Politicians and media pundits are straight-up lying to you about Social Security. Not misleading. Not “spinning facts.” Lying. And they’re doing it to steal the money you’ve paid into the system your entire working life.
Here’s the stone-cold truth they’re desperately trying to hide: Social Security adds ZERO dollars to our national deficit. Not a penny. Not a dime. Anyone telling you different—whether they’re a smooth-talking Senator or a cable news “expert”—is peddling pure propaganda.
Want to know why they’re lying? Because Social Security is sitting on a $2.9 TRILLION surplus. That’s right, the same politicians crying crocodile tears about “saving” Social Security are conveniently ignoring the mountain of cash you’ve already paid in. These are the same hypocrites who vote for massive corporate tax cuts and bloated military contracts without batting an eye.
The corruption is almost comical: Watch how fast these “deficit hawks” approve billions in corporate subsidies, then turn around and claim we “can’t afford” to pay you the retirement benefits you’ve earned. The audacity is breathtaking.
Let’s name and shame: The Republican Study Committee—a group representing 80% of House Republicans—is trying to pickpocket $1.5 trillion from Social Security over the next decade. They want to jack up the retirement age to 69, basically stealing years of benefits you’ve already paid for. And they’re hoping you won’t notice until it’s too late.
Here’s a scandal that should make your blood boil: A CEO making $10 million pays Social Security taxes for about ONE WEEK, then stops. Meanwhile, teachers, nurses, construction workers—real working Americans—pay in ALL YEAR LONG. The media talking heads who defend this rigged system? Many of them are millionaires themselves, protecting their wealthy friends while pretending to be “objective journalists.”
The privatization vultures are even worse. They’re circling Social Security, drooling at the chance to hand your retirement over to Wall Street gamblers. These are the same financial “geniuses” who crashed the economy in 2008 and got bailed out with your tax dollars. Now they want to roll the dice with your retirement? Give me a break.
When you hear politicians talk about “entitlement reform,” translate that to what it really means: They want to rob you of money you’ve already paid in. It’s like if your bank suddenly announced they were “reforming” your savings account by keeping half of it for themselves.
Here’s what these charlatans won’t tell you about fixing Social Security:
- Make the wealthy pay their fair share by removing the contribution cap.
- Force investment income millionaires to contribute like everyone else
- Close the loopholes that let the rich dodge their responsibilities that the rest of us are not allowed to dodge.
That’s it. Problem solved. No benefit cuts needed. No complicated schemes. Just basic fairness, which is exactly why the political elite fights so hard against it.
The next time you see a millionaire news anchor nodding along as some politician explains why your benefits need to be cut, remember: They’re not journalists reporting facts. They’re wealthy people protecting other wealthy people’s interests while throwing your retirement under the bus.
Social Security isn’t broken, it’s being sabotaged. It’s not failing, it’s being targeted. And the people claiming they need to “save” it are the same ones trying to destroy it.
You’ve paid for these benefits with every paycheck of your working life. You’ve earned them. And anyone trying to take them away, whether they’re wearing a designer suit in Congress or sitting behind a news desk, is trying to steal what’s rightfully yours.
The time for polite disagreement is over. These aren’t good-faith policy debates, they’re calculated attacks on your financial future by people who think you’re too distracted to fight back. Prove them wrong. Call them out. And demand that your representatives protect the benefits you’ve earned, or find themselves new jobs.
Remember: Every time they talk about “saving” Social Security through cuts, they’re really talking about saving money for their wealthy donors at your expense. Don’t fall for it. And don’t let them get away with it. Stop nominating and voting for them!