INSPIRED ME to take the picture you see here and buy the Web Address you see Over the Picture…
As I was looking out over the open water this morning this BREATH TAKING view of Mother Natures Masterpiece Made me think about how much Value I place on Freedom from needing a Job…
Freedom from working for Money…
And freedom to contribute back more than I’ve ever been able to in my life especially over the days when I was needy for a job.
Anytime I’m in nature I think about how beautiful freedom is. But ya know what? Freedom has it’s price to pay too… Lots of HARSH weather over a long period of time created these beautiful waters and landscapes of the Midwest…
I started creating my personal beautiful freedom when I was jobless income-less, and almost homeless.
Whatever your struggles, they exist for a reason as a point of leverage for you to use to gain the skills and emotional strength you need to BECOME the person who can get what you want and design the life of your dreams.
In my opinion being a modern day slave to a job and to the Dollar is a far bigger price to pay but that’s for each person to decide for themselves.
I’m creating this content to intentionally attracting FREEDOM lovers into my life. If you dig this Freedom Stuff I’m glad you’re part of my world and that I’m part of your world.
Happily & Authentically,
– Tom
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