We are ALL Divorced.. Every friggen one of us in the Picture is DIVORCED and VERY happily so… =)
Not from spouses…
No big court costs or time commitments…
This divorce is Free and Thank Goodness Requires ZERO time through our TEDIOUS legal system… Thank Goodnes!!
This divorce is a divorce that is the LEAST common one made and has THEE MOST Unlimited Upside….
The other divorce people go through costs the most and is the most common one people go through..
WTF??? right???
There is something YOU personally are married to that has kept you from Creating more FREEDOM and Contribution…
You’ve married some BULLSH*T story about why you believe you can’t have more Freedom and Contribution.
Divorce it…
Stop fighting for that which is Killing your spirit…
Stop Justifying why you are Needy for a story that explains why you arent where you wanna be…
I did it.. My friends pictured did it…
If we did it… Why not you too?
Get THAT kind of a divorce… It’s FREE and has an unlimited upside…
Divorcing that story of yours for a NEW story of WHY you CAN Create the FREEDOM and Contribution you wanna create is a SelfLESS thing to do because everyone around you benefits!
Staying married to a BS story is selfish because if you don’t create Freedom and Contribution No one Benefits.
Ready for a divorce and a Marriage to a NEW Story?
Hope so =)
Divorce your false beliefs and you will receive much abundance in the divorce settlement. No lawyers and all yours 100%.
– Tom Birkenmeyer
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