After only a few days and then some of learning and doing oil pulling with coconut oil I wanted to write a quick blog about how to do it and the health benefits.
I learned about oil pulling from a few different sources but primarily I learned from Dr. Josh Axe who you can find on youtube easily.
I recommend subscribing to his youtube channel he has a lot of great videos on many topic matters to do with natural healing and functional medicine.
Per Dr. Axes recommendation I am in the midst of coconut oil pulling for 10 – 20 minutes (I am doing the higher end of 20 minutes) per day for 2 weeks followed by a couple times per week in perpetuity.
Here is how I am doing it.
***disclaimer: I am not sharing this to undermine your Dr. or other health care professionals. I’m sharing what I’m learning and what I’m doing. Take responsibility for your own health and always consult with your Dr. before trying anything.
First how to and then I’ll get into the main health benefits of oil pulling. I use an organic unfiltered raw coconut oil because it is the most medicinal.
I am taking between 1 tsp and 1 tbsp of coconut oil into my mouth and swishing it around gently for 20 minutes. It takes about 20 seconds or so to melt from solid form in my mouth. I like to do it either while I am taking a shower or when I know I’m going to be sitting down either on the computer, or reading a book, for at least twenty minutes. That way I don’t have to take 20 minutes out of my day twiddling my thumbs while I swish coconut oil in my mouth for 20 minutes.
Once 20 minutes are up I simply spit it out of my mouth into the trash (not down the sink it could clog a sink possibly), rinse my mouth out with water for a couple seconds, then brush my teeth like normal.
That’s it!
Right away my mouth feels great. I don’t have any issues that I notice orally. One of my friends recently told me she healed open sores in her mouth by doing this every day. Sesame oil can be used to but I prefer coconut.
Here are the health benefits according to Dr. Josh Axe:
Treat tooth decay, kill bad breath, heal bleeding gums, prevent heart disease, reduce inflammation, whiten teeth, soothe throat dryness, prevent cavities, heal cracked lips, boost the immune system, improve acne, strengthen gums and jaws, heal minor to medium cavities, strengthen tooth enemal.
According to Dr. Josh Axe Coconut oil is even more beneficial than flossing. I’m personally not going to stop flossing but I certainly wanted to make sure I added that lil nugget of info about coconut oil pulling!
P.s. If you’d like to work with me I don’t charge any fees I’m not going to sell you something you don’t want or need:
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