This is called mitochondrial biogenesis, and it’s like your cells are adapting to the demand you’re putting on them by building more of those energy factories.

One of the key ways exercise triggers mitochondrial biogenesis is through the metabolic stress of vigorous exercise. Remember how we were just talking about lactate? When you’re doing HIIT and generating a ton of lactate, that lactate acts as a signal to rev up one of the main pathways that controls mitochondrial biogenesis. So when you’re doing that Norwegian 4×4 protocol or any other kind of intense intervals, the lactate you’re generating is like a signal flare telling your cells to build more mitochondria. And that means they’ll be more efficient at producing energy, which is good news for everything from your workouts to your overall health.

Bottom line, regular vigorous exercise, such as HIIT training, produces Lactate as a way to communicate with your entire body through your circulatory system which leads to a whole host of chain reactions that functions as your brains ultimate fountain of youth.


Powering Your Heart through the Dynamic Duo of Mitochondria and Glucose Triggered by Vigorous Exercise

As we age, our hearts undergo some pretty dramatic changes. They start to shrink and get stiffer, kind of like how a rubber band loses its spring over time. This can make it harder for our hearts to pump blood efficiently, which can leave us feeling winded even after light exercise. And that’s not all – it also increases our risk of heart problems down the line.

But here’s the amazing part: exercise, especially the vigorous kind, can actually combat some of these effects. In fact, one landmark study, published by Ben Lavin M.D. of Internal Medicine and Sports Cardiology, found that just two years of intense exercise in people in their 50s could make their hearts look 20 years younger! That’s right, their 50-year-old hearts were indistinguishable from those of 30-year-olds. That’s the power of exercise!

So what kind of exercise are we talking about? The study participants started with a six-month ramp-up period, where they worked their way up to exercising five to six hours a week. A big chunk of that was at what’s called maximal steady state intensity – think of it like the highest level you can sustain without collapsing in a heap. They also threw in some Norwegian 4×4 max interval training.

The results were nothing short of astonishing. After just two years, these 50-year-olds had essentially reversed the aging process in their hearts. That’s the kind of benefit we’re talking about when we talk about vigorous exercise and heart health.

Okay, let’s shift gears and talk about how exercise impacts the way our bodies handle sugar. This is where things get really interesting, especially when it comes to high-intensity interval training (HIIT). It turns out HIIT is way better at improving insulin sensitivity and glucose control than your run-of-the-mill moderate-intensity workouts. And it gets those benefits way faster, too. Sure, any kind of exercise is going to help your muscles get better at handling sugar, but HIIT just does it more efficiently and more powerfully.

So why is that? Well, when you’re doing HIIT, your body is screaming for energy fast. It’s got to rely on both your aerobic (oxygen-using) and anaerobic (non-oxygen-using) systems to deliver. The anaerobic system is what kicks in when you’re really pushing it, and it produces a bunch of lactate as a byproduct. For a long time, everyone thought lactate was basically just waste that made your muscles tired. But it turns out that’s totally wrong.

Lactate is actually used as fuel by your muscles and other tissues like your heart, liver, and brain. It even gets shuttled into your mitochondria (those energy-producing powerhouses inside your cells) to be burned up. And it doesn’t stop there – lactate also acts as a signal, telling your cells to up their game. One of the key messages it sends is to increase the number of glucose transporters on your muscle cells. Those are like little doors that let sugar in. So when lactate builds up during HIIT, it’s like a signal flare going off, telling your muscles to open up those doors and let the glucose flood in. That makes your muscles way more efficient at sucking up sugar from your bloodstream, even when you’re just chillin’ on the couch. And that means your insulin sensitivity gets a big boost, and your blood sugar stays in a healthy range.

There’s been tons of research showing HIIT can improve glucose uptake, crank up insulin sensitivity, and even cut the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. A lot of that probably has to do with the intense metabolic stress of HIIT, which gets those glucose transporters really revved up. And it’s not just about the stress – HIIT also makes your muscles as a whole more fit, which helps them handle sugar better. It’s just that with HIIT, you get that lactate signal right away, telling your muscles to open up those glucose doors. With steady-state cardio, you’ve got to go longer to get the same benefit.

Okay, last thing I want to touch on is how exercise impacts your mitochondria. Those are the little energy factories inside your cells, and they’re way important for everything from your muscles to your brain to your liver. The problem is, as we age, our mitochondria start to lose their mojo. They get less efficient at cranking out energy, and that’s a problem. But there’s a silver lining – exercise, especially the vigorous kind, can actually increase the number of mitochondria you have. This is called mitochondrial biogenesis, and it’s like your cells are adapting to the demand you’re putting on them by building more of those energy factories.

One of the key ways exercise triggers mitochondrial biogenesis is through the metabolic stress of vigorous exercise. Remember how we were just talking about lactate? Well, it’s back again. When you’re doing HIIT and generating a ton of lactate, that lactate acts as a signal to rev up one of the main pathways that controls mitochondrial biogenesis. So when you’re doing that Norwegian 4×4 protocol or any other kind of intense intervals, the lactate you’re generating is like a signal flare telling your cells to build more mitochondria. And that means they’ll be more efficient at producing energy, which is good news for everything from your workouts to your overall health.


V02 Max: Set Yourself Up for a Longer, Healthier, More Durable Life to Fully Enjoy

When we talk about cardiorespiratory fitness, healthspan, and longevity, one term comes up again and again: VO2 Max (Volume of oxygen consumed maximum). But what exactly is it? Simply put, VO2 Max is your body’s maximum ability to use oxygen during exercise. It’s the gold standard for measuring cardiorespiratory fitness. The higher your VO2 Max, the more efficient your body is at delivering oxygen to your muscles, and the better your overall health and fitness.

Research has consistently shown that higher VO2 Max levels are linked to a lower risk of death and a longer lifespan. In fact, one study found that for every unit increase in VO2 Max (that’s 1 milliliter per kilogram per minute), life expectancy increases by 45 days. For men, a 10-unit increase in VO2 Max was associated with a 70-77% lower risk of death from cancer and an 11% lower risk of death from all causes.

The best part? The greatest longevity benefits from improving your VO2 Max come from moving out of that below-average category. Even going from a below-normal VO2 Max to a low-normal one can increase life expectancy by 2.1 years. Bumping it up to a high-normal VO2 Max is associated with a 2.9-year increase in life expectancy, and reaching the upper limit of normal can add almost 5 years to your life.

So, how can you improve your VO2 Max and reap these incredible benefits? It all starts with moving out of that low fitness group – a shift that can add years to your life. Stunningly, people in the low fitness group face a fivefold higher risk of death compared to elite performers. But here’s the eye-opener: the risk of dying due to low fitness is similar, or even greater, than the risks associated with having heart disease, smoking, or diabetes. Being fitter is a game-changer for your health, no matter your current level. And the best part? There’s always room to improve.

So, how can you take your VO2 Max to the next level? The answer lies in a variety of targeted training protocols. Different training protocols like Zone 2 training and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) can all improve cardiorespiratory fitness and increase VO2 Max. HIIT, in particular, has been shown to significantly improve VO2 Max even with shorter training durations. This is because HIIT recruits both aerobic and anaerobic energy systems and increases the intensity of the workout, resulting in greater cardiovascular stress and triggering powerful adaptations.

But here’s the thing: about 40% of people do not see a measurable increase in their VO2 Max even after months of guideline-based moderate-intensity exercise (about 2.5 hours per week). These “non-responders” only start to see improvements in VO2 Max when they incorporate more vigorous intensity exercise, like HIIT, into their routine. This suggests that adding higher-intensity exercise to your workout routine can help eliminate non-response and lead to greater benefits in cardiorespiratory fitness.

So, how much time should you dedicate to more vigorous versus moderate-intensity exercise? The answer depends on your individual goals, what you enjoy, and what you’ll stick to consistently. For endurance athletes doing extensive amounts of training (between 10-30 hours a week), the 80/20 rule applies: 80% of their training is zone 2, and 20% is shorter, higher-intensity workouts. But this rule shouldn’t be applied to committed or casual exercisers doing under 10 hours a week. For them, at least half (and for casual exercisers, more than half) of their exercise time should be spent doing vigorous exercise to push limits and ensure adaptations.

There are many effective VO2 Max training protocols that incorporate HIIT. One example is doing 3-5 minute intervals at the highest sustainable intensity, with rest and recovery in between, for a total of 20 minutes. Another popular variation is the Norwegian 4×4 interval training protocol, where 4-minute intervals at 85-95% max heart rate are followed by 3 minutes of light recovery. These intervals are repeated four times. A less intense but still effective option is the 1-minute on, 1-minute off protocol, where you do 1 minute of all-out intensity followed by 1 minute of recovery, repeated 10-15 times for about 25 minutes.

Remember, these are just templates and starting points. The best protocol for you will depend on your individual fitness goals and what you can stick to consistently. The key is to find a routine that challenges you, that you enjoy, and that you’ll do regularly. With consistency and intensity, you can improve your VO2 Max, increase your cardiorespiratory fitness, and set yourself up for a longer, healthier, happier life.


Keep your Brain Young and Resilient Through Lactate and the Blood brain Barrier Triggered by Vigorous Exercise

Get Ready for a Mind-Blowing Workout!

Hey there, fitness fans! Today we’re going to geek out on how high-intensity exercise transforms your brain. Yep, you heard that right – transforms. As in, takes it to a whole new level. Now, we all know exercise is brain food, but high-intensity interval training (HIIT) is like the premium stuff. Think neuroprotection, supercharged cognition, and a brain that’s firing on all cylinders.

So, what’s the magic ingredient? Lactate. That’s right, the same stuff you produce when you’re pushing yourself to the limit. During HIIT, your body cranks out lactate like crazy. And here’s the cool part – it’s not just a waste product, it’s a potent signal that sets off a chain reaction of benefits in your brain.

Lactate: The Brain’s Power-Up Fuel

First up, your neurons love lactate. It’s like their favorite energy drink. See, it’s way more efficient for your mitochondria (those are like the power plants of your cells) to use lactate than glucose. And get this – your brain is actually designed to run on lactate. The support cells in your brain, called astrocytes, they’re glucose-guzzlers. They break down glucose and spit out lactate, which your neurons then use for fuel. It’s like a clever little system, right?

Now, here’s where it gets really interesting. When your neurons use lactate, they spare glucose. And that glucose gets diverted to make something called NADPH, which is a key player in creating glutathione, your brain’s top-shelf antioxidant. Think of it like having a superpowered defense system to keep your brain healthy and sharp.

The Lactate Advantage: Traumatic Brain Injury

This gets really important when we talk about traumatic brain injury (TBI). After a TBI, your brain needs all the glutathione it can get, but it also needs glucose for your neurons to function. The problem is, those astrocytes that usually supply lactate get damaged, so there’s a shortage. But here’s the cool part – studies have shown that lactate infusions can improve outcomes for TBI patients. It’s like lactate steps in as a superhero, supplying that critical energy when it’s needed most.

Lactate: The Brain-Building Signal

Okay, so lactate is like a power-up for your neurons, but it’s also a signal that sets off a ton of beneficial changes in your brain. One of the big ones is that it promotes the growth of new mitochondria in your neurons. Think of it like leveling up your brain’s energy production.

And remember how we talked about lactate being a signal? Well, when your neurons use more lactate, they start pumping out neurotransmitters like norepinephrine, which helps you focus and be at the top of your game. It’s like a shot of mental clarity.

But the biggest deal might be that lactate signals your brain to produce more BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor). BDNF is like the ultimate neuroprotector. It helps your neurons survive and thrive, and it’s key to neuroplasticity – your brain’s ability to adapt and change. Higher BDNF levels mean better memory, sharper cognition, and protection against neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s. It’s like a youth elixir for your brain.

Lactate: The Blood-Brain Barrier Booster

And the benefits don’t stop there. Lactate also signals the blood-brain barrier (that’s the tight barrier that controls what gets into your brain) to produce more VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor). VEGF is like a call to action for your blood vessels. It promotes angiogenesis, the growth of new tiny vessels, and helps repair damaged ones. Think of it like keeping the roads into your brain clear and flowing.

This is huge, because breakdown of the blood-brain barrier is a major player in brain aging and neuroinflammation. It’s like a vicious cycle that can lead to dementia. So, by promoting healthy blood vessels, lactate is helping to keep your brain young and resilient.

The Bottom Line: HIIT for a Higher Brain

Now, don’t get me wrong, all exercise is awesome for your brain. The increased blood flow, the improved cardiovascular fitness, the rush of neurotransmitters and endorphins – it all adds up to a brain that’s performing at its best. But there’s something special about HIIT, about pushing yourself to that point where you’re producing a ton of lactate.

It’s like you’re unleashing a cascade of benefits that take your brain to the next level. You’re fueling your neurons, supercharging your defenses, promoting growth and adaptation, and keeping your brain young and resilient. And it’s all thanks to that hard work you’re putting in when you push yourself to the limit.

So, next time you’re mid-workout and you feel that burn, just remember – you’re not just building a stronger body, you’re building a superpowered brain. Now, that’s a workout worth pushing for.


Your Heart can Structurally Change by 20 Years of Age Reversal Triggered by the Signaling Molecule Lactate

Imagine your heart, 20 years younger. Sounds like science fiction, right? But that’s exactly what happened in a groundbreaking study on exercise and aging. As we age, our hearts undergo changes – they shrink, stiffen, and lose function. This increases our risk of cardiovascular disease and decreases our ability to exercise. But what if you could reverse these changes?

Researchers at UT Southwest in Dallas studied 50-year-old sedentary adults who didn’t have type 2 diabetes or cardiovascular disease. The participants were placed on one of two exercise protocols: a control group that did light stretching and bodyweight exercises, and a high-intensity exercise group. The high-intensity group did the same light exercises as the control group but also added vigorous workouts to their routine. This included 4-5 hours of training per week, with a significant portion at maximum steady-state intensity (think 75-80% max heart rate for 20-30 minutes) and a session of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) per week.

After two years, the high-intensity group’s hearts had structurally changed to resemble those of 30-year-olds. Their hearts were larger and more flexible. Essentially, the high-intensity exercise protocol had reversed 20 years of aging in their hearts.

But the benefits of high-intensity exercise don’t stop at the heart. Blood pressure decreases with regular vigorous exercise are comparable to those seen with antihypertensive medications. High blood pressure is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease and has recently been established as one of the most important early risk factors for dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. So, the fact that exercise can improve blood pressure as well as drugs is incredibly encouraging.

Now, let’s talk about the brain benefits of getting your heart rate up high. When you push your muscles to work so hard that they can’t get oxygen fast enough, they adapt by using glucose for energy without the mitochondria. This process, called anaerobic metabolism, produces lactate as a byproduct. Lactate was once thought to be a waste product, but it’s actually a very energy-efficient fuel source that’s used by the muscles, brain, heart, and liver. It’s easier to make energy from lactate than glucose.

Lactate also acts as a signaling molecule. When you exercise, your muscles communicate with the rest of your body through lactate. This triggers adaptations like increased muscle size and cardiovascular improvements. The brain, which works hard during exercise, also responds to lactate. One of the key ways it responds is by increasing production of a molecule called brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). BDNF promotes the growth of new neurons in the hippocampus, a region of the brain important for learning and memory. It also supports neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to adapt to a changing environment. People with depression have low levels of BDNF and neuroplasticity, which makes it hard for them to adapt and leads to depressive symptoms. So, high-intensity exercise is a great way to boost your brain health by increasing BDNF.

Lactate also signals the brain to make neurotransmitters like norepinephrine and serotonin. Studies have shown that even just 10 minutes of high-intensity interval training can improve cognition and mood by increasing these neurotransmitters. The protocols that maximize BDNF production involve high intensity and duration, such as 30-40 minutes at 80% max heart rate or 6 minutes of all-out HIIT intervals separated by recovery periods.

Finally, let’s talk about the anti-metastatic effects of vigorous exercise. We all know that exercise is one of the best ways to prevent cancer, but it also has benefits as an adjunct cancer treatment. One of the ways it does this is by killing circulating tumor cells through the shearing forces of increased blood flow. Circulating tumor cells escape the primary tumor, enter the bloodstream, and try to travel to other tissues and metastasize. But these cells are sensitive to the mechanical stress of blood flow and die when exposed to it. So, getting your blood flow up through exercise has an anti-metastatic effect.

In conclusion, high-intensity exercise has incredible benefits for both the heart and the brain. It can reverse 20 years of aging in the heart, improve blood pressure, boost brain health by increasing BDNF and neurotransmitters, reduce depression, and even have anti-metastatic effects. So, get out there and get your heart rate up – your body (and brain) will thank you!


My nutrition shake is saving me money against grocery inflation.

My grocery cost has increased all the while my nutrition shake has not.

I saved $180 per month in groceries when I kept track of this back in 2009. That was 13 years ago. No doubt my savings are much greater today. Here is a very brief rundown of my nutrition shake. So you know upfront, If you buy a bag I will get referral money.

Each nutrition shake costs $4.30. I buy 30 of them per bag at a cost of $129 per bag. The savings in groceries pays for each bag with a surplus. What saved me $180 per month in groceries 13 years ago saves me significantly more today. As the cost of groceries rises I’m able to save more money because my nutrition shakes cost remain the same.

As far as the other benefits of the nutrition shake goes.. Better health, energy, digestion, regularity, blood panels, and it’s conveniently simple to whip up a shake real quick with the health benefits of plant based whole food super-food densely packed nutrition that I’ve been consuming for 13 consecutive years and counting. As an added pleasure, they taste orgasmic in my opinion. I intrinsically look forward to them every day. The general idea is I replace a meal, or two, per day with these and eat a well balanced diet the rest of the day.

If you would like to try a bag I love new customers I’d be honored if you picked up a bag from my company replicated website. I earn approx thirty bucks in referral commission if you purchase from my company replicated website in particular:


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follow your heart




If you enjoyed my blog you might LOVE my YouTube video about changing one thing, the direction of your cash-flow, to change Everything:


Run and Pushups Workout 5 rounds

Looking for a good workout? I’ll put this one on video to follow along with when the weather gets nice again. I did this on the treadmill yesterday and it was AWESOME. 5 rounds as fast as you can and record your time. I did this in 13 minutes on the dot. The running portions I did at 11.1 mph / 5:24 minute mile pace.

The workout after a light warmup:

.5 miles followed by 10 strict form pushups
.4 miles followed by 15 strict form pushups
.3 miles followed by 20 strict form pushups
.2 miles followed by 25 strict form pushups
.1 miles followed by 30 strict form pushups

Simple format. As the distance decreases the pushups increase respectfully. No rests except for the ones you have to take but keep them to a minimum. Pace yourself but challenge yourself. The goal is to complete this as quickly as possible. Each time you do this your new goal is to compete with yourself for a new personal best time. Subscribe to my youtube channel I have tons of workouts I’ve recorded there along with healthy recipes and lots of music <3


P.s. Have you enjoyed this? Consider sharing this page. You might also enjoy my youtube channel. Subscribing to my youtube and commenting on my videos allows me to keep providing free content while still being financially compensated by the advertisers on youtube. It’s a brilliant model to be able to not charge anyone a fee and still get an income from it. If you like my content I would love to have your support on youtube via subscribing to my channel and commenting on my videos.

follow your heart

If you enjoyed my blog you might LOVE my YouTube video about changing one thing, the direction of your cash-flow, to change Everything:

If You’re Doing Cardio, Are You Burning Calories From Fat?

It depends!

First if you haven’t already, tickle that like button and subscribe to my channel please it helps me a ton with the algorithms so more people can discover the help in my videos.

AS I was saying, does cardio burn calories from fat? Depending on the type of cardio you’re doing it does or it doesn’t. Are you doing aerobic or anaerobic cardio exercise? Aerobic cardio burns calories from blood sugar. Anaerobic cardio exercise burns calories from both blood sugar and from fat. In fact, anaerobic exercise has a post caloric burn affect that lasts residually for up to about 48 hours after your anaerobic workout has ended. Residual is awesome whether you’re talking about money or your health.

Aerobic vs. anaerobic in it’s simplest form is with oxygen verses without oxygen. If something is aerobic it is with oxygen. If something is anaerobic it is without oxygen. This doesn’t mean if you want to burn calories from fat you stop breathing during your workout! No! Don’t do that! Always breath especially when you’re working and and even more so when you’re anaerobically working out! If you hold your breath you will turn blue in the face until you pass out. In the context of exercise, aerobic, with oxygen, means you’re bodies system of delivering oxygen is capable of keeping up with the demand your working cells are creating for that oxygen. Anaerobic exercise means your working cells are working so hard that the body can no longer keep up with it’s delivery of oxygen to sustain that level of intensity which means you will reach momentary muscular failure typically anywhere within 30 seconds to 3 minutes maximum. And that is a great simple way to determine if you are working out aerobically or anaerobically. That is, is the exercise at the intensity you’re doing right now something you can psychically do for more or less than three minutes before you physically cannot continue without lessening the intensity or taking a break? If you physically cannot continue after say 30 seconds, a minute, a minute and a half, a couple minutes, you’re most likely working anaerobically and burning calories from both blood sugar and fat. If you can physically continue after 3 minutes you are definitely working aerobically, burning calories from blood sugar.

Some examples of aerobic exercises are slower paced ones like jogging, endurance cycling, cross country skiing, dance etc. Some examples of anaerobic exercises are fast paced, maybe more explosive in nature, like sprinting, power cycling, high intensity interval training, lifting heavy weights, jump training, stuff like that.

Some of the health benefits to anaerobically working out include not only weight loss but weight management because of the muscle toning involved in addition to the caloric burn from both blood sugar and fat, lowers blood pressure, reduces daily fatigue, activates and strengthens immune system, reduces risk of heart attack or stroke, strengthens your heart muscle, strengthens your lungs, strengthens all of your bodies delivery systems of nutrients including all your metabolic processes, strengthens the functionality of your pancreas which controls your blood sugar which in turn staves off diabetes and possible amputations, strengthens a healthy endocrine system which regulates the bodies ability to secrete healthy hormone levels, keeps you feeling young, enhances mobility, staves of Alzheimer and dementia, and on and on.

I should also mention anaerobic exercise also has the potential of putting Viagra out of business!

You can YouTube and google research the intensive health benefits all day long from anaerobic exercise it really is amazing if we just learn it and do it.

Speaking of doing it… Here is my note of caution. Two notes really. My first note is to remind you I’m not a doctor, I’m a lay person online giving you general information not specific to anybody. Do your own due diligence, research, take responsibility for your own safety.

My second note of caution is this.. If you’re not already in shape and well conditioned, anaerobic exercise could harm you. It could possibly even kill you with a sudden heart attack or stroke if you’re doing too much too soon. Risk stratification is important and should be done with a health care professional especially if you are older and or have any underlying health conditions.

That doesn’t mean you don’t get started. Only a true quitter will watch this video and conclude that quitting is the way to go. LOSER! Don’t be a loser errr I mean a quitter… Start safely from where you are and grow from there. You can build up to anaerobic condition just simply by doing a little bit each day. The mighty oak tree started as just a wimpy little seedling. Let nature teach you. You can also learn a lot just from paying attention to and really listening to your own body. That requires ego to be checked at the door at all times when you enter your workout headspace. Challenge yourself. That doesn’t mean you take it easy. You challenge yourself from what is appropriate and safe, and as you show up each and every day with that mindset, you will get better and feel stronger over time and that will motivate you to keep going and upping the ante.

On that positive note of encouragement and valuable information please don’t neglect that like button and subscribing to my channel. That really helps me out a lot with the algorithms so my content is shown to more people. If there is something you’d like to see me talk about more feel free to drop your comments. I read all of them.


P.s. If you’d like to work with me I don’t charge any fees I’m not going to sell you something you don’t want or need:

follow your heart

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If you enjoyed my blog you might LOVE my YouTube video about changing one thing, the direction of your cash-flow, to change Everything:

Best Sore Throat Remedies Submitted by you on facebook

Your BEST sore throat remedy?

I’ve already tried gargling with razor blades…

View previous comments

100 of 104

  • Jane Wermeling Gargle with salt water, drink throat coat tea. Chloraseptic to numb you if you’re very painful.



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  • Lisa Oddo Gets me on the mend within the day. I also drink lots of water (warm or room temp), throat losenges, citrus is good for opening airways too.



  • Lisa Oddo I drink this often, squeeze limes or lemons in. Delicious.







  • Katrina Smith I add lemon to this mix and is the best I have found to help



  • Tina Hill Hope you feel better !! Praying for your mom and you all!




P.s. If you’d like to work with me I don’t charge any fees I’m not going to sell you something you don’t want or need:

follow your heart

Have you enjoyed this? Was it helpful in breaking some circular thought patterns you might have been stuck in? Do you know anyone who could benefit from this? Sharing is caring. Share with friends and family.

Was this helpful? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you commented and shared on Facebook and other Social Media, too. You might also enjoy Fire Your Boss & 31 Ways to Raise Money Now.

If you enjoyed my blog you might LOVE my YouTube video about changing one thing, the direction of your cash-flow, to change Everything:

How do you KILL a person with love and kindness?

You give them sugar and cream…

Gifts are commonly given by well intended people of sugar and cream.

It’s made the PhRMA industry a mega fortune.

Hospitals never dry up of sick patients.

It’s rare anyone ever dies of something other than Chronic Illness brought on by sugar and cream.

We are desperate to cure cancer but we fuel it with sugar and cream.

Our bodies are on fire with diseases that end in “itis” but we stoke the fires with sugar and cream.

Diabetes AND AMPUTATIONS are an epidemic but we perpetuate it with sugar and cream.

Casket makers number one spike in demand is for the short and wide caskets because our kids are being killed by sugar and cream.

Your brain has been re wired as a marketing scam by the sugar and cream you’ve been eating to find natural whole foods bland and boring so you buy more sugar and cream.

They are getting rich off of your destruction.

They are getting rich off giving your kids diabetes who will need life long medications.

The real tragedy is when you die because they lose a customer but not before they’ve mastered the art of dragging out a human life as long as possible with no meaningful nutrition to come off those money making medications.

Their number one marketing tool is willful consumer ignorance.

The last thing they want is for you to become educated because you might decide to become an independently healthy human being free of all meds.

Sugar and Cream is over simplified but sugar and dairy are the two biggest catalysts of all chronic diseases.

Rewire your brain back to nature so natural whole foods naturally contain all the sugar you need to enjoy real food again.

Eat plant based whole foods.






You can do it.


P.s. If you’d like to work with me I don’t charge any fees I’m not going to sell you something you don’t want or need:

follow your heart

Have you enjoyed this? Was it helpful in breaking some circular thought patterns you might have been stuck in? Do you know anyone who could benefit from this? Sharing is caring. Share with friends and family.

Was this helpful? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you commented and shared on Facebook and other Social Media, too. You might also enjoy Fire Your Boss & 31 Ways to Raise Money Now.

If you enjoyed my blog you might LOVE my YouTube video about changing one thing, the direction of your cash-flow, to change Everything:

Blueberries and Vegan Chocolate.. the best pairing on planet Earth for post workout recovery.

Reduces inflammation from lactic acid build-up.

Reduces inflammation in the body in general regardless if you worked out or not

Strengthens natural immunity.

Fountain of Youth for your skin, hair, and nails!

Replenishes rapid loss of vitamins and minerals from hard workout.

Repairs and builds muscle.

Purifies the blood which is delivered to all your 1 trillion cells.

Supports healthy ATP production which is the PowerHouse of all your cells.

Speeds up recovery so you can get faster results in your health and fitness.

It’s in 100% Disobedience to drug companies and for-profit health insurance companies.

Enhances your personal Independence and critical thinking skills.

Supports you being a better provider, producer, parent, friend, person in general to yourself and others around you.

Makes you a more positive force in the world for change and when necessary a revolution!

I personally was never motivated to workout and change my lifestyle until August of 2007.

What changed for me?

The lady I was dating back in 2007 got into a home health and fitness business with residual income.

The promise of an opportunity to become financially free attached to my personal fitness kicked my ass into high gear.

My first workout I was out of breath just 30 seconds in (not minutes) and a single flight of stairs would take the wind out of me.

After a few months I ran 103 flights of stairs at the Sears Tower in Chicago with no breaks =)

A couple years later of doing this in my precious MINUTES of spare time every day I became financially free and the job became an optional thing in my life because of residual money. Hooray!!!!

My then girlfriend invited me, so now I’m paying the invitation forward to you.


Yes, just two.

Just be EAGER to learn something new that can help you become healthier physically and financially and take ACTION (otherwise you’re just an intellectual masterbater who never creates anything).

If you feel pulled, DM / PM me so I can send you an article I wrote about it and if it turns you on you’ll be able to get started with us.


P.s. If you’d like to work with me I don’t charge any fees I’m not going to sell you something you don’t want or need:

follow your heart

Have you enjoyed this? Was it helpful in breaking some circular thought patterns you might have been stuck in? Do you know anyone who could benefit from this? Sharing is caring. Share with friends and family.

Was this helpful? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you commented and shared on Facebook and other Social Media, too. You might also enjoy Fire Your Boss & 31 Ways to Raise Money Now.

If you enjoyed my blog you might LOVE my YouTube video about changing one thing, the direction of your cash-flow, to change Everything:

Natural Health and Organic Wealth Riches – An Invitation for you

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 It has nothing to do with money and everything to do with opening yourself up to spend your time where your heart is aligned. Passive and residual income. 98% of the country doesn't have it and is doing nothing to created it. It doesn't matter if you love or hate your job. The income quality from your job, or your self-employment, has your time tethered to being able to afford your cost of living. Passive and residual income untethers your time from affording your cost of living, your cost of luxury expenses, your cost of charity you give to, your cost of anything and everything. When your time is untethered from your income you are now able to invest more time where your hard wants to be because I actually everything is now covered. Finally you can live like a human being rather than a hamster on a wheel or a rat in a race you never get ahead of. That is the whole value of passive and residual money! It actually has nothing to do with the money but everything to do with being able to invest your time where are your heart is aligned :-) Job money, and self-employment money, forces your whole life to be revolved around the paycheck that you work for. Passive and residual money opens you up to the freedom to it put your time where your heart is aligned. What changed for me personally? In 2007 I dated a girl who started creating her own passive and residual income with her new home business dealing in Natural Health. She invited me to which I said no thank you. LOL 3 months later I said yes sign me up I need this because I'm broke and my health is going to hell in a handbasket fast. I learned from scratch because I knew nothing about any of this. Two and a half years later of doing this in my precious minutes of spare time my job became optional so I retired myself from the job racket in 2010. The natural progression is to pay it forward with an invitation for you who is reading this. If you feel pulled, private message me for my article I wrote about creating passive and residual money with natural and organic health. In my opinion it makes sense to couple this type of income with natural health because if you don't have your health then it's really hard to enjoy any new wealth. Your health IS your real wealth! So let's create your passive and residual income dealing with natural health. Private message me for the link to my article. If you like what you read and you still feel genuinely pulled, we will get started. My only requirement I put on you is to have a genuine desire to learn something new outside of the box that you're use to. Feel free to share this. Thank you! Tom P.s. When time and money are no longer limiting you what's the first thing you would love to do? As for me it was an 8-day Caribbean cruise with a balcony stateroom and that's exactly what I did :-) Imagine not having to save money or paid days off from work anymore because you have a consistent flow of passive and residual money coming in each and every week. What would you do?

The BEST tried and proven advice for migraine sufferers submitted by you =)

In addition to the video, check out some of the comments I copied and pasted over from facebook with more ideas for Migraine Headaches:

Desert Flower Arrangement

Tom Birkenmeyer

April 12, 2017Mount PleasantYour BEST tried and proven advice for migraine sufferers?




  • No photo description available.
  • April Marie I had a daith piercing and noticed a difference within a couple of days. Unfortunately after a few months I had some kind of problem with the piercing and it ended up working itself out. I have multiple piercings and only this one gave me a problem. I do plan to do the other side and try again. I feel even though that one dont work out, its worth trying again.
  • Stacy Hayes-Geer Joey brilliant!! I would place in Tom’s main feed so people see it. Wtf is daith btw?!?
  • Stacy Hayes-Geer April I have to say, I had a piercing before (tongue, plus ears)… Joey was unbelievable… I barely felt it, plus he just has a great energy… If you’re ever in the Boston area, you should see him <3
  • Write a reply…
  • Tracy Wardlaw Ice pack on the back of the neck and hot steamy towel over the eyes and sinuses. The hot and cold signals at the same time confuse the senses and stop the pain.
  • Christina Lou Jennings Change of eating habits



  • Heather M. Bukouras I’m prescribed imitrex but only take when this doesn’t work cuz it makes me feel sluggish. I take a long sock and fill it with rice.. I like jasmine rice for this cuz it has a better smell. I tie the sock up and throw it in microwave, checking every 30 seconds to get a temp that is comfortable cuz then I go to dark quiet room and put it on my head and it is instant relief.. or over my eyes etc.. it’s not a guarantee fix but it helped many times and didn’t have to take a pill that gave me side effects.. sounds strange but helps.. u have to constantly move around in microwave to keep rice from burning.. jasmine rice to me jus has more of a pleasant, soothing smell but any rice will work. Dried beans work as well
  • Kristin Rose Kelly Pressure points work pretty good for me
  • Samantha Smead Following for info
  • Lisa Williams Sleep. That, and when you feel it in beginning stages, give yourself brainfreeze. I’m completely serious here- it will hurt like a *bark!* at first, but for me it has curbed a migraine or outright stopped it. <3 hope that helps!
  • Della Rita Rossetti Due to getting hit by a car on my bike when I was 7 years old, I’ve had to deal with chronic migraines ever since. After studying about migraines and joining groups online, I found my panacea in one mineral. Magnesium. Working with a health food store, I found a balance of taking a high powered vitamin with zinc, and a larger dose of magnesium twice a day. You also have to understand your own “triggers,” and that includes stress, the weather, and mostly, food and drinks triggers. I now have my chronic migraines under control, for the first time in my life. Accupuncture works wonders on migraines, and so does cranial work by chiropractors. Sleep is also very essential, I use something I learned in college, known as “fight or flight.” response. And now, I go straight to bed and to sleep, as soon as a chronic migraine hits me. It does something to the brain! And I drink one cup of coffee in the morning, and this has stopped my migraine patterns (the caffeine). Hope the info helps others!
  • Teresa Rasmussen Pink Himalayan salt
  • Amy Stanley Francis Daith piercings
  • Tina Louise Schwind Migraines are different for everyone but for me I also have a bleed in my brain that that causes seizure activity.. Topamax.. Nerve block and steroid blocks.. .. nothing has worked as well as a clean environment pesticides cleaning equipment and smells… healthy food lots of water and a healthy living.. ice caps work really really well!! Magnesium zinc are great to have in your system !staying away from the foods that are your trigger points . Caffeine seems to really help me!!



  • Verena Stirnemann-Funnell depends what the underlaying cause is. There is a never ending list of triggers ranging from hormonal imbalance to head trauma, eye problem, food allergies, hereditary and so much more…
    I found that with some sufferers regular massage can stop it coming on. It works with most, but not all
  • Angelia DeStephen Dark room cold compress
  • Valorie Stoeber Hot tea and Ibuprofen as soon as it’s coming on.



  • Holly Kent Ice pack on my head, lavender oil or peppermint, and lay (relax)in a cold dark room… a long time ago I was at a dance competition and got a horrible migraine, so I went back to my hotel to lay down. I had left over meatballs and thought I needed food so I took two bites of one then slugged down some Pepsi. Laid down for an hour and I was cured lol!! I thought for years meatballs and Pepsi was my cure!! ?


  • Heide WithaBe Pepsi and meatballs yeahyah!! One time a couple worker handed me can of Coke to “slam”. I thought to self, are u effin kidding me? Slammed it took the edge off (apparently it’s the caffeine) that affects the pain…Hmmm?? Ironic bc coffee gives me migraine ??


  • Heide WithaBe CO-WORKER*
  • Holly Kent Yes. There’s caffeine in excedrin migraine! I can take that but sometimes it causes a second migraine.. ?
  • Heide WithaBe In all honesty thank God I haven’t had a migraine in about 2 years….Suffered horrible migraine’s all my years before this…A miracle of sorts ?
  • Write a reply…
  • Ría Failla I mean, to another location far away, preferably one more spacious and full of lots of organic fruits n veggies
  • Heide WithaBe Ice pack on head cold towel around back of neck dark room no noise phone silent lightly Trace forehead temples hairline with slightest touch of fingers…Avoid onions! Meditate ?
  • Sammy Ray Marshall Stop eating, drinking anything with inflammatory properties, within 2 months and usually a lot sooner most people who get them on a regular basis will usually noticing them become less frequent and stop all togeather.
  • Patricia Sobczyk Magnesium, Epsom salt soak
  • Michelle Long My husband studied clinical hypnosis. When we start to get a migraine we shorten our breathing which only makes it worse. Our bodies lock up cause we know the pain is coming and we stop drinking water which dehydrates us and makes it worse. Deep breathing, meditating and drinking plenty of water will help
  • Aimee Marsh Imitrex!!! chiropractor, heat pack on my neck and ice pack on my head! ??
  • Sandie Lee Kisting Pressure point release …book an appointment with massage therapist for prevention.
  • Indigo Healing
    Indigo Healing

    Indigo Healing

  • Shannon Marie Conrad Peppermint essential oil
  • Chrissy Dodds Don’t go on fb lol I’m sorry I had to say that because fb drama can give u head ache



  • Chrissy Dodds I think with what happened this week Diane people never saw someone dragged out of airline and more and more the devil also taking over United states
  • Diane Maartens That’s enough to give you a migraine!!
  • Write a reply…
  • Josette Flannery Put peppermint oil on your forehead temples and back of neck. Next put your feet in very warm water, (as hot as you can stand). Then place a bag of small frozen vegetables on the nape of your neck for 20 minutes.
  • Diane Maartens Don’t talk about it ?
  • Diane Maartens The more “airtime” you give it the longer it will stay the more you talk about it, it is made to feel welcome and will return again to you soon ?
  • Trista Johns Alternating hot & cold water on my head to open up blood vessels. I run the water as hot as I can stand it, then quickly switch it to cold. Then back and forth hot/cold/hot/cold until it eases up.
  • Chrissy Dodds Go in a dark room laydown and it will pass
  • Aimee Marsh Wintergreen essential oils! Rub a tiny bit where it hurts and the pain will go away! Works well!


  • Aimee Marsh Can also be used to reduce inflammation…. google it




  • Jenny Lynn There’s an old Lakota remedy someone told me about involving a steamed towel and drinking milk, but then also throwing the milk up…I have the directions if you want them. This lady had tried everything.



  • Jenny Lynn Hungarian doctor, my bad:

    An old Hungarian doctor couple shared this with my family when I was little.
    When you feel the aura of the vision ( equilibrium off kilter) this is what you should do:

    Drink a glass of milk – 8 oz or so
    Warm a wet washcloth in the microwave as hot as your skin can stand it without burning

    Find a quiet dark place to put up your feet, lay your head back/down and place that cloth on the back of your neck for 7 min or so

    Wash your hands and stick your finger down your throat until the watery part of the milk comes up.- stop.

    Take a couple of whatever poison you take for headaches, ibuprophen, execdrin, etc… and in about 20-30 min (rest for this long), you should be ready to function with a very minimal amount of head pain, if any.

    Your eyes may be a touch sensitive to light but not as much as a full blown migraine.
    Doing this a few times should stop your migraines, but also find your triggers and keep those things that trigger out of your body, cheese, wine, chocolate, ??

  • Sarah Jango Put hands and feet in very warm water (as hot as comfortably tolerated) and put ice on the back of the neck for 15 minutes. Keeps eyes closed and do slow deep breathing. This helps the pressure built up in the brain to decrease and be dispersed to other parts of the body. Drink 8oz of water before and after. 95% of the time this helps my daughter who has had debilitating migraines for over 2 years.


  • Mel Wheeler Bairos I have tried this and it didn’t work for me, but I don’t think I didn’t long enough. Thank you for the advice



Migraines: Not Just Another Headache
Migraines: Not Just Another Headache

Migraines: Not Just Another Headache

  • Gina Lucariello It’s different for everyone, and so what works will be different. Also deoends on what stage you are in. If I’m at the beginning I can do caffeine, Aleve, and sleep in a dark room, low noise, and sleep it off…. I’ll be fine after sleep. But if its progressed, pain can be too much or vomitimg is too much to go to sleep. Then you can be in it for days. Different meds work at different stages, most of them are harsh on the body and leave you in bed anyway. You have to know what your own symptoms are and trial and error with what works. At the point your in it for the long haul, I’ve discovered a certain level of ‘taking yourself out of your body’ helps quite a bit and makes the episodes shorter. Acupuncture is a big help, even as a preventative. Mostly though, best advice is learn your triggers and avoid them at all costs. Because once it starts, there is no telling where its going to take you.


  • Gina Lucariello Incidentally, when I was young they thought migraines were a conditiin of the blood vessels constricting and they thought if they gave patients heart medicine to control blood flow that would help. I was on Inderol for years and it messed up the electrical signaling of my heart rhythm and it caused permanent damage… still have an arrhythmia from it even decades after being off if it. Today they think of it asva nervois system disorder and related to seritonin levels in the brain. The meds are totally different today.
  • LeAnne D Eden You are right. They wanted to put me on the same things as a child but I think my parent declined. Imatrex is a vessel deconstricter and if it’s bad I take one. Good ole ice pack and a coke works too..
  • Gina Lucariello Back then Imitrex was injection only. I had to go to the hospital to get it. After the mess of my younger years I did no meds for the next decade or so. I recently agreed to carry emergency meds, but still wont rake anything everyday.
  • Gina Lucariello And I’m so glad you didn’t take it 🙂
  • Write a reply…
  • Beverly Russo Chiropractic
  • Joey Foreman Juice of one lemon, teaspoon of pink Himalayan salt. Stir and drink.
  • Kathleen Ames CBD cannabis!!
  • Deanna Irvin I was getting migraines a couple of times a week to the point where I would puke. Then had to lay in the dark and the sound of ANYTHING would intensify it. Went to an ENT and they did Ct scan and found that my sphenoid sinus cavity (the one in the back) was completely full and compacted. I had surgery two days later to have it drained. For three years I didn’t have any headaches. It was amazing. It was like a whole new life. He said this is a surgery that might have to be repeated every four or five years. I’m just now starting to get headaches again. It has been exactly 4 years.




  • Tracey Fortune Zomig is a prescription inhaler (like a one shot dose in either nostril that worked for me within 10 seconds. If your insurance copay isn’t too high, try it. Very expensive otherwise. I had them for years..


  • LeAnne D Eden Zomig helped but imatrex has been the best so far. I liked maxalt but they stopped maxing it.. I sometimes use the shots if I need to work..
  • Katina Makris I use zomig for a crisis!
  • LeAnne D Eden Yeah I use the shots for emergencies. Or kick it old school..
  • Write a reply…
  • Richelle Smock Peppermint oil, calcium magnesium, bananas, tons of water, diet, cannabis, and coffee are a few I can think of.



  • Dawn Mills Brickey Chiropractic care and cannabis….
  • Tom Birkenmeyer I’ve never had a migraine in my life but a lot of people do suffer with those so I figured a post like this could help people find some solutions just by reading all the replies. Please feel free to share this friends you never know who is looking for a thread like this to help them.



  • Julie Reschke Thank you for this post. My daughter was just diagnosed with migraine disorder – she gets them almost daily and we are getting desperate to find her some relief. I am going to have her try a few of these suggestions.
  • Write a reply…
  • Ashley Howell Barnes Coffee and essential oils applied to the temple and back of the neck. Ice packs help too and laying down with the lights off and no stimulation.
  • Rebecca VanDyken FasciaBlaster – Heard from others. Before that would be chiropractor



  • Teresa Marroquin Call upon Archangel Raphael..the healing Archangel ?
  • Katina Makris Nothing really cured me 100%

    But menopause helps

    Regular chiropractor helps

    Avoiding your food triggers! Tons of them!!

    out all information Foods!! Beyond sugar, soy, dairy – wine, chocolate, dairy & aged cheeses, yogurt, bananas,
    Of course…

    The whole mold, candida issue is huge!!!!


  • LeAnne D Eden Mold is a huge trigger for me.. I can’t drink one drop of alcohol either.


  • Mena Christina Russell She meant inflammatory
  • Write a reply…
  • Olivia Ochsner I go through phases of getting horrible headaches every single day for weeks, then other phases of migraines/visual migraines. I have tried meditation, energy healing with crystals, 800 mg tylenol, herbal teas, ice packs, etc. But the only thing I have found even comes close to making me feel human again is marijuana.





  • Stephanie Harris Changing my diet. No sugar, dairy or gluten. Check your environment. Toxic black mold ( often hidden) can wreak havoc on your health. Proflavonol c-100 or 200 can help! Taking the best supplements consistently. Getting fresh air, grounding at the beach. Frankincense or lavender oil (high grade) rubbed on temples and bridge of nose, massage, acupuncture. Detoxing!!!




  • Amy Lawrenz Botox has been very helpful with my migraines. It’s not a cure (as there is no cure for migraine disease) but it has greatly reduced the severity.




  • Lucy Gates Was a Migraine sufferer for many years.. Nothing helped..As soon as I started eating healthier Working out & cutting out artifical crap headaches took a hike ..?
    .. Also VERY important, Limitations on sugar & lots of Veggies & WATER WATER & more WATER !! ?





  • October Ramirez Mine includes big pharma, which will most likely have me crucified again on your posts.
    I suffer from chronic and menstrual migraines. I have 25-30 migraine days a months. Sometimes have them 73 days consecutively.
    I try baths. Menthol bubble bath. The daith piercing, ice/ heat treatment.
    I get the Botox injections every three months, no progress.
    I take relpax, it helps. I take a sumitriptan injections, they work, and I can’t throw them up.
    They don’t get rid of my migraines, they make it so I can function. So I can be the best mom I can be. I tried acupressure and acupuncture to no avail.
    I hope to have better medications available to relieve more of my symptoms, for a longer time. I don’t know if I’m 16 or 20+ days into my current migraine. My medicine makes it so I can function, but I have had a headache/ migraine free day as long as I can remember. My mother remembers me complaining of my head hurting at 3 and 4.



  • Shanta Pasika I have heard shrooms but I have only had 2 migraines ever and really have no idea







  • Angela Blank Johnson It depends how bad. I did everything! Everything listed here & more. They were a mix including cluster headaches which are even more intense, about 20-25 days a month.
    They would go for days in end at times & result in an ER visit.
    All the things listed are great, but if no relief comes to you, surgery…



  • Mena Christina Russell Two people told me that eating something very cold to induce brain freeze stops them.
    Mine stopped when I stopped using things with man-made fragrance and chemicals and when I eliminated bad or processed foods. Also staying away from other chemicals used for other things, like paint, sealers and adhesives.



  • Barbara Rose Well mine is not proven but it helps for me: alternating between hot and cold compress. Dark room, no noise, rest. And just like Sarah said put hands/feet in warm water!! Def helped me!! And if you can tolerate caffeine, maybe a little of that. I can’t have caffeine but in the past when i could, i would drink a bit of coffee.



  • Wendy Jasper I am a chronic migraine sufferer and have been for years. I have tried everything on the market and holistic remedies. The final two things on the list are a daith piercing and Botox. I am already doing the Botox therapy and have not had a migraine in a year. I had three or four a week that were debilitating prior to that. I am now planning an appointment with a friend who does piercing to get the daith done. I have heard that the two together have stopped them entirely for some of my friends that have similar problems.




    Christina Love PlummerChristina Love Plummer replied

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  • Cydney Bott So , my bf suffers horrible migraines were it hurts behind his eyes, and he has to lay in the dark .. And will be sore for days. He currently is truing a small dosage of magic mushrooms every four days



  • Julia Godlewski Feet in hot water and icepack on the neck
  • Michelle BowenPsychic I open their psychic abilities.
    Stops migraine in its tracks. For life.
    I by the way suffered migraine from the age of two. The more I embraced my ability…the less they came






    Maggie Lace ReillyMaggie Lace Reilly replied

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  • Karen Wood I got rid of my boyfriend.



  • Write a reply…
  • Valerie Townsend I’m not sure why, but I used to have severe headaches……took pain killers and whatever I could find that was recommended. Then the headaches changed into ocular migraines that have no pain of any significance. Now I take nothing. Drink lots of water, do yoga. Stay away from cane sugar. Headaches amount to nothing. Pass in about 15 minutes. It’s all good now.



  • Angel Devile Cover your eyes with a damp cloth and lay doen take a nap…. Dark room .. No sounds …



  • Erica McGee If you can catch it at the onset, 2 advil and about 4 oz of a caffeine product. A bit of a nap, if you can. Also you need to figure out if it is your sinuses or an actual headache.
    if it is sinuses, heat applied to your sinus cavities, under your eyes and the baking of your skull.



  • Amelia Renee Massage!!! I have been suffering from migraine vertigo for over 12 yrs. The only thing that has helped has been massage.



  • Renate Ruth You have a strong desire and are over thinking it/ doubting it… the energy has no where to go. Be easy with yoursself by getting off the subject for awhile.
  • Christina Love Plummer Excedrin, hot epsom salt bath, cold wash cloth on head, soothing oils like peppermint, eucalyptus or lavender on your neck (make special blends at health food stores….especially for head or neck pain) a nap (if possible) and or massage also works wonders ?



  • Nancy Neill Kurcab Thanks Tom for putting this on your post. Im reading everything, getting a MRi tommorrow want to rule out anything serious I’ve suffered to long!



  • Cheri Hickman I’m great at getting rid of migraines, just massaging the scalp in the areas needed and pressing on the points that are tight. My fingers just go where they need to.





  • Lindsey Breegan Also healing tones on youtube, they have them specifically for migraines









  • Kelly Ferrell I learned when I studied shiatsu that crawling on the floor hanging head down when you have a migraine helps… I don’t get migraines, so never tested it.





  • Laura Jopling Abel Caffeine…. we give caffeine IV’s to patients in the hospital, and/or caffeine suppositories…. it works.






    Amanda AddisonAmanda Addison replied

      1 Reply

  • Jackie Taylor Benadryl, ice and rest with eyes shut in dark room.





  • Elaine Cormany I just posted 2x articles on my timeline about the ‘wonder” of aspirin. I have proven to myself for many years as a pain reliever and anti-inflammatory agent as well as a perfect sleep aid. I would definitely read the articles and try aspirin, if you haven’t already. Of course, each of us reacts to things differently.







  • Goldie Vicki Amira DoTerra Past Tense and Peppermint on the Temples, arch of feet and ears relieves headaches.




Jamie Akins6:04 The ice pack works great because it helps with inflammation


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Donna Marie6:20 I read pink Himalayan salt works … I don’t recall recipe off the top of my head … since using pink Himalayan salt I haven’t had any … knock on wood


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