My coach wrote this declaration of gratitude and invitation that pretty much mirrors how I feel so I wanted to copy and paste an excerpt with all of you. If at the end of reading this you’d like to be in my Change Makers group let me know…
I fully admit that I’m hella lucky to still have income during all of this. Every day I’m f***ing thankful as ever that I decided to become a coach all of those years ago, and that I never gave up on it. I’m not sure where I’d be right now without it.
By being a coach I not only was able to align myself with a company that I trust, believe in, and have had amazing results with… but I was also able to learn skills I never would’ve dove into myself. It’s because of being a coach that I dove into learning more about finances, investing, and everything else as well – since I was running my own business (as an independent contractor) at that point.
That being said… nothing in life is ever certain. All I know is that I’m ok right now, I’m I’m super hella grateful for that! I also know that I’m in a position where I can help others, and I’m SUPER HELLA grateful for that. I don’t know how long anything will last, none of us do… but right here, right now, I know that I can breathe, and I can hopefully help others breathe as well.
This company has been my rock, my family, my friends, my motivators, and everything in between for all of these years. Sometimes I feel as though it was a gift that came into my life to prepare me for something like this… and it has. I didn’t know what I was getting into, but I said “yes” and I’m so f***ing happy that I did. My life was forever changed.
If you ever want to do fitness with me, whether as a client or as a coach, I got you. Even if you are in hard times right now, I’m offering a TON of free stuff in my group Change Makers! My main goal is to give and help… anything else is icing on the cake at this point.
P.s. If you’d like to work with me I don’t charge any fees I’m not going to sell you something you don’t want or need:
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