Neat lil Acronym for you who like to Learn…
G.R.O.W. to get the most out of your learning experiences by keeping these ideas front and center in your mind.
Goal: What are you trying to improve or achieve?
Reality: Where are you now? What’s working? What’s holding you back?
Opportunities: What are your areas of strength and how can you play to those strengths more?
Way forward: How are you going to handle challenges? What are your next steps?
What I love MOST about this acronym are the questions involved. These questions are rooted in unleashing the power of your mind to be RICH AND CREATIVE in a search for answers rather than excuses. It also helps battle laziness. When you are lazy it’s easy to settle and find excuses. When you’re on the search for answers it forces your mind to become rich and creative and to battle against laziness.
If you’re poor, middle, rich, have NO time, lots of time, if you have Zero skills, lots of skills, if you have a bad past, a great past…. It’s time to G.R.O.W.
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P.s. If you’d like to work with me I don’t charge any fees I’m not going to sell you something you don’t want or need:
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