Picture this: You’re standing in line on Election Day, staring at two names you don’t particularly like. Sound familiar? It’s not just you — it’s by design.
The truth about our democracy isn’t pretty. While we blame politicians for its failures, the real story starts with us — the people who inherited this remarkable system but forgot how to use it. We’ve created a vacuum, and corporate America hasn’t wasted a second filling it.
Here’s what most Americans don’t realize: The general election is just the final act in a play that’s already been cast. By the time November rolls around, corporations have already picked their performers. They’ve selected both leads — one wearing a red tie, one blue — but they’re reading from the same script. The real power lies in the primaries, where barely anyone shows up to audition new talent.
Think about it. When was the last time you voted in a primary? If you’re like most Americans, you might not even remember. That’s exactly what corporate interests are banking on.
The numbers tell a staggering story. Policies that 80% of Americans support — across party lines — can’t get passed because they conflict with corporate interests. Even more shocking? Ninety percent of Americans believe corporate campaign donations corrupt our political system. Yet here we are, watching the same play, cycle after cycle.
The media won’t tell you this. They can’t. They’re part of the same corporate ecosystem that profits from the status quo. Every “debate” you watch is theater if no one mentions who’s funding the actors. It’s like watching a sports match without knowing both teams are owned by the same person.
But here’s the part that should make you sit up straight: We outnumber them ten thousand to one. Ten thousand to one. Let that sink in.
We’re not just talking about abstract political theory. There’s already a drafted 28th Amendment that would criminalize private money in public elections. But you won’t hear about it in the news. Why? Because it would pass in a heartbeat if people knew about it.
Think about this absurdity: In any other profession — law, medicine, education — accepting bribes is a crime that could land you in prison. But in politics? It’s not just legal; it’s practically a job requirement. The better you are at accepting “campaign contributions” (let’s call them what they are: bribes), the higher you can climb.
The solution isn’t complicated, but it requires something from you — something more than just showing up in November. It requires showing up when it really counts: during primary season. This is where real change begins.
Imagine walking into a voting booth and feeling genuinely excited about your choices. Imagine candidates who refuse corporate money because they answer to you, not shareholders. This isn’t a fantasy — it’s what happens when we show up for primaries.
The corporations are betting you won’t read this far. They’re betting you’ll maybe feel angry and then forget about it by tomorrow. They’re betting that come primary season, you’ll be too busy, too tired, or too cynical to show up.
Prove them wrong.
Your primary vote is the most powerful political tool you have. It’s more powerful than any protest sign, social media post, or November ballot. It’s the one thing they can’t buy — if you use it.
The next primary season is coming. Mark it on your calendar. Set an alarm. Tell your friends. Because this isn’t just about politics — it’s about who controls our lives.
Remember: By the time the general election arrives, the real decisions have already been made. The choices have been pre-selected. The deals have been struck. Unless we show up in the primaries, we’re just picking between two corporate-approved options.
We have the numbers. We have the power. What we need now is the will to use it.
Are you ready to take back your democracy? It starts with a promise to yourself: “I will vote in the next primary election.” Share this message. Make it go viral. Force this conversation into the mainstream.
Because if we don’t show up for the primaries, we’re not just missing an election — we’re missing our chance to break corporate America’s grip on our democracy as well as our lives.
The choice is ours. But remember: They’re counting on our silence. They’re counting on our absence. They’re counting on business as usual.
Prove them wrong. Show up when it counts. Vote in your primary.
Perhaps it partially starts with commenting here and sharing this post and other posts like this one to levels of going crazy viral.
We can’t be ignored when it’s over ten thousand of us to every one of them, unless we allow us to be ignored. Which we have, so far. Let’s draw a line in the proverbial sand and change that. Perhaps with a simple share and comment on posts like this we can force our collective voice into the mainstream. Social media has driven conversations that the media has had to reckon with before. We can do it again.
Let’s not give them our silence or our surrender to their chosen status quo.
Show up when it counts. Vote in your primary.