The “Boomerang Generation” (according to wikipedia) is a term applied in Western culture to young adults graduating high school and college in the 21st century. They are so named for the percentage of whom choose to share a home with their parents after previously living on their own—thus boomeranging back to their parents’ residence.
This is a significant piece of my own story. I’ve talked about how I was reduced to needing my parents for my survival all over again as an adult like I did when I was a baby and all of the self loathing and intense depression that came with it.
Nobody has asked me to talk more about it until now =)
The gut reaction is “Tom not everyone has their parents to go back to maybe if I did I could be successful like you”.
10 times out of 10 times there is someone who had it worse than you who figured it out and teaches us who love to learn new things. They teach us that where a person starts is NEVER the common denominator of where a person finishes. The common denominators between people who’ve successfully become financially free and free to live their lives on their own terms I’ll talk to you about in the video down below. This is more than important because before I figured out these common denominators it didn’t matter what my situation was I was not progressing in my life. It wasn’t til after I figured out these common denominators I began solving my problems. It’s the same common denominators that marks where you’re at right now as irrelevant to where you Finnish.
Some people start rich and finish poor. Some people start poor and finish rich. Many more people toggle back and fourth between rich and poor until finishing rich or poor.
So what is the common denominator between all who finish rich if they’ve come from all walks of lifes challenges? I’ll talk to you abou that in the video.
The questions posted to me I’ll copy / paste and ill dedicate this whole blog post to the answers and how to solve that problem for other current boomerangs and anyone else interested for that matter in unshackling themselves from the dollar to live free.
The questions copied and pasted:
“Did you live out on your own when you started this process? Or did you still live with your parents? Do you think that made a difference if you still lived at home? And if you were out on your own, how did you pay all your bills for the time you were jobless? Until your business started generating income to live off of.”
Enjoy this video where I answer these questions and I will talk to you about the Common Denominators I mentioned above..
I’ll copy / paste the blog post that inspired the questions just because it’s a great blog post and always inspires someone to tell me they are inspired to take action on their dreams:
Once and a while someone who reads some of my blogs about how I bought my house in cash and get to travel BITCHED AT ME because “not everyone can be lucky like you, Tom”.
Here is what always annoys me when someone makes the “luck” statement about me vs. them…
I started my process of being able to do these things when I had no job, no income, no unemployment benefits, no free time, no energy, no resources, no tools, straight Ds in Grade School Special Ed Classes, I rode the “short buts”, No skills, No good experience..
I did not have luck on my side.
Here’s the difference..
I stopped being lazy about my problems and started to figure stuff out.
It wasn’t having things that made the difference because I didn’t have things.
I don’t have the background or a lotto ticket.
I didnt have income, time, or skill so I figured out how to come up with income, time, and learn new skills.
I worked on these things not once and a while, but 7 days a week until I emerged a free human being WITHOUT a Job.
I wanted financial freedom because it’s the one thing that affects all other things.
Financial freedom is Time freedom.
I choose teachers over television.
I chose to invest rather than spend.
I chose veggies over cake most of the time.
I teach as I learn so you take action with me.
I drink my superfoods shake daily.
Now that I’m a free human being I choose to travel instead of have a job, be free of consumer debt, own my house so I have no mortgage and no rent, I fired my boss, I LOVE teaching stuff in my videos and blogs, I love creating my own random adventures and being a Free Spirit without shackles to the dollar.
This doesn’t have to be what healthy and FREEDOM looks like for you… but don’t lessen my hard work to make yourself feel better.
I can do things physically people half my age can’t do and I’m more free with my time than people twice my age and I plan to keep showing up to show YOU what’s possible to inspire You who wants to take action.
When you say, “I can’t _____ because xyz” what you’re really saying is “I lack the creativity and ingenuity to figure stuff out”.
Remember to look at how far you’ve come and build on that!
Learn some new skills from the right teachers and mentors and take action on what you learn.
Find out what most people are doing, how they think, how they make excuses, how they spend their time and money, how they say NO to opportunity and YES to being Wage Slaves, and DO THE EXACT OPPOSITE.
If you’re sincerely interested in what I did to create health and freedom feel free to facebook inbox me.
Share if you’d like.
P.s. If you’d like to work with me I don’t charge any fees I’m not going to sell you something you don’t want or need:
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