If I need to cry I cry.
If I have a bad day I show it to whoever is there with a positive aim to heal.
If I do something dumb it’s out in the open where I want it to be.
When I score a victory through the ashes of something that started poorly it will be on display so no one can have permission in my example to be a quitter.
Ya know what doesn’t inspire anyone to do anything?
Playing small.
Afraid to dream.
Afraid to make mistakes.
Ego tripping.
Everyone already knows how to act like a loser they don’t need you or I showing them.
Let’s show people how to be human, how to THINK BIG, DREAM BIG, cry, make mistakes, learn, grow, don’t keep it from people…
I hope my sharing all this stuff inspires you to be unafraid to be unreserved about all of who you are, too, and to dream bigger than you have before and just be unreserved completely about the process of making your beautiful dreams a beautiful reality.
Put it all on display the good bad and ugly it inspires people.
Too many people choose happiness or money.
Choose BOTH.
YES AND YES is rich.
One or the other is Poor.
Feel free to share.
P.s. If you’d like to work with me I don’t charge any fees I’m not going to sell you something you don’t want or need: http://workwithtom.fireyourboss.xyz
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