Our government is Broken…
It’s been said our government is st00pid (I won’t disagree & this is NOTHING Political).
98% of you are Dead or Dead Broke BEFORE the age of 65 depending on friends, family, and the Federal Government as the main source of your income…
You have to deal with government bureaucrats who don’t understand you and regularly make changes that you have to Jump through Hoops for to Keep
your income that keeps the lights on and food on the table at home..
You live in so much FEAR of possibly losing your income paid for by other people…
People with a JOB are in Fear of Losing their income should the pyramid Scheme errrr I mean the Company they work for do something to their job.
Whether you’re working for money from a job or getting free money from the government you’re Addicted to that Paycheck they’ve Conditioned you to be addicted to…
You live in FEAR of something happening to that Insidious paycheck that you are NEEDY for every pay day or you may not be able to keep the lights on and put food on the table at home…
You’ve sold your soul to a fiat Currency, the Dollar, that loses it’s value every day.
Otherwise intelligent people defend this Pyramid Scheme of a life style of Working for Money as Ethical, Smart, Secure, Stable, and every other BS lie they’ve Been Sold by an Average thinking culture that working for Money and for a paycheck is “good”.
I’m blowing the whistle…
There is a BETTER way..
There is a way that has security, stability, FREEDOM, Contribution, giving back…
There is nothing Locking you inside of the Pyramid Scheme in which you currently work and Live in except your Mind..
Here’s whats great about that…
YOU’ve been BORN with a GIFT of being able to CHANGE YOUR MIND…
YOU can SEARCH for a BETTER Way…
You’ve been exposed to a Better way THOUSANDS of times in your adult life already!!!
But why didn’t you see them?
You were Closed…
You made statements and criticized.
You bought into what average thinkers were sellin you and now you’re living and working in the same Pyramid Schemes that they live and work in…
Maybe you tried in the past but you were more concerned about being accepted by people in your life than becoming more and growing so when they made you feel silly about your ambitions you shrunk back into your smaller self in a futile attempt to protect your ego from getting hurt again…
But self protection didn’t work..
Open your mind Back up into a Rich and CREATIVE mind set..
This is where you begin to see Better Ways that have always been there before but you can see them now because you evolved from closed and poor to open and rich in mind…
Freedom of the Mind Precedes Financial Freedom and FREEDOM of your TIME to spend your time however you wanna spend it without Living underneath the THUMB of ANYONE who can tell you what to do ever again…
Ya wanna be able to contribute more and give more to help people at the planet?
You’ll need your freedom of time…
IT’s not about the money but you’ll grow to LOVE generating piles and piles of it because You’ve finally RELEASED ALL NEGATIVE ENERGY YOU EVER HELD TOWARD MONEY as You finally Connected the dots between Generating PASSIVE and Residual Money to Creating FREEDOM and CONTRIBUTION and HEALING the PLANET.
You’re not gonna be able to create Freedom and Contribution working inside of a Pyramid scheme at a job or getting free money from the government. In that lifestyle You’ll spend more time dealing with other peoples stupidity because you gave them power over your livelihood.
You’ve been born with the GIFT of Being able to CHANGE YOUR MIND…
You’ve changed your mind before… You can CHANGE YOUR MIND again =)
Open your mind to a RICH and CREATIVE Mind…
Relentlessly SEARCH..
Make the Discoveries…
Abandon the school of Average Thinking..
It’s ALL there within your grasp and you don’t even know it..
Till now because I just told you..
Your story you WILL create is in whatever you’ve gotta overcome..
What do you have to overcome?
Ya know what’s great about having lots of stuff to overcome??
The GATEWAY to your FREEDOM AND CONTRIBUTION is in YOUR Personal Overcoming..
So why not go through the struggle of Overcoming??
Isn’t the struggle of Overcoming Easier than what you’re doing right now??
Isn’t the victory of overcoming more rewarding?
That’s up to you!!!
I can’t give you any “fire in the belly” to pursue your dreams…
I CAN show you the How To Stuff but I cannot give you a compelling VISION that pulls you…
That’s up to you!
You’re always either going to be pulled by your Vision or pushed around like a rag doll by your circumstances…
The burden becomes for YOU to build a compelling enough Vision that pulls you..
It’s a power struggle in your mind… Ya know, that piece of real estate between your ears that is the home of ALL your problems and ALL your solutions…
You cannot control most of the stuff that happens in your circumstances outside of your mind but you sure are in 100% absolute control of the value of your mind and how Compelling you build up your Vision..
Who do you wanna become?
How do you wanna be remembered?
Who do you wanna impact and how so?
Is your vision more powerful than your circumstances yet?
The ultimate test to see which is more powerful in your mind, vision or circumstances, is if you’re feverishly taking relentless action every day in ways in complete alignment with your top life priorities or if you’re still waiting and blaming and ok with being NEEDY for free money from the government or working for money at some job or other types of pyramid scheme.
You’ve changed your mind before. You can change your mind again.
It’s all within your grasp…
Freedom and Contribution.
I teach the HOW TO in a course I wrote called 30 Days to Profit.
I back tracked how I did it.. How I OVERCAME..
I FIRED my boss in February of 2010.
I cured myself from an addiction to a paycheck.
Financially I’m covered now whether I roll out of bed or roll over in bed. Vacation or work.
That’s Freedom…
The answer is NOT being Self Employed..
Let me share something with you you’ve probably never heard ANYONE talk about before..
MOST self-employed people are even more Enslaved to money than people who work for a company at some job AND they also pay higher taxes than you.
But don’t self-employed people become self employed so they can have more freedom?
They sure do.. But no one told them the truth about it OR they did have truth spoken to them but they did not hear it…
I teach people how to become FREE no matter what you have to overcome to achieve it..
The More stuff you have to overcome the more FREEDOM and Contribution you can create.
If you’d like to connect with me privately about my Profit Training course just private message me. I’ll shoot you over a video I made all about it. If it sounds like a fit for you well talk more about it. If it doesn’t sound like a fit for you at least you’re on your way to finding something that is a fit for you and that’s a good thing too.
I’ll hear from a lot of you real soon.
I stirred something in you to open your mind up to a more rich and creative mind =)
– Tom
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