Do you see it as Greed or do you see it as having MORE to Contribute More?
A BILLION people mostly kids are starving to death…
PhRMA is out of control Profiting Half Trillion a year from people getting Sick and Prolonging the Suffering…
Human Trafficking and Sex Slave Trade Rings are global Businesses INCLUDING in the United States regardless of lack of Media Attention…
Factory Farming Tortures BILLIONS of helpless animals a year…
If you take yourself out of the equation doesn’t it make sense to BECOME a person who can Create Millions and Billions of Dollars?
When good people say foolishness like, “I don’t need money to be happy” and “money is greed” you actually make it Easier for the criminals of the world to Keep too much control over the money supply and perpetuate the aforementioned Global Criseses…
Are you ok with only creating enough money for your personal needs while problems are so Dire for Billions of people, MOSTLY KIDS, and the planet in which we live on?
Staying broke and poor is just as selfish as making Millions to pollute the world with. Becoming a person who can create Millions and Billions to Heal the Planet with is Selfless.
The world NEEDS more people to Get over their negative energy about money so YOU can BECOME a person who Creates millions of Dollars to put to work to HEAL the planet...
Like it or Not Your Negative Energy about Money Perpetuates Poverty and NEEDLESS suffering on a colossal scale outside of your home, and possibly IN your home.
Create more Freedom and Contribution. Everyone Benefits from that.
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– Tom
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