12 Year Golden Anniversary on the 12th of August 2019!

TODAY IS MY GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY of getting the fuck out of the Rat Race and getting healthy the natural way.

It was 12 years ago today; August 12th 2007 I started a better journey of Natural Health and residual income.

A start-up cost of $240 and no income to pay for it because because my job was offshored to India.

I got super creative to come up with the funds to get started anyway with no means to pay off the $240.

90 days later I got into the best physical Shape of My Life.

2 and 1/2 years later of learning how to do this from scratch in my precious minutes of spare time I retired myself from the job racket.

Would you like to do this with me?

If you feel pulled by this because you like Natural Health and you want Financial Freedom I only have one requirement for you..

You must be willing to learn something new outside of the box of what you’re already familiar with.


P.s. If you’d like to work with me I don’t charge any fees I’m not going to sell you something you don’t want or need: http://workwithtom.fireyourboss.xyz

follow your heart

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If you enjoyed my blog you might LOVE my YouTube video about changing one thing, the direction of your cash-flow, to change Everything:

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