Increase Vitamin C Intake. …
Drink Unsweetened Cranberry Juice. …
Take a Probiotic. …
They also make cranberry capsules

Then while waiting she could take the tablets that are now over the counter that coats the urinary track so the pain goes right away.
Natural is amazing for preventing uti.

Asparagus, avocado, celery, black olives, cucumber, green beans, bell peppers, beans (black eyed peas, garbanzo, white, pinto)
Chili peppers, onions, sauerkraut, tomato products, pickles
Cheeses – (American, mozzarella, cheddar cheese (mild), feta, ricotta, string cheeses) cream cheese, eggs, milk, sherbet (no citrus or chocolate flavors)
Chocolate ice cream, processed cheeses, soy products, yogurt (lemon, lime, orange or chocolate)
No soda pop. None
Continue to see your dr!!!

Urinary tract infections need to be dealt with. A bladder infection can quickly turn into a kidney infection which can then turn into sepsis and it happens fast for some.
Natural supplements are my go to but you keep saying these supplements are preventative. Actually no, they can help some UTIs. They’ve helped me but sometimes we do need antibiotics. I’ve seen sepsis from a UTI and it nearly killed my patient.
I’ve had UTIs and I have had a kidney but never at the same time.
I cannot even imagine!
The one kidney stone I had was 6mm and I thought I was dying ?
It was 100x more painful than natural childbirth.
I begged for drugs and they gave me demerol. Thank god because prior to the demerol I was throwing up, my arms had gone numb, I couldn’t catch my breath I was in so much pain.
Ugh I never ever want another stone.
Man you’re a trooper for having both a stone and a UTI.

Now. Antibiotics.
But I’m on bio and it’s helps balance things…

Please have this person see the doctor first to rule this out.
If it is the Cystitis a change of diet helps immensely.
Nothing the doctor prescribed, helped.
Cranberry is a no no for IC….AZO doesn’t help either.
I found that eliminating all acidic foods (surprisingly sour cream, yogurt and many other foods we don’t think are acidic, are) and started taking pumpkin seed oil. That helped immensely

Take 10 lemons & squeeze them, add 10 oz of cranberry juice.
Put in a one gallon pitcher and fill the rest of the way with water.
Tell her to drink half the pitcher to the entire pitcher a day – so half a gallon to the gallon maximum no more or she could spike her sugar and to drink half her bodies weight in ounces of water a day with it.
This is how I had gotten my kidney out of partial renal failure from my Scleroderma & Lupus, flushed from the kidney infections plaguing it and how I keep my kidneys and bladder from getting chronic UTIS I was getting often from my autoimmune diseases.
I do this flush once a month to maintain 😉
However, if she gets them often it’s safe to keep made and drink a glass or two of the cranberry lemonade a day and of course always drink the water.
Feel free to message me with any questions. I’m your Healing friend😉 You know that.
I’ve healed liver disease, reversed kidney failure, reversed parisis of my entire digestive tract.
I’m a healing girl 😉 #HealingLifeMovement #KCStrong
May the force be with your friend
UTI can be multiple things and can spread into kidneys and cause scarring and damage if left untreated for too long is knowledge many don’t realize.
Scarring of the kidneys can lead to kidney failure.
My kidney failure was from inflammation which is why it was reversible. Scarring isn’t reversible.

That’s it.

Under normal circumstances I avoid the doctor, but in cases like this I recommend it.
Then again, I don’t find it likely that polling people on Facebook is the best way to receive medical advice.

I’m a medical medium. Once a woman called me and asked, “what’s wrong with my mom? She’s sick. Im so worried. Please, can you just try and tell me what’s going on?”
I saw that she had a horrible bladder infection. The bacteria had traveled beyond her bladder and into her bloodstream making her septic. They (Spirit) warned that if she didn’t get to the ER within 3 hrs, she would die.
They told me to tell her daughter to have them give her broad spectrum antibiotics through an IV.
They wrnt to the ER, and it was determined that she in fact had gone septic from a UTI. they told just that if she hadn’t brought her mother in. She wouldn’t have survived.
UTIs, especially when not responsive to one antibiotic, are nothing to play around with.

D-Mannose, an active component in cranberry, enhances the removal of bacteria from the urinary tract and bladder by blocking their adhesion to the mucosal walls. Also, Hibiscus sabdariffa has powerful antimicrobial and bacterial anti-adhesive properties especially against E. coli.
early on in an infection, cells produce a protein called siderocalin. This protein blocks bacteria from growing, including E. coli. E. coli often causes UTI. I would suspect E Coli.
Stay away from juice including cranberry juice, sugar and drink lots of water.
The normal dose for D-mannose is 500 mg in capsule or powder form taken every 3 hours for 5 days.
D-mannose helps rinse E. coli from the urinary tract by binding to E. coli’s fingerlike projections (called fimbria), which normally allow it to stick to the urethral wall.

Prerelief to get rid of acid going through system
100% effective