It’s happening in towns Across America…..
The PhRMA industry has a primary goal of helping YOU Die as SLOWLY as possible.
The real tragedy for this inexcusable industry is when you die because when you die they lose a customer.
In my Not so big town of Kenosha Wisconsin a new grocery and Wellness store just opened up.
It’s called, “FRESH THYME”.
It’s similar to a Whole Foods except more Affordable and even Healthier.
Overwhelmed and Excited as I carefully walked up and down EVERY aisle inspecting Everything…
This isn’t a regular grocery store with a fragmentation focused on wellness. The whole building is focused on wellness and they did not stop at just groceries!!
Essential oils, diffusers, NATURAL supplements, organic produce, hot and cold bar, bakery, dry food, wet food, oral hygiene, hair care, skin care, you name it they have it if it can be ingested, absorbed through the skin, or breathed in through the lungs.
Common name brands you see in typical grocery stores that profit by poisoning their consumers you won’t find here.
I even thought to myself as I’m strolling down the aisles how ideal a place like this would be to meet Like Minded people.
Just as I had that thought I met a like minded individual and we connected on facebook instantly =)
I’m PASSIONATELY typing this Beautiful blog as I’m burning Frankinscense and Sandalwood Incense sticks. Oh how lovely my home is right now with these HEALING aromas!!!
I bought a bar of Frankinscence and Myrrh Soap for my mom.
The aroma from the soap is so calming and there is no poison in that to be absorbed into the blood through the skin like with typical soaps. It’s just HEALING goodness =)
I bought these items at Fresh Thyme.
I even bought a VEgan Mac and Cheese for later =)
And the place was busy with all kinds of people in good moods!
This is how we change the world.. It’s in How we spend our MONEY.
PhRMA and other Big Business that Profits by managing your sickness, your poverty, and controls and manipulates you through money dependency to pay your bills and eat are TERRIFIED that you might CHANGE HOW YOU SPEND YOUR MONEY.
Please feel free to SHARE THIS AND PASS THIS ALONG if you’re GENUINELY interested in shrinking companies that Profit from Sickness, poverties, and control and manipulation.
We create Revolution by Changing how we spend our money and that POWER is 100% in our Hands to do so =) Please Share that actionable Powerful Knowledge…
With Love,
Tom 🙂
P.s. If you’d like to work with me I don’t charge any fees I’m not going to sell you something you don’t want or need:

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