With the three wealthiest robber barons in the country on stage with him and in his new cabinet, literally buying policies to their favor, his supporters believe he is against corruption.
Let that sink in.
The ones who bribed him the most got the top positions in his new Administration and his mentally ill followers believe he is going to represent our interests.
Read that again.
“Just bribe me with 25 more million dollars and I’ll do whatever you want,” he says to his bribers, and his followers still believe he isn’t bought and paid for like his predecessors before him.
Perhaps the most glaring example of hypocrisy in this mentally ill community is he took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution all the while setting up a fake elector scheme in an attempt to steal the 2020 election. His mentally ill cultists believe he is a patriot.
Next time, vote in the primary season so we have someone we can vote for instead of against. If you wait to vote until the general election it’s too late – you’ll be voting for two more pre-selected corporate approved people by the same robber barons who stand on that stage with the current cucked and bribed President we have now.
???? The system isn’t broken – it’s working exactly as the billionaires designed it, the same ones standing on stage with the maga cult leader ????
Drop a ???? below if you’re done with billionaires buying our democracy.
SHARE this if you’re ready to fight back in the next primaries.