What if you Just Don’t Have the Money to Fund Your Dreams?

tombirkenmeyercomWhat if you just don’t have the money to start funding your dreams? What if you’re flat broke and it just isn’t there?? What if you know people like this and you want to help them but you don’t know how and you’re sick of feeling helpless??? Here are just three of countless examples of overcoming this seemingly crippling scenario. See if this sparks some ideas for yourself or people you refer here:

1. Team Mate Lindsay Matway personally sold her clothes on eBay to be able to raise the money to invest into herself. She was half million dollars in debt when she did that. Three years later she has paid off ALL debt and averaging a new income of $22K per WEEK starting from NOTHING. She is also a mother and a wife. She was already a mother when she made this decision so that as a BIG reason WHY she did this.

2. Team Mate Scottie sold his XBOX and then used that money to buy and RESELL video game equipment on Craigslist to come up with his enrollment costs into our home based business. Today Scottie is financially free and independent. He is supporting his family on an income of his own personal resources from this business AND he gets to spend MORE TIME with his family which is the opposite of most business owners.

3. I personally was broke and almost homeless. I found people to pay me ten bucks an hour to do medial yard work and I gave guitar lessons privately out of my students houses for sums of money to cover my initial investment costs. I also cut out ALL luxury spending for the time being. A couple years after almost being homeless I bought a house in CASH, and a few months BEFORE that I declared my own financial freedom, independence, and SECURITY. I called off the depressing job search Forever.

You just DECIDE and then find/make a way where there is seemingly no way. Then you’ll do it. Then you can use my story as well as YOUR STORY to help people who are struggling to do better than Broke.

I have a few more ideas in a blog post I made a while back that may help you to flex more creative muscle in your scenario: http://tombirkenmeyer.com/personal-development/grow-from-where-youve-been-planted/

If you’d like to know what my Team Mates and I are doing here in our home businesses then connect with me on facebook. If I can help, I’ll help.

Have you enjoyed this? Was it helpful in breaking some circular thought patterns you might have been stuck in? Do you know anyone who could use this? Sharing is caring. Share with friends and family.

– Tom

Stop Missing Solutions That Have Been Planted Right In Front Of Your Face To No Longer Be Broke and Diseased

TomMost of the time we miss something hugely important.

You can put money into something that puts more money in your pocket and begins to solve that money problem. Otherwise money can make a slave out of an individual and being enslaved to money just leads to stress, LOTS of stress.

For example, I have people putting $129 monthly into a dense nutrition shake that is causing them to save upwards of a thousand dollars per month in groceries saved, other supplements saved, and health care related costs saved. They have hundreds of dollars more in their pockets per month and on top of that the health benefits of the investment they made into themselves.

Most people, faced with opportunity, don’t ask questions to make those discoveries. They live NEEDLESSLY under constant pressure and stress.

Ask yourself if you’re doing that?

When you find yourself doing that, stop for a moment, stop making statements, and ask some questions with an open mind and a mental intention on finding solutions. Otherwise solutions will be planted right in front of you and you will TOTALLY miss them.

Have you enjoyed this? Was it helpful in breaking some circular thought patterns you might have been stuck in? Do you know anyone who could use this? Sharing is caring. Share with friends and family.

– Tom

The Single Greatest Gift You Could Give to the World is to be Exactly Who You Are Authentically

TomBut, that is a price many people are not willing to pay!

To be yourself is an incredibly lonely thing because you are the only one that there is. In order to find out who you are you will have to feel alone and do your own thing in isolation. The sadness of isolation is going to help you be who you are supposed to be. It’s just something you’ve got to go through to become your true authentic self.

You want to be cool bad ass future you; you have to go through the loneliness of isolation today.

As weird and awful as it may seem to be yourself some of the time, it will always reward you. You will know that the people who love you will love you for you and not for whom they think you are or who you’re pretending to be.

Have you enjoyed this? Was it helpful in breaking some circular thought patterns you might have been stuck in? Do you know anyone who could use this? Sharing is caring. Share with friends and family.

– Tom

Release the Potential of Your Human Spirit

tombirkenmeyercomI forbade the words “I can’t afford it”. Instead I require from myself and others who want my time to ask, “How can I afford it?” – Tom Birkenmeyer

The words, “I can’t afford it,” shuts down your mind to possibilities—you don’t have to think. It is a poor and lazy mindset. The words, “How can I afford it,” open up your mind, forcing you to think and search for answers. It is a rich and creative mindset.

Most important, asking, “How can I afford it,” releases the potential of your human spirit to battle with the lazy mindset. Most people think using the words, “We can’t afford it,” teaches them to battle greed, but really it teaches kids to find excuses, which leads to laziness. – Robert Kiyosaki

Read “The Cure for Laziness” by Robert Kiyosaki

Have you enjoyed this? Was it helpful in breaking some circular thought patterns you might have been stuck in? Do you know anyone who could use this? Sharing is caring. Share with friends and family.

– Tom

Living Below Your Means is Like Murder to the Human Spirit

Desert Blue Sky

Desert Blue Sky

I don’t mean to put ANYONE down, but, another way of living which strengthens the human spirit is to Dream very BIG and figure out how to fund it so you’re being RESPONSIBLE about it.


Living below your means traps the human spirit at just below THE glass ceiling you’ve artificially placed over your means. Having the courage to Dream BIG DREAMS and then asking “how can I afford that” INSTEAD OF “I can’t afford that” gives LIFE to your human spirit so you can SHATTER that flippin glass ceiling you’ve artificially placed over your dreams.

Living above your means isn’t about living irresponsibly, its about responsibly figuring out how to fund it. It gives way to a creative RICH mind set that fights against a lazy mind set that settles and no longer searches for answers.

I made a graphical video to demonstrate one thing to change that can any dream you can dream no matter how large..

Have you enjoyed this? Was it helpful in breaking some circular thought patterns you might have been stuck in? Do you know anyone who could use this? Sharing is caring. Share with friends and family.

– Tom