I remember YEARS ago when I believed a high paying job and pay raises from a job was a good thing…
In my defense I didn’t know any better…
I didn’t know how money worked back then Even though I totally thought I did just like everyone else who believes job money is a good thing or that it equates to security for their family…
Jobs are GOOD for those of you who like that sort of thing…
What I’m saying is Job money is the Worst kind of money on planet earth to depend on for anything…
The only pathway to believing job money is good is a mis understanding of how money works.
Still think you know how money works?
98% of you reading this will be Dead or Dead Broke by the age of 65 Depending on friends family and the federal government for the main source of your income because you believe in going to school to get a job to work the rest of your life for a paycheck.
This may not be entirely your fault..
I’m not putting ANYONE down for this..
Our public school system teaches You to be a Modern Day Slave to Money.
It takes some serious Outside of the Box kind of Free Thinking to make these discoveries but when you do you FINALLY can SEE a way to get OUT of that Pyramid Scheme Scenario of Working For a Paycheck every two weeks.
I Hope that even begins to get you to look outside of what you think you know about money so you can create more Freedom and Contribution in a planet that is currently dying because Good people like you have made it very EASY for the criminals of the world to have too much control over the money supply.
Lets flip that control over the money supply so we can END things like poverty, factory farms, PhRMA as we know it, human trafficking etc…
Enjoy this FUN video I made about NOT working in a Pyramid Scheme 40 years to retire poorer than you were when you were working…
– Tom
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