Chocolate Vegan Peanut Butter Cups

What do you think about healthy Peanut Butter Cups?

Inside-Out Shakeology Peanut Butter Cups (makes 2 servings)!

2 tsp. Chocolate Shakeology (regular or Vegan)
2 Tbsp. Chocolate PB2
2 tsp. unrefined coconut oil
2 Tbsp. water
2 mini foil cupcake holders

Directions: In a microwavable dish (I would use a Toaster Oven), melt coconut oil. Stir the PB2 into the coconut oil and set aside. In another small dish, place Chocolate Shakeology and gradually add water to get the Shakeology into a thick, pudding-like consistency. Now, take the foil liners and put a tiny amount of the PB2/coconut oil mixture on the bottom of the foils. Next, add a layer of the Shakeology. Finally, top off with another layer of the PB2/coconut mixture. Pop in the freezer for at least 30 minutes and enjoy!

How yummy does that sound!

Source for this recipe is unknown!

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