We’ve all heard the mantra: quitters never win, and winners never quit. But what if I told you that’s only half the story? Quitting isn’t always a bad thing. In fact, it can be a powerful strategy for success that propels you forward. Give yourself permission to quit when it serves you and makes you bigger rather than when it destroys you and makes you smaller.
Think about it like this: if you’re stuck on a path that’s just not working, stubbornly slogging forward won’t get you any closer to your goal. Sometimes, quitting one approach to try a new one that still aligns with your ultimate vision is the smartest move you can make. It’s about quitting the method, not the mission.
However, if you’re quitting on your goal altogether, throwing in the towel the moment things get tough, then you’re setting yourself up for failure. At that point, you’re not just quitting – you’re giving up. And giving up is what makes you a loser.
Society loves to label quitting as the default to instant failure. But the truth is, quitting can be a powerful tool in your arsenal. It all depends on what you’re quitting, and why.
Imagine this: you’re stuck on a flawed approach that’s draining your energy and getting you nowhere. Abandoning that approach to make way for a better one isn’t failure – it’s adaptation. It’s evolution. Think of it like this: Plan A didn’t work, so it’s time to move on to Plan B. Maybe Plan A just needs a little refining rather than a complete overhaul.
That’s where the “fire, ready, aim” philosophy can catapult you forward. This approach is all about taking bold action, recalibrating based on what you’ve learned, refining your approach, and charging forward once again. It’s about creating an endless feedback loop of action, learning, and improvement until you start making real progress.
Just for fun let’s come up with a list of things and ideas that might be worth quitting on..
quit saying no to your health..
quit saying no to opportunity..
quit neglecting your personal growth & development..
quit regularly eating toxic foods..
quit spending time and energy with toxic people..
quit venting on facebook all the time..
quit making excuses..
quit selling your time for a paycheck..
quit being an obedient worker to a system that can take away your income at any time for any reason..
quit anything that isn’t making you better, more free, and happier..
Quit denying your dreams..
And most of all.. Quit hating yummy vegan chocolate =)
So don’t be afraid to quit. Quitting might just be the best decision you ever make. Embrace the “fire, ready, aim” philosophy: act, recalibrate, refine, and charge forward. With this mindset, there’s no obstacle you can’t overcome, and possibly no goal you can’t achieve.