Jennifer Stephens It’s suppose to be eased by taking swallowing a teaspoon of honey. I’ve heard it works.
Jennifer Stephens Do you take elderberry syrup?
Shawna Shafer Hot toddy. If you can’t have alcohol. Lemon, honey & cayenne in a spoon will suffice.
Leesa Jones Aspirin is naturally, ibuprofen Tylenol and naproxen sodium are not so aspirin is my choice. Aspirin is made from the bark of the tree. Willow trees also have a bark much like aspirin.
Wendy Raasch Gargle with salt water warm salt water
Denise Lahav Traditional Medicinals Throat Coat tea and Doterra OnGuard beadlets and lozenges.
Also a cup of tea, with honey & ginger -
Dayma Foster Zinc and gargling with diluted 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide
and elderberry of course -
Alicia Marie Golden turmeric almond milk with cinnamon- gotta use the good stuff like Dottera or young living oil so it’s safe to ingest.
Kitty Shorewood Hot tea with whiskey lemon and honey
Mandy Perrin Pineapple
Lauren Landre Lisa Oddo same! I swear by that stuff!
Albert A. Apostol This is what I use before going to bed. Afetr brushing and mouth cleansing with Listerine. Spray this on my throat then sleep.
Kari Light Tonic water with quinine in it?
Desiree Haymond Old fashion warm salt water gargle
Christina Marie Ptak Lions pose
Marilyn Juliana Gargle with warm water and pink salt as many times a day as you can. Also eat more salt…pink Himalayan or a real sea salt. Salt kills germs
Jess Myers Starbucks makes something called a medicine ball – you can DIY at home. Helps me every time
Tom Birkenmeyer Jess Myers cool whats the recipe?
Jess Myers Tom Birkenmeyer this one looks pretty good! https://anaffairfromtheheart.com/copycat-starbucks…/
anaffairfromtheheart.comCopycat Starbucks Medicine Ball – Make this “secret recipe” at home!
Copycat Starbucks Medicine Ball – Make this “secret recipe” at home!
Andrea M. Reyes One whole lime, 1-2 tablespoons of organic honey, 1 cup of hotwater stir n drink 4xs a day until symptoms subside. Also oregano oil in the morning and night to break up the mucus
Katie LeQuia Rowland Honey, lemon, cayenne in warm water
Valerie Hamby Gargling with salt water and Listerine. Honey to coat. To numb, add in some clove oil to the gargle (if you can)
Lisa Carbonara I’d it better or worse today? You did do well yesterday and want to make sure you are still going in wellness direction. ?thanks!
Lyndy Perez 1 tsp of apple cider vinegar…3x/day.
Joyce Rose Thieves essential oil from Young Living or the equivalent from Revive oils.
Susan Meagher Fireball whisky , with a chaser of fresh lemon.
Stacey Leppe Susan Meagher I tried this. I lost my voice for a month.
Susan Meagher Stacey Leppe wow really. I have never had that happen ….im sure my family wished it did though lol.
Penny Gi 1/2 ounce thyme leaf powder1/4 ounce rose petal powder
1 ounce slippery elm bark powder
Place herbs in a bowl and add just enough warm honey to create a thick, syrupy consistency, like sticky dough or putty. Pinch off 1/4 teaspoon amounts and roll into smooth balls. Eat as desired.Recipe by herbalist JJ Pursell -
Jody Pogorzelski Traditional Medicinals’ Organic Throat Coat tea is a good one for that.
Chrysilla Lewies Honey lemon cinnamon and hot water
Radiance Tyler Gargle with Apple cider vinegar every hour. Tea tree oil on the outside of the throat.
Stacey Leppe Marshmallows
Beth Goodman Good recommendations here. You can also use a humidifier for moisture in the air
Alison Cappuccilli Good THC honey and you’ll sleep good ?
Susan Dempsey Pineapple juice is good
Amelia Cox Patterson Hot tea with honey and a cough drop that contains menthol.
Laura Marie Apple cider vinegar and honey. (Organic, not the generic). Mix and gargle. Always helps me. Hope you get to feeling better. Xoxoxo:*
Katrina Smith I add lemon to this mix and is the best I have found to help
Laura Marie Katrina Smith I’ll have to try this! 🙂
Mandy West Wild oil of oregano drops cut with olive oil, in raw honey, with tumeric and a bit of black pepper. About 8 drops per two tablespoon doses, at first, three times a day. Also, breathing in steam from boiling pot with ginger and one or two drops wild oil of oregano.
Sarah Dawkins Slippery elm bark.
Sage infusion.
Oil of oregano capsules. -
Wanda Lindsay Elias Warm honey & water, may add cinnamon, ginger, lemon and/or bourbon, lol ☕? 🙂
Esther StJames Gargle with oregano oil in water. Also helps kill colds and stuff
Shelly Perry Oregano steam…?
Linda Engelmann Warm salt water and gargle. Then drink honey lemon and ginger tea. Also oil oregano helps.
Jason Birkenmeyer Thanks you lisa. Helping my brother feeling better
Tina Hill Tom Birkenmeyer, all of these are good ideas . If you have covid you want to avoid elderberry syrup and ibuprofen ( not that you use ibuprofen)
Tina Hill Hope you feel better !! Praying for your mom and you all!
Skye Nance Tina Hill why avoid the Elderberry?
Shelly Thompson Langschwager Thieves essential oil and lozenges
Amanda Ann Honey and lemon juice in herbal tea.. also a teaspoon of honey and crushed garlic is a good antibacterial.
Michelle Vessey Draper My favorite
Rene Karen peroxide
Ann-Marie Pasko Throat coat tea from traditional medicinals. Taste like black licorice. And it really coats your throat it feels like Vaseline in your throat. It is delicious but has that greasy feeling which really is soothing.
Tami Bullet Donnelly Hot water with lemon juice, raw from the mother apple cider vinegar, raw honey and cinnamon
Sian Lindemann Olive oil infused with oregano drizzled at the back of the throat. I often add garlic cloves bnb to the mix
Tabitha Maza Chante Kelleher 1cup of water
2 teaspoons of honey
1 medium lemonHeat water on the stove in a microwave-safe mug for 1-2 minutes. Add honey and lemon juice to heated water and mix until the honey is dissolved. -
Polly Kay Mannon make an essence of cloves and vodka….. essential essence. It needs to sit in a glass jar in a cupboard for 2 weeks, but, do it. 😀 after 2 weeks, you strain the cloves out.
cloves are always good for mouth issues. they numb the irritations and pain.instant relief is “clora septic” spray. drugs? yes, but,……..gargling with vinegar water is good too.
Deanna Trujillo Gargling with hot water salt and ginger. Snort salt water. If you’re into cell salts… ferrom phos, kali mur, natrum mur, silica, calc phos.
Carolyn Clapper Gargling with Himalayan salt, drinking green tea with lavender, honey, lemon, and chunks of ginger. Oh, and jakemans throat drops are great!
Jennifer McDougal Natural herbal tea called Throat Coat
Karen Bovenizer Tea with Honey and ibuprophen.
Patty Hull Raw honey, mix ginger , I use organic powdered ginger and organic powdered cayenne and cinnamon… stir it together and dip a spoon in and suck on it . My kids love it and it works great
I use a lot of cayenne , it helps numb it and is an antiseptic qualities… -
Peia Marie Edgerly Zinc lozenges or doterra cough drops or elderberry syrup
Glenda Jean Sherrod Deaton Echinacea Plus is really helpful.
Paula Zoe Olive leaf tincture, hot lemon water,
Nikki Marie Wood •Fresh ginger root about a thumb’s length, peeled & sliced
• 1cup cola type soda
~ Place both into a small sauce pan and bring to a boil
~ Turn heat down and simmer for 5 minutes
~ Remove from heat and let cool until you can drink it** the ginger can be used once more to make the tea again if needed -
Susan Witchey Warm salt water
Candy Wisdom Hey, Tom Birkenmeyer – try this.
Donna Reed Lemon, honey in hot water
Kelly O’Brien Better not be covid! Be careful… I do the honey, tea and lemon.
Lisa Hinerman Original Ricolla with all the sugar. None of the other flavors work the same, and sugar free is worthless. Also… Lemon Zinger tea with Raw Honey. I say this specifically, because none of the other teas were the same for me.
Nancy Neill Kurcab Gargle with warm salt water.
Nancy Neill Kurcab Tom, did you get your results for your test?
Terese Day Warm water & Salt. I take Umcka.
Patricia Sobczyk Thieves in a little bit of water
Christine Pederson LIQUID TYLENOL IS THE BEST!!! Works every time and especially when I had my tonsils out❤️❤️
Kari Jean Warm salt water…
Kari Jean Popsicles!!!
Kari Jean Echinacea tea, honey, lemon and brandy.
Sylvia Delarosa Reddeman On Guard
Melaleuca -
Kathleen Ames Warm water with lime juice, turmeric, ginger and honey.
Michelle Skutnick Simple hot tea with lemon and honey…always works for me…if that doesnt work…I do a few shots to help me sleep through it. It’s not healthy, but u do sleep.
Theresa Cesari-Anderson Salt water
Beverly Zeliger Gargling with Himalayan Pink Salt
Amy Espinoza Sliced onion mixed with honey and garlic it has sit over night in the fridge… tastes nasty but helps… also spicy foods also help if you cab stand them
Amylee Rottmann Did you get tested for covid??
Alicia Garnet Chestnut Gargle mixture of liquid Benadryl and Maalox
Christian Davis replied
2 Replies
Jeri Lindsey Take a medium onion, cut the ends off and peel it, core out the center juat large enough for a peeled garlic clove,place it in a piece of aluminum foil and pour 2 tablespoons of honey over it. It will make some every hour.
Penelope Richards Warm salt water!! Oldest an effective remedy. Feel better!! ❤️?
Kristie Tait Colloidal silver all the way
Jennifer Shay Fresh ginger root tea
Tonya Rajic Lemon and sugar on a spoon. Or vodka and sugar. My mom did this for me. Works went to bed. Especially with the vodka. Yes and honey lemon chamomile tea. Chamomile is bitter. Parasites hate and die in it.
Janet Lynn Hot water with fresh squeezed lemon and raw honey
Carolyn Andre Should have that check if you have a sore throat could be strep throat
Kristina Cerce A blow job
Tom Birkenmeyer replied
1 Reply
Kelly Wabi Sabi Chalmers Coloidial Silver spray then a hot toddy (rye whiskey, lemon tea and honey), also load up on 3x reg dose of vitamin C, B12 and elederberry syrup or capsules.
Brandi Best Richardson Hot toddy
Lizzy L Ciskowski Real pineapple juice (inflammatory)
lemon honey tea add ginger if your throat is related to stomach acid -
Pak B Cherry Organic honey and burdock root tea
Kim Baierl Buy a over the counter throat spray, take ibuprofen to reduce the swelling, drink cranberry juice or take 2 cranberry supplements W/Vitamin C tablets, & drink green tea or take a green tea supplement.
Lori Jackson Puckett Do the throat gargle recipe on the hydrogen peroxide bottle. Takes away soreness and kills bacteria.
Then later warm salt water for healing -
Kismet Marlane Eating lots of blueberries
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