Sometimes you win..
Sometimes you Learn..
Either way you win.
Admit you’re wrong about money and you can get ahead.
Admit you’re wrong about time and you can have more of it.
Admit you’re wrong about your health and you can experience more of it.
Admit you’re wrong about sickness and disease and you can have less of it.
Admit you’re wrong to say no to opportunity and you can fix whatever is wrong while building on what’s right.
Admit you’re the first person in your life to rip you and your family off with your excuses before anyone else could rip you off and you can start accomplishing meaningful dreams.
Admit your personal philosophies need refining and you’ll refine them.
Find out what most people are doing with money, time, how they think, and RUN the opposite direction as FAST as you can and you will be unusually successful in whatever that looks like for you.
Feel free to share these these Great Ideas and if you have something in your set of beliefs that needs refinement feel free to comment below with some enthusiastic Liberation..
P.s. If you’d like to work with me I don’t charge any fees I’m not going to sell you something you don’t want or need:
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