Ok so let me get this straight…
You’re suggesting my S E X LIFE should be dictated by someone else…
That I Ask permission for personal time to grieve at a loved ones funeral… There is something VERY wrong with this set up…
Ask permission when I want to Visit my Birth Family in Colorado… F. U. I’m seeing them whenever I wish it’s none of your business anyway Mr. Employer face that I will never have to answer to or seek permission from…
Pay a great deal more in taxes (NO THANK YOU. I will actually put more money to work to actually HELP PEOPLE. The government will just waste it while people suffer)…
Shut down all my passive income streams so I can be a SLAVE to Money and the STRESS that comes with THAT lifestyle…
Steal my own Time for Money (That’s pretty stOOpid)..
Get a boss and do what he says even if his decisions are unintelligent…
Work longer hours for less pay (That’s pretty stOOpid too but All these reasons to get job are pretty StOOpid)…
Take fewer and shorter vacations and ask permission to take them (This would Never Work For Me I’m not into Tyranny)…
Throw away my Freedom to be a SLAVE to the Dollar (I have a thing against tyranny)…
Throw away my Security for the Vulnerability of a job that I’ll never own and can be taken away from me at any time at no fault of my own…
Work hard my whole life (For MONEY) only to retire poorer than I was when I was working (PYRAMID SCHEME RACKET)…
No chance to make any more money than the guy at the top of the company even if I outproduce that person (PYRAMID SCHEME PRIMA FACIE)…
Be grateful anytime I’m given a Scooby Treat (Pay Raise, Promotion etc)…
Get a haircut and allow someone else to be supreme ruler over my personal life even if it had nothing to do with job performance (No joke this actually happened once except I didn’t get a hair cut and it got me fired)…
Severely reduce my ability to give back, help the poor, feed the starving, provide Clean Quality housing for lower income families they can afford…
Steal a job position from someone else who actually wants a job…
And on top of all of that… this is what popular opinion construes as Intelligent???
All the reasons to get a job are reasons for me personally to never get a job again. Any Job that has you working hard your whole life to retire poorer than you were when you were working is a RACKET and a PYRAMID Scheme. Anything that so severely limits your ability to help others is selfish.
I’m Not telling anyone what to do…
If you intrinsically love having a job you should follow your heart and have the best job you want. What I am saying is if you depend on a job to nourish yourself and your family then you’re completely ripping yourself and your family off. It makes no sense to depend on a job for your security or income.
I LOVE Mobilizing People who have some Fire in the Belly to become FREE from a neediness for a paycheck from a job.
I don’t write this to offend your values. I write this to challenge your belief about what you think you know so you can make a Major Breakthrough that leads you to improving the quality of your life.
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– Tom
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