The Kid Who Gets It Where Most Grown Adults Do Not

I’m talking to this kid in the real world offline who couldn’t have been more than 20 years old that lit me on fire.

Here’s what stopped me in my tracks: While most people find out I never need to work for a paycheck another day in my life, they immediately ask for the hot tips (but please, nothing difficult, nothing inconvenient, and definitely nothing that costs), this kid was different. He’s asking me about the right books to read, the right philosophies to study, the way to look at things. He told me straight up that he’s willing and able to roll up his sleeves and work hard to become the person he wants to be.

Unlike most people, he wasn’t chasing quick wins – he wanted real freedom to spend his time however he wants instead of trading it for a paycheck.

I let him know right away – the fact that he’s asking about books and philosophies already sets him apart from at least 90% of the population. Most just want that magical hot tip that doesn’t require time, study, effort, or any upfront cost.

The whole thing started with typical small talk – “So what do you do for a living?” This kid is currently working two jobs, and remarkably optimistically at that. When I told him what I do, he immediately dove into the real questions: What books should he read? What philosophies should he adopt? What can he start working hard at right now?

And I had answers for all of those questions. Why? Because I’ve been there. I’ve done that. I’m one of the rare ones who’ve made it to the other side – the side of time freedom. I don’t need, and probably will never need, a job ever again. I will never again be in a position where I have to sacrifice my time for a paycheck.

But here’s the second part that convinced me this kid is different: When I gave him the answers, he didn’t offer up a single excuse. Not one complaint. There was no “I don’t have the money,” no “I don’t have the time,” no “I’ve got a boil on my butt,” no “Mercury’s in retrograde.” Zero excuses.

Let me tell you something – when I give someone answers and they immediately start making excuses, I know right then and there: that person isn’t going to make it. They’re going to live and die working for a paycheck their whole lives. But this kid? I believe he has more than a fair shot at escaping that uninspiring way to live.

That one-two combination is rare:

  1. Getting the answers
  2. Following up with zero excuses or complaints

It’s so rare to find these two qualities in an individual that it’s inspiring even for me, someone who’s already created that success. So inspiring that I’m making this video and corresponding article about it.

Now I want to know about you. What camp do you fall into? Are you among the many who come up with excuses and complaints? Or are you one of the few hearing this with an attitude of “I’m going to do it, whatever it takes, no excuses”?

Every mistake is something to learn from. Every win is something to learn from. It doesn’t matter if you experience a mistake or a setback – everything is something to learn from and move forward with. Everything is leverage.

So which camp are you in? Are you going to prefix an excuse with “but, you don’t understand my situation” or, ā€œIt might work for others, but..ā€? You’re right – I probably don’t understand your situation. We may not be able to relate to each other at all because we have two different worldviews brought on by two very different lived experiences.

It could be completely unfair and uneasy, but here’s the truth: No matter what, there is someone out there who had it more difficult and figured a way out of it. Facts of a tough set of circumstances are healthy to recognize as long as that tough realization is intersected with an attitude of “no matter what, I’m going to figure it out. Everything is just feedback. Everything is just leverage.”

Another way to look at a tough set of life circumstances is, how long do you wanna stay in that same set of tough life circumstances? Time is going to pass by regardless. Do you want to arrive at some future point in the same place you are now with no change, or maybe worse off than you are now, or some place thatā€™s more desirable?

Health? Time? Goals? Projects? Job?

Maybe you love your job, and your goal is to get the big promotion? Iā€™m not a job hater for people who love their jobs, if thatā€™s you I hope you find your best life there or wherever your soul feels most alive.

These concepts Iā€™m sharing here are not just for time freedom; they are for life itself.

Maybe you have a spiritual side that is not of this world. These concepts and philosophies apply.

The reason I commonly use wealth as an example, specifically leveraged forms of income as real wealth, is because thatā€™s the one variable that gives a person their freedom of time to be able to do whatever one wishes to do with all other areas of their lives. Itā€™s something that for most of you is a whole new set of dots to connect. That is, consciously acknowledging a direct connection between leveraged income and the freedom of your time to purse all other passions and goals in your life.

There is a very interesting connection between leveraged income and a spiritual side if you have a spiritual side. How much time and presence can you give the development of your spiritual side if you have to exchange a significant portion of your time and presence in exchange for a paycheck in perpetuity? Itā€™s an interesting connection to make between money and spirituality because the two items couldnā€™t be any further apart from one another, but in this life, they are very much directly connected in the way I described.

Put your most important goals and passions in the forefront of your mind right now for the next part of this. It doesnā€™t matter if they are related to money, or not, but be honest with yourself if leveraged income is needed in your life in order to be able to pursue those goals and passions.

And ask yourself,

The Question That Matters

Which of these two camps do you fall into?

Camp 1: The Excuse Makers

  • “But my situation is different…”
  • “You don’t understand how hard I have it…”
  • “That might work for others, but…”

Camp 2: The Iā€™m Going to Figure it Out No Matter What People

  • They see obstacles as feedback
  • They turn setbacks into stepping stones
  • They make zero excuses, period
  • They acknowledge a tough situation as it is while deeply loving themselves, even after making mistakes, and sees everything as leverage to become better.

Comment below with your honest answer. Your response will reveal about where you’re headed. The powerful thing about your honest answer is that if you arenā€™t happy with it, you can decide to do something else about it while giving yourself grace and space to make mistakes along the way. Never forget that.


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