Physical passion versus emotional passion

Can you tell the difference? Physical passion intensely desires a body; emotional passion deeply loves a heart and soul. Emotional passion dominates, offering a unique lens through which to see the one you love.

Physical passion fades after orgasm; emotional passion pulses before, during, and after, intensifying even sexless intimacy. Emotional passion is a heart-to-heart connection, effortless like breathing. Physical passion is fleeting, like conquering a video game level, only to pursue the next conquest. The push-pull of “come here, I don’t want you” reveals its cognitive dissonance and shows up in physical symptoms.

Sharing reciprocal emotional passion nourishes physical and emotional well-being, a wholesome union of body and soul. Yet we often forget to nurture this interconnection holistically. Emotional passion is rare for me, yet it fulfills in ways physical passion cannot. True emotional passion prioritizes a lover’s happiness above one’s own, even if it means letting go. It’s easy like breathing is easy.

Real love creates space, understanding, and safety. It sheds ego and armor, favors clarity over confusion, and chooses love over fear. Real love heals, grows, and transforms challenges into opportunities. It stands naked, vulnerable, and enthusiastically reciprocated. Investing emotions risks repercussions, but real love fuels growth and strengthens bonds.

Investing emotions in a lover can have emotional repercussions. Love, like a work of art, is open to interpretation and can get lost in translation. It’s the real love combined with emotional passion that drives a mutual reciprocating desire to show up in good faith, understand the other, and ultimately uses the challenge at hand as a steppingstone for growth and an even stronger relationship connection built on a foundation that resembles more like concrete than quicksand.

In a recent dance class I learned about 5 different connections in order of priority. Priority number 1 is the connection you have with yourself. Next priority is your connection to the floor. After that is your connection with your partner, then with the music, and finally the lowest priority is the dance moves themselves which happens to be what most dance classes focus most on. Isn’t that crazy? The one thing we put the most focus on, the actual dance moves, ranks dead last in a prioritized list of the 5 connections. Can you see the parallels here? This prioritized list of five connections in a healthy relationship could be connection with yourself first, connection with the earth second, connection with your lover third, connection with the external environment forth, and lastly the activities you and your lover do together. If I’m in love with a woman I am going to enjoy my time with her regardless of what we are doing because we have reciprocating emotional passion. I’m going to elaborate more on this niche topic matter in my very next blog style post very soon. It’s worth exploring more.

Give and receive love.

My soul needs to give and receive love, selectively but often.


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