Larry is my Dad. He passed away last friday. I miss him terribly. He loved making people laugh. He was making people laugh with his jokes all the way up to his passing day. He suffered from COPD for many years and at the end relaxed into a peaceful passing. Here is a link to his memorial listing with details of his viewing and ceremony which takes place all tomorrow. He will have full military honors just as he wanted. He made an entire career out of serving his country as a Navy man and he worked hard and faithfully to give me, my mom, and my little brother a wonderful life.
I love you Dad. I can’t stop randomly crying, yet. It just overwhelms me to think I’ll never see you again in this life. I talk to you more than god right now. I know you’re listening. I can’t wait to see you again. Wherever you are I know it’s heaven because you are there. I promise I will love life again but right now it’s so hard getting through this family event. We don’t get to choose our parents. I really lucked out with you and mom. You adopted me. My birth mom is here. You met her a few years ago when we first found her and it was such a wonderful visit!!! Dad, it was something you found in the adoption papers and the letter YOU personally wrote to the adoption agency about it that eventually lead to me finding my birth family at the encouragement of you and mom. Lou Anne is here with us from colorado. She will be with us tomorrow viewing the body you occupied for 74 years. Mom is finding so much support and comfort in having her here right now.
Jason is doing amazingly well with all this. I believe you gave him a huge boost. Jason took it ALL down at the big poker tournament just one day after your passing. He was determined to let the poker tournament continue without delay to honor you and make you proud. I believe you had something to do with the hands he was continuously dealt that lead to his big victory.
Mom is randomly crying with me. She is doing pretty good though considering she is widowed after 44 years of marriage to you, dad.
Dammit I miss you, dad.
I love you.