His band opened for the Monkees once and got booed off of stage. They were consequently dropped from the tour. – Jimi Hendrix
He was kicked out of the Grand Ole Opry in 1954 – they told him to stick to his day job driving trucks. – Elvis
“If she will make up her mind to cast away fear, doubt and self-consciousness, she will find her confidence increasing and the unsure element in her acting will disappear.” – Said about Joan Collins
Shortsighted and dyslexic at a time when it went undiagnosed, he was considered either stupid or lazy. – Said about Richard Branson
He was a 38 year old man who hadn’t boxed for 10 years. He was 70+ pounds overweight and literally laughed at when he made a comeback to raise money for a youth center just outside of Houston, TX. His first comeback fight in Sacramento drew laughter and boos for how slow and plodding he looked. He just kept on training, losing weight and fighting. He was told it was a waste of time and energy. He was the Heavyweight champion of the word 7 years later. – George Foreman
Just one month after she started attending the American Academy of Dramatic Arts her mother received a letter from the school saying, “Don’t put any more money into this. This girl will never make it.” – Said about Lucille Ball
His older brother Ivor once invited the young fledgling comedian to perform at a party for workers at a steel plant where Ivor was an executive. Ivor said of his little brother, “He’ll never amount to anything.” – His brother was Bob Hope
This book was rejected by 38 publishers before it finally got green-lighted. – Gone with the wind
Her own mother mother told her she wasn’t pretty enough to be an actress and she could never become a singer because her voice wasn’t good enough. – Barbara Streisand
He once overheard his father say to his mother: “Mary, I do not know what will become of Connie. I’m afraid he’ll never amount to anything.” – Conrad Hilton (estimated net worth of $2.5 billion)
Doctors & specialists gave her less than 6 months to live. Said even with chemo she wouldn’t make it long. After changing diet, food, lifestyle, job, mindset & even geographic location, she made a FULL recovery. That was over 3 years ago. – my personal friend the Amaaaaazing Angie Marler =)
What if they tell YOU that You’ll Never Make it?!
– Tom
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