I did not use a picture filter to bring out colors and skin tones that are not there it’s just natural sun light and what I feed myself.
I don’t use any lotions, oils, anti aging serums, no topical treatments of any kind. My skin is not dry or too moist. It’s perfect.
I know I just shared this picture recently but it just occurred to me I really should put the spotlight on the fact that my skin is this perfect by what I feed my brain and my mouth.
The superfoods shake I’m holding up is a meal shake I’ve been drinking daily for many years. I sell what I drink.
Over the past DECADE I’ve gotten lots of feedback from my female friends who wear less make up (aka less cover up) because their hair, SKIN, and nails are healthier.
Oh by the way their BLOOD and internal organs are healthier, too.
Energy is calm, clear, focused, productive.
I like the company who makes this super foods shake because they are not arrogant enough to start genetically modifying nature.
They have the humility to leave the ingredients genetically as they are because nature knows the complexities of how our bodies operate and humans do not.
P.s. If you’d like to work with me I don’t charge any fees I’m not going to sell you something you don’t want or need: http://workwithtom.fireyourboss.xyz
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