Would a Sudden Forty Thousand Dollar Expense Devastate You?

On one hand a sudden FORTY THOUSAND DOLLAR expense could devastate a person.

On another hand this is what happened to me and I paid it back inside of 1 year to which im Grateful to be able to do that.

I did NOT have to get a job.

If I had a job I’d never be able to afford much just ask anyone with a job.

I still paid my bills on time..

I continued to travel like I do..

I still continued to create experiences and never worried about paying bills.

A job compensation plan is the most sinister pyramid SCAM ever devised against man kind and 49 out of 50 people are livin it.

A job income is sold to us as an intelligent, safe, and secure income because they need unquestionable OBEDIENT workers.

In reality we are sold an illusion.

Big Corrupt business uses Employment to control and manipulate you through the dependency of money to pay your bills.

To keep you in line they created a policy and procedure manual 9 miles high.

Job money keeps its participants Shackled to the dollar.

You don’t have to keep dying underneath the Thumbs of the top .1% who are NEEDY for your unquestionable obedience.


The Ultimate F.U. to an establishment of the top .1% crushing you with money dependency is for YOU to Build your own Passive and Residual money and as a Wonderful by-product you Evolve into a Free human being with more stability and security than a job could ever offer.

When I started my journey i had no income, very Lil free time, no skills, I was a D student held back a year in special ed classes.

I was eager for correction and learning a better way than an obedient sucker with a job controlled and manipulated through money dependency.

Question how you earn your money friends.

Learn about passive and residual money it’s not just a different it’s Superior to an inferior Hamster Wheel paycheck.

Passive and residual is your big chance to totally detach yourself from money and from being controlled and manipulated through the dependency of that money by people who need your unquestionable obedience.

Here are 10 Reasons you should do EVERYTHING in your power to avoid Having a job ever again written by Steve Pavlina that I thought you’d get LIT UP over:

1. Income for dummies.

Getting a job and trading your time for money may seem like a good idea. There’s only one problem with it. It’s stupid! It’s the stupidest way you can possibly generate income! This is truly income for dummies.

Why is getting a job so dumb? Because you only get paid when you’re working. Don’t you see a problem with that, or have you been so thoroughly brainwashed into thinking it’s reasonable and intelligent to only earn income when you’re working? Have you never considered that it might be better to be paid even when you’re not working? Who taught you that you could only earn income while working? Some other brainwashed employee perhaps?

Don’t you think your life would be much easier if you got paid while you were eating, sleeping, and playing with the kids too? Why not get paid 24/7? Get paid whether you work or not. Don’t your plants grow even when you aren’t tending to them? Why not your bank account?

Who cares how many hours you work? Only a handful of people on this entire planet care how much time you spend at the office. Most of us won’t even notice whether you work 6 hours a week or 60. But if you have something of value to provide that matters to us, a number of us will be happy to pull out our wallets and pay you for it. We don’t care about your time — we only care enough to pay for the value we receive. Do you really care how long it took me to write this article? Would you pay me twice as much if it took me 6 hours vs. only 3?

Non-dummies often start out on the traditional income for dummies path. So don’t feel bad if you’re just now realizing you’ve been suckered. Non-dummies eventually realize that trading time for money is indeed extremely dumb and that there must be a better way. And of course there is a better way. The key is to de-couple your value from your time.

Smart people build systems that generate income 24/7, especially passive income. This can include starting a business, building a web site, becoming an investor, or generating royalty income from creative work. The system delivers the ongoing value to people and generates income from it, and once it’s in motion, it runs continuously whether you tend to it or not. From that moment on, the bulk of your time can be invested in increasing your income (by refining your system or spawning new ones) instead of merely maintaining your income.

This web site is an example of such a system. At the time of this writing, it generates about $9000 a month in income for me (update: $40,000 a month as of 10/31/06), and it isn’t my only income stream either. I write each article just once (fixed time investment), and people can extract value from them year after year. The web server delivers the value, and other systems (most of which I didn’t even build and don’t even understand) collect income and deposit it automatically into my bank account. It’s not perfectly passive, but I love writing and would do it for free anyway. But of course it cost me a lot of money to launch this business, right? Um, yeah, $9 is an awful lot these days (to register the domain name). Everything after that was profit.

Sure it takes some upfront time and effort to design and implement your own income-generating systems. But you don’t have to reinvent the wheel — feel free to use existing systems like ad networks and affiliate programs. Once you get going, you won’t have to work so many hours to support yourself. Wouldn’t it be nice to be out having dinner with your spouse, knowing that while you’re eating, you’re earning money? If you want to keep working long hours because you enjoy it, go right ahead. If you want to sit around doing nothing, feel free. As long as your system continues delivering value to others, you’ll keep getting paid whether you’re working or not.

Your local bookstore is filled with books containing workable systems others have already designed, tested, and debugged. Nobody is born knowing how to start a business or generate investment income, but you can easily learn it. How long it takes you to figure it out is irrelevant because the time is going to pass anyway. You might as well emerge at some future point as the owner of income-generating systems as opposed to a lifelong wage slave. This isn’t all or nothing. If your system only generates a few hundred dollars a month, that’s a significant step in the right direction.

2. Limited experience.

You might think it’s important to get a job to gain experience. But that’s like saying you should play golf to get experience playing golf. You gain experience from living, regardless of whether you have a job or not. A job only gives you experience at that job, but you gain ”experience” doing just about anything, so that’s no real benefit at all. Sit around doing nothing for a couple years, and you can call yourself an experienced meditator, philosopher, or politician.

The problem with getting experience from a job is that you usually just repeat the same limited experience over and over. You learn a lot in the beginning and then stagnate. This forces you to miss other experiences that would be much more valuable. And if your limited skill set ever becomes obsolete, then your experience won’t be worth squat. In fact, ask yourself what the experience you’re gaining right now will be worth in 20-30 years. Will your job even exist then?

Consider this. Which experience would you rather gain? The knowledge of how to do a specific job really well — one that you can only monetize by trading your time for money – or the knowledge of how to enjoy financial abundance for the rest of your life without ever needing a job again? Now I don’t know about you, but I’d rather have the latter experience. That seems a lot more useful in the real world, wouldn’t you say?

3. Lifelong domestication.

Getting a job is like enrolling in a human domestication program. You learn how to be a good pet.

Look around you. Really look. What do you see? Are these the surroundings of a free human being? Or are you living in a cage for unconscious animals? Have you fallen in love with the color beige?

How’s your obedience training coming along? Does your master reward your good behavior? Do you get disciplined if you fail to obey your master’s commands?

Is there any spark of free will left inside you? Or has your conditioning made you a pet for life?

Humans are not meant to be raised in cages. You poor thing

4. Too many mouths to feed.

Employee income is the most heavily taxed there is. In the USA you can expect that about half your salary will go to taxes. The tax system is designed to disguise how much you’re really giving up because some of those taxes are paid by your employer, and some are deducted from your paycheck. But you can bet that from your employer’s perspective, all of those taxes are considered part of your pay, as well as any other compensation you receive such as benefits. Even the rent for the office space you consume is considered, so you must generate that much more value to cover it. You might feel supported by your corporate environment, but keep in mind that you’re the one paying for it.

Another chunk of your income goes to owners and investors. That’s a lot of mouths to feed.

It isn’t hard to understand why employees pay the most in taxes relative to their income. After all, who has more control over the tax system? Business owners and investors or employees?

You only get paid a fraction of the real value you generate. Your real salary may be more than triple what you’re paid, but most of that money you’ll never see. It goes straight into other people’s pockets.

What a generous person you are!

5. Way too risky.

Many employees believe getting a job is the safest and most secure way to support themselves.


Social conditioning is amazing. It’s so good it can even make people believe the exact opposite of the truth.

Does putting yourself in a position where someone else can turn off all your income just by saying two words (“You’re fired”) sound like a safe and secure situation to you? Does having only one income stream honestly sound more secure than having 10?

The idea that a job is the most secure way to generate income is just silly. You can’t have security if you don’t have control, and employees have the least control of anyone. If you’re an employee, then your real job title should be professional gambler.

6. Having an evil bovine master.

When you run into an idiot in the entrepreneurial world, you can turn around and head the other way. When you run into an idiot in the corporate world, you have to turn around and say, “Sorry, boss.”

Did you know that the word boss comes from the Dutch word baas, which historically means master? Another meaning of the word boss is “a cow or bovine.” And in many video games, the boss is the evil dude that you have to kill at the end of a level.

So if your boss is really your evil bovine master, then what does that make you? Nothing but a turd in the herd.

Who’s your daddy?

7. Begging for money.

When you want to increase your income, do you have to sit up and beg your master for more money? Does it feel good to be thrown some extra Scooby Snacks now and then?

Or are you free to decide how much you get paid without needing anyone’s permission but your own?

If you have a business and one customer says “no” to you, you simply say “next.”

8. An inbred social life.

Many people treat their jobs as their primary social outlet. They hang out with the same people working in the same field. Such incestuous relations are social dead ends. An exciting day includes deep conversations about the company’s switch from Sparkletts to Arrowhead, the delay of Microsoft’s latest operating system, and the unexpected delivery of more Bic pens. Consider what it would be like to go outside and talk to strangers. Ooooh
 scary! Better stay inside where it’s safe.

If one of your co-slaves gets sold to another master, do you lose a friend? If you work in a male-dominated field, does that mean you never get to talk to women above the rank of receptionist? Why not decide for yourself whom to socialize with instead of letting your master decide for you? Believe it or not, there are locations on this planet where free people congregate. Just be wary of those jobless folk — they’re a crazy bunch!

9. Loss of freedom.

It takes a lot of effort to tame a human being into an employee. The first thing you have to do is break the human’s independent will. A good way to do this is to give them a weighty policy manual filled with nonsensical rules and regulations. This leads the new employee to become more obedient, fearing that s/he could be disciplined at any minute for something incomprehensible. Thus, the employee will likely conclude it’s safest to simply obey the master’s commands without question. Stir in some office politics for good measure, and we’ve got a freshly minted mind slave.

As part of their obedience training, employees must be taught how to dress, talk, move, and so on. We can’t very well have employees thinking for themselves, now can we? That would ruin everything.

God forbid you should put a plant on your desk when it’s against the company policy. Oh no, it’s the end of the world! Cindy has a plant on her desk! Summon the enforcers! Send Cindy back for another round of sterility training!

Free human beings think such rules and regulations are silly of course. The only policy they need is: “Be smart. Be nice. Do what you love. Have fun.”

10. Becoming a coward.

Have you noticed that employed people have an almost endless capacity to whine about problems at their companies? But they don’t really want solutions – they just want to vent and make excuses why it’s all someone else’s fault. It’s as if getting a job somehow drains all the free will out of people and turns them into spineless cowards. If you can’t call your boss a jerk now and then without fear of getting fired, you’re no longer free. You’ve become your master’s property.

When you work around cowards all day long, don’t you think it’s going to rub off on you? Of course it will. It’s only a matter of time before you sacrifice the noblest parts of your humanity on the altar of fear: first courage
 then honesty
 then honor and integrity
 and finally your independent will. You sold your humanity for nothing but an illusion. And now your greatest fear is discovering the truth of what you’ve become.

I don’t care how badly you’ve been beaten down. It is never too late to regain your courage. Never!

Still want a job?

If you’re currently a well-conditioned, well-behaved employee, your most likely reaction to the above will be defensiveness. It’s all part of the conditioning. But consider that if the above didn’t have a grain of truth to it, you wouldn’t have an emotional reaction at all. This is only a reminder of what you already know. You can deny your cage all you want, but the cage is still there. Perhaps this all happened so gradually that you never noticed it until now
 like a lobster enjoying a nice warm bath.

If any of this makes you mad, that’s a step in the right direction. Anger is a higher level of consciousness than apathy, so it’s a lot better than being numb all the time. Any emotion — even confusion — is better than apathy. If you work through your feelings instead of repressing them, you’ll soon emerge on the doorstep of courage. And when that happens, you’ll have the will to actually do something about your situation and start living like the powerful human being you were meant to be instead of the domesticated pet you’ve been trained to be.

Happily jobless

What’s the alternative to getting a job? The alternative is to remain happily jobless for life and to generate income through other means. Realize that you earn income by providing value — not time – so find a way to provide your best value to others, and charge a fair price for it. One of the simplest and most accessible ways is to start your own business. Whatever work you’d otherwise do via employment, find a way to provide that same value directly to those who will benefit most from it. It takes a bit more time to get going, but your freedom is easily worth the initial investment of time and energy. Then you can buy your own Scooby Snacks for a change.

And of course everything you learn along the way, you can share with others to generate even more value. So even your mistakes can be monetized.

One of the greatest fears you’ll confront is that you may not have any real value to offer others. Maybe being an employee and getting paid by the hour is the best you can do. Maybe you just aren’t worth that much. That line of thinking is all just part of your conditioning. It’s absolute nonsense. As you begin to dump such brainwashing, you’ll soon recognize that you have the ability to provide enormous value to others and that people will gladly pay you for it. There’s only one thing that prevents you from seeing this truth — fear.

All you really need is the courage to be yourself. Your real value is rooted in who you are, not what you do. The only thing you need actually do is express your real self to the world. You’ve been told all sort of lies as to why you can’t do that. But you’ll never know true happiness and fulfillment until you summon the courage to do it anyway.

The next time someone says to you, “Get a job,” I suggest you reply as Curly did: ”No, please
 not that! Anything but that!” Then poke him right in the eyes.

You already know deep down that getting a job isn’t what you want. So don’t let anyone try to tell you otherwise. Learn to trust your inner wisdom, even if the whole world says you’re wrong and foolish for doing so. Years from now you’ll look back and realize it was one of the best decisions you ever made.

Have you enjoyed this? Was it helpful in breaking some circular thought patterns you might have been stuck in? Do you know anyone who could benefit from this? Sharing is caring. Share with friends and family.

By the way.. If you LOVE health and fitness and you want to learn how to make passive and residual money with health and fitness like I do feel free to private message me.


P.s. If you’d like to work with me I don’t charge any fees I’m not going to sell you something you don’t want or need: http://workwithtom.fireyourboss.xyz

follow your heart

Have you enjoyed this? Was it helpful in breaking some circular thought patterns you might have been stuck in? Do you know anyone who could benefit from this? Sharing is caring. Share with friends and family.

Was this helpful? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you commented and shared on Facebook and other Social Media, too. You might also enjoy Fire Your Boss & 31 Ways to Raise Money Now.

If you enjoyed my blog you might LOVE my YouTube video about changing one thing, the direction of your cash-flow, to change Everything:

Anyone can feel great in positive environments but what about Toxic Environments?

Put yourself in the WORST Environment & maintain control of your emotions anyway.

Now you’re a Spiritual Gangster!

Positive environments makes it Easy to control your emotions.

Too much of this can cripples your emotional growth.

Maybe in the beginning protect your heart because a Toxic Environment too fast too soon could back fire on you.

The goal is to aim for a place of emotional strength so strong and wonderful that you will be able to be around the WORST most TOXIC people and be unaffected by them whatsoever.

Sometimes there is too much self protection.

Too much self protection can be more toxic than being around toxic people.

Your body physically is the same!

If you live in a bubble then your first exposure to the lightest of germs could kill you because you’ve never built up an immunity to germs!

If you never challenge your muscles and bones you will atrophy and auto canabolize yourself to death.

If you never challenge what you belief you’ll never think better.

If you never challenge your heart and lungs you will get weak and lose your energy.

Your emotional health is the same.

Share these Great Ideas =)


P.s. If you’d like to work with me I don’t charge any fees I’m not going to sell you something you don’t want or need: http://workwithtom.fireyourboss.xyz

follow your heart

Have you enjoyed this? Was it helpful in breaking some circular thought patterns you might have been stuck in? Do you know anyone who could benefit from this? Sharing is caring. Share with friends and family.

Was this helpful? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you commented and shared on Facebook and other Social Media, too. You might also enjoy Fire Your Boss & 31 Ways to Raise Money Now.

If you enjoyed my blog you might LOVE my YouTube video about changing one thing, the direction of your cash-flow, to change Everything:

About GOD and HEALTH..

I have several friends who pray for a healthy mind & body without minding their lifestyle.

This is NOT a dig at my religious friends so don’t take it that way.

There is one serious problem with only praying..

Faith without congruent ACTION is Dead Faith.

When you’re at the pearly gates face to face with the god of your choosing you’re going to ask, “Why didn’t you answer my prayers for good health?”

And God will respond..

“I did answer your prayers.

I gave you everything you needed for good health and you didn’t use any of what I gave you.

I gave you the right foods, I gave you skills, I gave you educational resources to get any skills you didn’t have that you needed to have, I gave you opportunity, and you didn’t do anything with any of it.

Instead of being faithful with what you were given you tried to use me as a crutch for being lazy.

I loved you so much I gave you everything you needed to get what you want and you treated me like a crutch”.


Maybe reading this will spark some honesty and consistent action =)

If you disagree then you have to ask yourself what exactly is your god incentivizing?

Is your god incentivizing Lazy unconscious unthinking people?

And if your god is a loving god would a loving god incentivizing lazy unconscious unthinking people?

I hope I gave you wonderful food for thought and ACTION.

Feel Free to SHARE these great ideas =)

Hopefully I gave you something that can help you help people who need to hear or read these words.


P.s. If you’d like to work with me I don’t charge any fees I’m not going to sell you something you don’t want or need: http://workwithtom.fireyourboss.xyz

follow your heart

Have you enjoyed this? Was it helpful in breaking some circular thought patterns you might have been stuck in? Do you know anyone who could benefit from this? Sharing is caring. Share with friends and family.

Was this helpful? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you commented and shared on Facebook and other Social Media, too. You might also enjoy Fire Your Boss & 31 Ways to Raise Money Now.

If you enjoyed my blog you might LOVE my YouTube video about changing one thing, the direction of your cash-flow, to change Everything:

Create Your Freedom on the Backs of SLAVES or Create Your Freedom TOGETHER WITH THEM

Text transcription below:

There are a few people in your life who are getting extremely filthy stinking rich off of the back of you.

People you’ve never met and probably never will meet.

These people could be at the very top of the company you work for.

They could be your bosses bosses bosses boss.

So your boss and your bosses boss are part of the same sick pyramid scam, right?

Here is what’s happening at the very top there is one or two people or a small group of people making the bulk of the money at the company you work for while everyone else gets screwed.

Just like a pyramid scam.

Every job bar none is a pyramid scam in the context of how you’re being compensated is a pyramid scam.

So these people at the very top are probably making a passive income.

Passive income is the kind of income that keeps paying you even if you don’t work or show up it keeps coming in anyway thats why its passive.

Its freedom.

Thats what creates freedom so you can do what you want with your time.

So in this set of circumstances it goes up this pyramid scheme this ladder thing in the shape of a triangle, there is a few people at the top who earn this beautiful wonderful income filthy rich they can do what they want with their time take their yacht out for the weekend all on the backs and the effort and energy of YOU while YOU have to keep showing up every day because you have no passive income.

They make the passive income and you have to keep showing up every day for the proverbial hamster wheel paycheck working hard going nowhere and if you get off that hamster wheel of working hard going nowhere that income stops and you are no longer covered to eat or pay your bills or take care of your family or to do anything.

That doent sound right to me! It is what it is.

Thats the nature of the beast of depending on a job for your livelihood.

Now here is a BETTER way of making residual way of making passive income.

Far superior to this inferior way of doing it.

I make passive and residual money.

In fact im not interested in making any other kind of money.

I dont have a job and Im not self employed the way most people are self employed because most self employed people have no residual or passive money and are even bigger slaves shackled to the dollar than people with a job which is hysterical because the primary motivation the self employed have for being self employed is for freedom and they have less of it than people with a job because they know nothing about passive and residual money.

So here is what I do and what very few people know about and actually do to create passive and residual money.

These are the TRUE RICH people in my personal opinion.

What we do is we build our passive and residual money on the Backs of and the hopes of and the dreams of and the efforts of other people building their own passive money, their own passive and residual money for their dreams and their hopes and their goals and their obstacles and their family and everything else.

So for the context of this conversation here what I’m showing you guys is that you can make..

First their is no freedom with out passive and residual income and freedom of the mind precedes all other freedoms.

If you have freedom of the mind you can learn about passive and residual money and become a free human being with freedom of your time, financial freedom, and all those other wonderful freedoms.

There are two ways you can build passive and residual money.

The first way is the way I described earlier.

You can do it on the backs and efforts of people who have to show up every day for a paycheck.

You can make passive money that way there are a lot of people doing it.

I don’t agree with it but thats how business as usual, traditional business is run.

You can make passive and residual money on the backs of other people who are Shackled to the dollar and that’s what thrives your passive money.

Or you can do the far better and superior thing and make your passive and residual money on the backs and efforts and hopes and dreams of other people who are building their own passive money.

The ones that are unshackling themselves from the dollar because they hate it so much and the limitations it gives them and their families.

Which way would you like to get your freedom?

You already want to be free.

There is nobody that says I dont want to be free.

There is nobody who says I dont want to be financially covered in case god forbid an emergency happens or I might want to take a vacation with my family or take some personal time or maybe I wanna do some interesting project because its interesting to me but it pays nothing but I can’t because I have to keep showing up at my job because I have to make sure Im covered so I can eat and pay my bills and take care of my family.

Nobody says they don’t want those things everybody wants to be a free human being.

So now that we have that established you HAVE TO build passive and residual income.

Self employment is not going to get you there. Ask most self employed people.

They have less freedom than you do with a job. You have to make passive and residual money.

You have to decide the kind of person you want to be thats creating that passive and residual money.

Do you want to make passive and residual money on the backs of other people that have to remain shackled to the dollar?

Or do you want to create your passive money on the backs and efforts of people that are also making their own passive money for their own dreams?

So you’re doing it together in a team environment, right?

Thats more beautiful.

Its organic. Its a reflection of how nature works.

Its wonderful.

I have no doubt I just threw you a soft ball down the middle.

The latter sounds cool!

Ya know, the only place that is really possible for all of us to do?

This is going to blow your mind.

It’s called MLM Multi Level Marketing Network Marketing.

Most people doing MLM treat people terribly.

They act like scum.

Even otherwise great people suddenly do this and these otherwise great people become these unrecognizable weird creatures you don’t even recognize anymore.

Thats not how its suppose to be.

Unfortunately most people will continue to be that way because thats just how most people are.

There are some of us, the ones who actually create the most success, there are some of us that treat people like free thinking human beings.

If you’re not interested its cool you’re not weird im not weird.

Ya know what it looks like when I share my deal with somebody?

It’s like this…

Here is the information..

If you have a sincere interest if it speaks to you well talk about it we can have a conversation.

If its not your thing it is no big deal.

There is more than enough for everyone I’m not worried.

Truly, that’s how I am.

Ask somebody in network marketing MLM what the price is of their thing.

And that is usually the most awesome question you can ask just to find out who is going to be weird and maybe a lil bit scummy about it and who is not.

When somebody asks me I can see its this much.

Or maybe sometimes depending on what we are talking about I can say its going to be between this much and that much depending on what your goals are.

Tell me what your goals are and I will give you an exact quote so you know what to budget for.

And people are like, yeah ok thats rational thinking that’s cool.

And at the end of the day if you’re sincerely not interested no problem there is more than enough for everybody its no big deal. T

hat’s how it is.

So as a result of that a lot of people end up enrolling with me.

I found that’s how you create real success in an MLM which is the ONLY thing thats really available to you and me and all of us no matter how broke we are, what we start with, Im not broke anymore because I’ve been doing this for 9 years but you can be totally broke you can be over a million dollars in debt you can have absolutely no free time and you can get started in something like this to create your FREEDOM with passive and residual money because we’ve established that is the only way you’re going to get freedom.

Freedom of the mind precedes, ok I need to get passive and residual money.

Then you have to decide the kind of person you want to be.

Do you want to build your passive residual money on the backs and efforts of other people who need to be shackled to the dollar?

Or do you want to build your passive money on the backs and efforts of other people who are building their own passive and residual money, too, as a team?

That’s MLM!

That is exactly multi level marketing network marketing.

The only reason somebody could have for not being a fan of MLM because a lot of people arent, the only reason that exists because most people in it act like sht.

Most people in life act like sht.

So really this is a reflection of true real life is MLM network marketing.

But that is the only reason it does not sit well with a lot of people that hear about it.

So the only possible reason that somebody would have for not wanting to get into an MLM is they don’t understand it.

They think it’s something you have to get into thats a pyramid scheme.

You have to be weird and pressure people and you have to give up being yourself, you have to have the right personality and all these things and Iv’e found all of that is just the opposite of what is true.

Instead of not being yourself i’ve found more success when I am myself.

Instead of pushing people I have more success when Im attracting people.

Instead of worrying about not enrolling somebody I have more success when I let people go and im like there is more than enough for everyone it is all good.

So its the opposite of what most people think about it and when you come to understand what MLM really is you are going to be the BIGGEST friggen fan of it because its going to be the thing that lets you be yourself.

ITs going to be the thing that forces you to develop yourself personally, personal growth and development.

And its going to be the thing where you get to create freedom for yourself by helping other people create freedom for themselves INSTEAD OF creating freedom for yourself on the backs of other people who are shackled by the dollar.

I’m IN LOVE with that.

And if you understand it I know that you would be as well I have no doubt about it.

So, if you want to find out what I do, practicing what Im preaching, connect with me privately. I’ll share the info with you.

You can ask me about the price.

You can ask me whatever you want and it’s not going to be weird and at the end of the day if you don’t have a sincere interest you don’t have to do it.

I hope you find something that works for you because there is more than enough for everybody to go around, their truly is.

And if you do have a sincere interest in what im doing then well have a conversation and if you want to do this we will DO IT.

I’m a very highly motivated passionate driven human being and I’ve been consistently doing this for 9 years so far so I’m a rock.

You can depend on me.

That is if you’re showing up and you’re the kind of person that does what you say you’re going to do then you can depend on me.

That’s all I’ve got for you!

Hope you enjoyed this!

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That’s why you see me share what I share!

I love GREAT ideas.

Take care everyone my website is tom birkenmeyer dot com just like it’s spelled on social media take out the space all lower case tom birkenmeyer dot come connect with me privately on social media and share this with your friends and I will see ya later!



P.s. If you’d like to work with me I don’t charge any fees I’m not going to sell you something you don’t want or need: http://workwithtom.fireyourboss.xyz

follow your heart

Have you enjoyed this? Was it helpful in breaking some circular thought patterns you might have been stuck in? Do you know anyone who could benefit from this? Sharing is caring. Share with friends and family.

Was this helpful? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you commented and shared on Facebook and other Social Media, too. You might also enjoy Fire Your Boss & 31 Ways to Raise Money Now.

If you enjoyed my blog you might LOVE my YouTube video about changing one thing, the direction of your cash-flow, to change Everything:

Wanna be Just Like Everyone else? *Choke, Cough, Gag*…

Tell the world what your Big Dreams Are and hang on to the same Beliefs about your circumstances you’ve always had.. Shrink yourself year after year just like everyone else and “just tellin it how it is” =)

Or…. Draw a line in the sand.. get some new beliefs about your circumstances and Grow from where you’re planted =)

Doesnt the latter sound like more fun than shrinking backwards and staying smaller than you were designed for?

Does it KILL your spirit to be manipulated by taxes and to have how you spend your time dictated by money and your job?

Do you feel like you were meant for something better than to be tossed around like a rag doll by your circumstances?

When you change your mind EVERYTHING organically changes…

You were BORN with the GIFT of changing your mind..

You’ve done it before so you’ve already proven you can change your mind…

As a Human Being you were NOT designed to be manipulated by taxes or to have your time dictated by money and a time clock.

You were actually designd to OVERCOME, grow, and become a person who can create freedom and Contribution.

When you make statements rooted in ego you cannot learn and you perpetuated a poor and lazy mind because you no longer have think and you shrink to your smaller self..

When you ask questions rooted in understanding you begin to open your mind into a rich and creative one that figures it out..

P.s. If you’d like to work with me I don’t charge any fees I’m not going to sell you something you don’t want or need: http://workwithtom.fireyourboss.xyz

follow your heart

Have you enjoyed this? Was it helpful in breaking some circular thought patterns you might have been stuck in? Do you know anyone who could benefit from this? Sharing is caring. Share with friends and family.

Was this helpful? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you commented and shared on Facebook and other Social Media, too. You might also enjoy Fire Your Boss & 31 Ways to Raise Money Now.

If you enjoyed my blog you might LOVE my YouTube video about changing one thing, the direction of your cash-flow, to change Everything:

Nobody Wants to be Controlled and Manipulated by Money Dependency but Its Part of Your Conditioning

Text transcription below:

I do not know of anybody that wants to be controlled and manipulated through the dependency of money to pay bills and eat.

I’ve never heard anybody say that’s what they want with their life.

All the while the kind of income you’re making you have to have a level of obedience to wherever it is that your income is coming from or you lose that income because they will fire you or get rid of you in some other way.

You may love or hate your job.

but nobody wants to be controlled or manipulated through money dependency to pay your bills so you can eat.

Nobody wants to have a level of obedience to some other human being otherwise you could lose your ability to put food on the table and pay bills.

Believe it or not this is totally without your knowledge but the way that you describe what is good money and what is not good money is all part of your conditioning and part of your obedience training so that you do not give up that life style of working for a paycheck so that you can eat and pay bills.

When someone says, what is good money?

Fifty an hour?

Thats good money.

A hundred thousand dollar a year salary?

That’s good money!

Now when I hear that, this is complete backwards this is opposite of how most people think about money.

When I hear that, that just tells me that the fact you can actually cite how much money you make an hour, how much money you make a year, that tells me that you are completely shackled in handcuffs to the dollar, that you don’t own your time somebody else does.

That is a horrible poor quality of money and people describe as good because of its quantity, ignoring it’s quality because there is no quality in that kind of money.

Now when somebody asks me, Tom how much money did you make your first year of what you do?

And I’m like, I can’t quote you a dollar amount I have no idea I’m still earning on those initial efforts even though those initial efforts were 9 years ago.

At the time of this video it’s march of 2017.

I started this experience in august of 2007 so that was about nine and a half years ago.

I have no idea how much money I’ve made my first year because I’m still earning on those initial efforts even though those efforts have long been expired.

It makes no sense to only get paid when you show up.

But that’s part of your conditioning.

Did you know there is a way to make money even when you’re not showing up.

Wouldnt it be better….

It presents a huge enormous problem and enormous limitations to you and your life and how you spend your time iff you’re only going to be paid when you’re showing up.

Thats the proverbial hamster wheel.

The hamster working hard going no where and as soon as he gets off his little wheel it stops.

That’s your job!

And that’s your self employed experience if you’re self employed for almost all of you that are self employed and all of you if you have a job.

Wouldn’t it be more intelligent, not just better, but more intelligent, more intellectually intelligent, thats redundant, to be paid whether you show up or you don’t show up?

Whether you’re on vacation or you’re sleeping or you roll out of bed or you roll over in bed?

Wouldn’t it be more intelligent and smarter if you’re being paid if you decided to take on some interesting project that had no return financially whatsoever but you wanna do it because it’s interesting and it speaks to you in some way but you’re still getting paid regardless on some initial efforts that you did maybe years ago or months ago or decades ago who knows!

That’s much more intelligent.

That’s much more secure.

It’s much more stable.

It’s also the end all be all solution.

There are not much of those, right?

It is an actual end all be all solution to being controlled and manipulated through the dependency of money to make sure you’re covered to eat, to pay your bills, support your family, give more to charity if you want to, all those things.

So it’s all about passive and residual money.

I’m going to stick another video at the end of this one hear real soon so don’t go anywhere, that I made a while back about four ways that you can start generating your own passive residual money so you can be a free human being and entirely de couple yourself and unshackle yourself from money dependency so you can be the powerful thriving FREE liberated human being that you’ve always wanted to be but maybe you didn’t know how.

So this will be extremely valuable for you.

I recommend you pause this and get something to jot some notes down with and take some notes so you can start that search of finding something that you wanna do to start generating your own passive and residual money.

If you don’t have any time for it then you don’t have time not to do it because this is the antithesis to not having any time so that you don’t have to keep showing up and you’ll emerge at some point in the future a free human being.

You’re going to put forth anyway, you might as well put your effort where you’re going to be a free human being rather than an obedient servant to people that need your unquestionable obedience so that they can control and manipulate you through the dependency of money.

That life style is bullshit and you don’t need to keep living it for the rest of your life.


so stay tuned I’m stitching that video on right now..

Hello everyone!

I’m going to teach!

I love great students.

I’m a great student so I can be a great teacher.

I’m going to teach 4 ways of developing your own passive money.

Passive money is bad ass because it’s the only income type that you can actually let you detach yourself from money so you never have to work for a flippin paycheck again or be controlled and manipulated through the dependency of money to pay your bills because who wants to be controlled and manipulated through the dependency of money?

Or anything for that matter.

So here is four ways to get that going.

And by the way, hate to say it, that’s not true I love to say it..

There is only 1 of the 4 that 49 out of 50 of you are going to be able to take advantage of anway.

But I’m going to show you all four anyway so you have some really great perspective and maybe down the road after you get the one you can go for the others if you wish.

IT’s totally up to you because with passive money when you start making it and you have enough of it you can do whatever you want with your time and you’re covered financially which means you developed the freedom of the mind which always precedes all other freedoms.

So lets get started!

Number 1, and in no particular order.

I will save the best that’s widely available to everybody for last.

You can buy a traditional business like a microsoft or amazing or develop your own or buy something for millions and millions of dollars.

Right off the bat you probably don’t have that cash laying around so that rules that out.

But, if you get to that point you can do that if you wanted to and you could hire other people to manager it for you.

You could have the vision, the concepts, here is what you want to do that you wanna communicate, but to make it passive so that you are unattached from money so you can do what you want with your time, you’d wanna have managers that would execute your vision and your ideas for you.

The second way to create passive money which is probably going to be pretty widely unavailable to 49 out of 50 of you is you can get into royalty checks.

To get into royalty checks first you have to be super famous.

I’m talking like a Michael Jordan, a Bill Gates, an Ex President, a Cher, A Madonna, somebody who is super famous everybody knows your name throughout the world.

Usually top athletes, top political figures, top musicians, artists, you know, people that people know and already spend money on their merchandise and things like that.

Well if you’re that kind of a person you could write a book!

You could come out with an audio, you could pay people to set up processes that are fully automated online so that your store for your whatever you created is up 24/7 and automatically receives orders, automatically fulfills those orders so you could have this passive income.

Only one problem, how many people out there actually know you and know you to be at least a credible enough person to actually spend money on a book or audio or something else you put out there?

What’s that?

How many people?


One or two?

Three or four?

You know it would probably take three or four hundred thousand let alone three or four people, I mean, if you want to replace your job income and beyond.

Ok, so royalties, at least for now because you’re not famous yet, is out of the question.

Let’s move on to number three.

Real Estate!

This is one of the four that I actually got into.

I do real estate!

It wasnt until… Well… I’ll do number four last.

But, Real Estate!

I was spring boarded into being able to do real estate.

And real Estate, what is the problem with that?

Ok, well, if you’re going to do rental properties it’s an investment thing.

It’s passive cash flow right?

You’ve gotta have the down payment for the building.

It’s going to be more than where you would be living.

If you’re going to buy a place for you to actually live in you’re get cheaper interest rates and the option of a cheaper down payment.

For an investment for passive cash you have to put even more money down and interest rates are going to be higher.

That’s just the way that it is and I didnt write the rules, ok?

So let’s just say fifty thousand dollars just to get your foot in the door to get your first real estate property that’s going to produce you some passive cash?

Ya got fifty thousand dollars?

Well my wallet hasn’t gotten any thicker since the last time you asked that question Tom!

I didn’t think so.

And not only that, but, one property for fifty thousand dollar down payment you might see one hundred dollars, two hundred, maybe three hundred dollars at the most return on investment on a monthly basis.

Is three hundred dollars a month really going to replace your job income?

Is that going to be ok?


You need to buy lots of properties.
That fifty thousand dollars would be just to get you in the door.

You’d have to have millions of dollars worth of properties even to begin to talk about replacing your job income and going beyond that so you can have the option of leaving your job and being free.

And by the way..

You’d want to hire property managers like I do so the income is passive.

I don’t know my tenants.

I don’t have a relationship with them.

I don’t get phone calls about the properties.

I never even have to drive over and look at any of them.

It’s passive money because I’ve got property managers they are the best in the business and they are awesome and I love them because they make it possible for it to be passive.

So since this is off the table for 49 out of 50 of you there is one more left.

One more way to create this wonderful thing called passive money and it’s so wonderful because you can detach yourself from money and be covered financially no matter what you do with you’re time and that’s freedom!

Network Marketing.

I’m not going to pitch you my business.

Brace yourself and be eager for some very tough love.

The humble will be lifted up, the prideful town down.

When it comes to network marketing and weigh that against all of the other opportunities to create some freedom for yourself, and you finally get to be your genuine self!

Can you imagine what that’s going to be like?

I remember way back in the day when I did have a job I had to bite my tongue!

I had to do things I didnt agree with otherwise they could take my livelihood away from me because I was controlled and manipulated through money dependency like 49 out of 50 of you are.

In network marketing you get to be yourself.

How liberating and freeing is that?

For 49 out of 50 of you out there network marketing is the only realistic way that you have to create freedom for yourself and create real security and stability for yourself and your family.

The problem that you’ve saddled yourself with for years that you’ve done to yourself that maybe you’re not aware of is that, yes, you wanna be a free human being, and maybe you even know about this thing called passive money, maybe conceptually you knew what it was but you just didnt know what it was called you just knew there was a way to become financially free, you just didnt know that it was called passive money.

But now you know because I told you.

So maybe you know these things now and you’re still not realistic about what it would take for you to become a free human being.

Those other three things, those other three ways, the traditional business because you don’t have the money for that who has millions of dollars?

Almost nobody.

Real estate?

Real estate is like fifty thousand bucks maybe just to get your foot in the door and the return on investment is going to be maybe a fraction of what I make at my job?

Ok you can’t do it yet.

Royalties, ok, nobody knows my name or maybe just a few people but there is not three or four hundred thousand or three or four million that would buy something, like a book or something if I put it out.

Ok so those are gone!

So if what is coming out of your mouth that you wanna be a free human being has real meaning and sustenance and you’re dead serious about it then realistically network marketing is your only option for the bulk majority of 49 out of 50 maybe even 99 out of 100 of you out there it’s the only thing left.

And not that that’s a bad thing..

So here is the tough love part..

And that is where I’m going to lose most of you and I’m perfectly ok with that I don’t say this to be a populous.

For a lot of you, your whole lives you’ve been saying stuff that you don’t see through and that you don’t line up with how your feet are walking with what is coming out of your mouth.

And this is a perfect example.

Everyone is saying I wish I were free, I wanna be financially free, I Wanna have more options I wanna get ahead and get out of debt and all these things.

But then you have these opportunities to do that and you’re not realistic about it whatsoever.

And when you’re not realistic about something that you want whether it’s freedom or whatever it is…


I say this with love…

But when you’re not realistic about what it is that you want then you’re a clown.

And I have no doubt if you’re a clown you have all kinds of people in your life that don’t take you seriously, that don’t really listen to you much, that fight with you, maybe put you down and other things like that and don’t really encourage you.

Why would they take you seriously?

You’ve conditioned them and trained them to not take you seriously because you routinely in your past and maybe still in your present you do not have any realistic expectation or realistic idea for ACTION to take on what is coming out of your mouth that you say is really important to you, period.

Now you can draw a line in the sand TODAY.

I drew a line in the sand YEARS ago and jumped over with BOTH feet.

Not one foot planted on either side.

So you’ve gotta draw a line in the sand and jump over with both feet and you’re still going to get a hard time from people you’ve conditioned your whole life to treat you like a clown.

But, you can begin that process for new people that you meet to take you more seriously.

And people that have known you for a while to maybe take a second look for you, after more time as past, because maybe you tried something in the past that you stuck with for five minutes and got out.

So you might have to do something for a solid year or two or three until people that really know you well are going to take you seriously again.

That’s how life works.

You’ve gotta earn peoples trust and respect.

Even those who give that to you by default you burn them!

You burn people who trust you out of default when you don’t do what you say you’re going to do or have realistic expectations about what you say that you want.

Ok so let me get back to this network marketing thing and why it works for everybody.

The start up..

By the way I’m not pitching you my thing so don’t worry about that.

It’s an insignificant amount of money to start up.

When I got started in my deal I had no job, I had no income, I didnt even have to use my own money.

I got started for two hundred and forty dollars which is INSANE compared to the millions of dollars it takes for the traditional business, the fifty thousand it takes to get the one hundred, the two hundred, maybe the three hundred dollars return on investment in real estate?

Or, well I don’t have the notoriety to do royalties now do I?

No, of course not.

So the two hundred and forty dollars it took me to get started in my network marketing gig is just embarrassingly insignificant compared to the other ways to get started with passive money.

So right off the bat it’s available to everybody and you don’t even need to start with your own money.

You could borrow, you could use a credit card, I even created a list of 31 ways of raising money without having any, or 31 ways to get started with something without using any of your own money.

So I got started without any of the money, the two hundred and forty dollars, and I had no means of paying it back when I got started because I had no job and no income.

And most people would say that’s stupid.

Most people are either dead or dead broke before the age of 65 dependent and needy on the government or friends and family as the main source of their income.

So most people in my opinion are completely stupid when it comes to this area and if I listened to them I’d be just as needy as they are for a paycheck and I don’t want that.

That’s where you have to be humble so you’re lifted up while the prideful town down every time.

I was a straight D student.

Think about this..

What if you had millions of dollars to get into a traditional business, right?

Millions of dollars but no skill.

Kiss that millions of dollars goodbye along with the business.

Thats why you can’t get a bank loan to start a business like that because they know you’re going to go belly up.

The only way you’re going to get a bank loan for a business like that is if you’ve already got the passive cash flow then they’ll loan you the money no problem then!

Otherwise they aint gonna do it.

So you have to have millions of dollars of your own money to get started with a traditional business and you’ll have no skill and then it’s all gone anyway.


It’s gone.

That’s why people that inherent money and things like that and lottery winners thats why they just sort of get weeded out by life and they go right back into the poor house.

No skill.

Skill is more valuable than money!

You could lose money but youll still have you’re skill and you can just get it all back again.

It’s not a bad thing.

Especially when you know about passive money.

Passive income.

That’s what it’s all at!

That the magic!

It’s incredible.

So I was a straight D student.

I was in special ed classes.

Even in special ed I got Ds and I had a really hard time in school.

I was educably retarded so when I got into network marketing and being a business owner I had not a clue as to what I was doing.

But, I was HUNGRY to learn.

The great thing about network marketing in addition to the embarrassingly insignificant amount of money to get started you can come into it without no skill whatsoever like I did.

And it’s completely self paced.

You just have to show up and LOVE learning and do it in your spare time around everything else you’ve got going on.

In a traditional business if you’re going to do it especially the way that most people do a regularly business in a self employed experience…

Have you ever noticed that most people that have a business..

They don’t own a business their business owns them they can’t get away from it!

Their lives are just ruined and ruled and dictated by their business because their working for a paycheck even worse than you at your job which completely goes against why people become self employed.

They want more freedom, they want more options, and the opposite happens.

They have even less freedom and less options than people with a job.

And at a job you have virtually no freedom and no options it’s insanity the way most people are self employed because they don’t know anything about passive and residual income streams.

And that’s the whole key.

First of all passive money is not available at a job.

Bar none it does not exist.

Self employment, it does exist, but most people don’t go after it or they don’t know about it or who knows what, they just don’t do it.

I go after it.

That’s where network marketing is.


Leveraged income.

Passive money.

Network marketing is available to you because it’s an embarrassingly low insignificant amount of money to get started.

You can come in with no skill.

Be the expert non expert.

That’s sort of how I like to brand myself.

The expert non expert, special ed classes, straight Ds, and all those sort of things, and no job, no income, and I got started anyway and I just did it in my spare time.

I was going to college.

I actually gave that a shot.

Full time and a half when I got started.

I want to make sure I say that.

And other adult responsibilities and I was still able to do this at my own rate, my own pace, self paced learning, self paced action.

I showed up consistently and did little digestible bits every day and it was enough to build up my new passive money to where I could call off the job search.

I never did find a job again.

I havent had a job since 2006.

I havent needed one since 2010.

That was a long time ago.

As my new passive income continued to grow it was my spring boarded into getting into the real estate side of things!

And speaking of that, when I got into the real estate side of things I was able to take off in that business FASTER than anybody that does not do network marketing first.

Because those fools are trying to also live off of the little bit of income..

The little bit of the return on investment on those large sums of money for the down payments that I told you about earlier..

They’ve also gotta try to live off of that too as well as re invest it and expand and buy more properties.

Not me!

I was able to take one hundred percent and still to this day I have not taken out a distribution at all from the rental property business I have.

One hundred percent goes back into itself.

I bought my first five, not one, five properties in the first year and a half because I built up my network marketing business first with passive money.

So that one thing, the network marketing business, the ability to get into it with an insignificant amount of money, self paced, spare time, learning and showing up and just being hungry to learn and killing excuses and stripping down my ego so I could be humble and be lifted up by the powers that be that govern the universe.

Through that I was able to declare my own freedom, get to a point where I could completely detach myself from money and just enjoy life and also use it as a spring board to get my real estate property business going.

Who knows what else I am going to do in the future.

I love to travel!

I can travel now!

I Love traveling!

That’s rich man.

Rich is to create experiences.

Poor is to have to worry about where the money is going to come from.

You want to be rich.

You need passive money because being rich, the true rich, it’s not having tons of cash, it’s being covered financially with passive money so you can create rich experiences.

Experiences is what’s rich.

You don’t have the freedom to create them without enough passive money.

At a job and most self employment experiences you’re schedule is controlled and dictated by a dependency that you have for money.

A SICK cruel pyramid scam dependency that you have for money and that circumstance is completely insecure, unstable, you don’t own it, it can be taken away from you at any time and you have to abide by a policy and procedure manual nine miles high.

If you have a boss that’s really cool that let’s you do what you need as long as the job gets done well congratulations you have so much freedom you get to be yourself at the leisure and permission of a gate keeper.


But I digress..

So, those are the four ways man.

You can watch this video again.

Please share this video, pass this message along because more people deserve to be free.

More people YEARN to be free.

You can do somebody a huge favor just by passing this along.

The purpose of this video is to plant some seeds in your head not to pitch you my business.

However, if you would like to learn about my business you’re more than welcome to contact me on your own accord.

Private message on facebook would be best.

I’ll show you what I’ve got and either you like it or you don’t like it.

My website is tom birkenmyer dot com take out the space all lower case as you see its spelled on social media tom birkenmeyer dot come that’s my website.

Thousands of blog entries.

Many of them, mostly videos and some typed out things too.

But I hope you enjoy it.

I think you will enjoy it.

If you dug this video and stuck around to the end because most people will have clicked off in the first five minutes.

The majority of people that would have been left after the first five minutes would have clicked off when I got to the tough love part because they’re driven by an ego and pride more so than humility. LoL

Ask me how I know what that’s like!

When I gave up my pride and my ego and this and that and traded it out for humility and an eagerness to be corrected and re corrected..

That’s when I was able to learn things that really mattered that actually made a difference.

Sometimes you just have ot forget what you think you know and instead look at your results.

What are your circumstances right now?

Are you controlled and manipulated through money dependency or you can’t pay your bills?

Is that your circumstance?

Then forget what you know!

Tear down your stupid ego because it’s killing you and ripping your family off every fricken day you go to work for that stupid paycheck.

If you can hear that and not be offended then I would LOVE to hear from you..LoL

I became a GREAT student of great ideas from great people who said much more harsh things than that and they did it from a place of love.

When I became a great student I could become a great teacher and I could help people that would be great students in turn.

Do you see how that works? It’s a beautiful thing. So I will hear from some of you very soon.

And for those of you that I don’t hear from I hope you go out there and you discover this wonderful thing of passive money and you do something that adds a tremendous value to everybody around you and everybody that you’re going to meet in the future and you build your passive money that way.

There are people who make their money by managing peoples sickness and poverty, maybe yours..

And there are other people, like me, who have the GUTS to be ourselves, genuinely ourselves, and make piles and piles of PASSIVE money by perpetuating Health and Wealth and Holistic healing and happiness and great positive ideas and things like that.

So you can decide which side of that fence you want to be on.

Let it be the good side that perpetuates health, healing, happiness, wealth, railing against people that make their money by managing sickness and poverty.

And let the income that you create be a passive one because that is your only escape from being controlled and manipulated by money dependency is passive income.

And let there be in your brain a realistic expectation of what it’s going to take to get it otherwise, to go back to the tough love part, you’re a clown and everybody around you knows it because we pay attention more to your actions than your words.

That old saying, actions speaks louder than words!

Yeah they do especially when there is a massive in-congruence between your actions and your words.

I want to be free!

I want passive income!

I wanna be free!

Oh but I cant afford the first three things went over in this video but the last one that is available to me ohhhh it’s just not my thing!

Well now you’re a clown!

And you probably treat everything else in your life the same way.

Forget the passive income thing and being an entrepreneur.

Whatever in your life that’s ever been important to you, if that’s the algorithm that goes in your brain, that transcends your thought process, that algorithm transcends to every decision that you make in your life!

And that’s why people treat you like a clown because you are one.

Draw a freakin line in the sand, jump over with both feet, and be the GREAT person that you were designed for instead of ripping everybody around you off by being this lie that you are not.

I think that concludes this video.

With Love.. And Kisses!!!

Take care everyone.

I’ll hear from you very soon.

Bye for now.


P.s. If you’d like to work with me I don’t charge any fees I’m not going to sell you something you don’t want or need: http://workwithtom.fireyourboss.xyz

follow your heart

Have you enjoyed this? Was it helpful in breaking some circular thought patterns you might have been stuck in? Do you know anyone who could benefit from this? Sharing is caring. Share with friends and family.

Was this helpful? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you commented and shared on Facebook and other Social Media, too. You might also enjoy Fire Your Boss & 31 Ways to Raise Money Now.

If you enjoyed my blog you might LOVE my YouTube video about changing one thing, the direction of your cash-flow, to change Everything:

Your Dreams Depend on You Embracing Being Wrong Quickly and Often

Our old obsolete bad ideas can keep us from finding solutions to our problems and answers to our Dreams.

Being wrong is our Greatest Gift Because we can progress toward our next big Breakthrough from being wrong =)

If you’re stagnate or sliding backwards start asking yourself what bad ideas you’ve been hanging onto.

If you’ve been stuck and you don’t believe you have any bad ideas I recommend you forget about what you think you know and instead look at your results or lack of.

Maybe that point of view will stir up enough humility to search for answers and find solutions.

Being wrong can feel wonderfully liberating or incredibly frustrating.

Being wrong feels wonderfully liberating when you release bad ideas for better ideas.

This creates an Eagerness to be Wrong and Make mistakes as fast and as often as possible.

Please feel free to share these Great Ideas.


P.s. If you’d like to work with me I don’t charge any fees I’m not going to sell you something you don’t want or need: http://workwithtom.fireyourboss.xyz

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If you enjoyed my blog you might LOVE my YouTube video about changing one thing, the direction of your cash-flow, to change Everything:

Thieves on the streets are after your wallet while you’re still feeding the thief in your mind after your dreams

Your internal thief finds nourishment while you rationalize why you don’t have what you want until your free will is broken.

It’s an art of ripping yourself off before the outside thieves could.

Who is in charge of feeding this terrible Internal thief?

Who can stop the feeding?


I have some BIG plans to help more people who are DONE feeding their Internal thief.

I HEART people who have the courage to be themselves, to laugh, and to make LOTS of money Spreading Health and Wealth Instead of Sickness and Poverty.

Broke, Poor, Sick, Broken, Depressed, Shackled, Lazy, Dumb, Misfit, Different, Awkward, Shy…

Middle, rich, healthy, happy, smart, outgoing, extrovert…

I don’t care what your Personality Type is or what you Struggle with WE WILL FIGURE IT OUT Together if you like that kinda thing.

I am going to help more people become Healthy Rich people.

The woman I was dating in 2007 got involved in a home business and invited me to start my own home business.

After only 2 short years of working it in a few minutes a day I fired my boss, bought my house in cash so I have no mortgage and no rent, and began LIVING a lifestyle of my choice.

I documented EVERYTHING I did to achieve this so I could teach it to YOU who want to Emerge at some point in the future Living a lifestyle of your choosing.

Connect with me privately if you have a SINCERE interest.

To be Rich is to create experiences.

To be Poor is to worry about where the money or free time is going to come from.

The true rich are rich because they are covered financially so they can create rich experiences.

I’m excited to hear from you who are sincerely interested.


P.s. If you’d like to work with me I don’t charge any fees I’m not going to sell you something you don’t want or need: http://workwithtom.fireyourboss.xyz

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Was this helpful? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you commented and shared on Facebook and other Social Media, too. You might also enjoy Fire Your Boss & 31 Ways to Raise Money Now.

If you enjoyed my blog you might LOVE my YouTube video about changing one thing, the direction of your cash-flow, to change Everything:

Achieving Personal Milestones Like I Did Today and a POWERFUL Act of Rebellion.

I did it!!!!

Four years ago I set the goal of Running a 5K (3.1 miles) in under 20 minutes.

Today, March 4th 2017 I finally accomplished that goal in 19:47 =)

My new goal is Under 18 minutes.


Set goals around your vision..

Make it a sustainable life style..

When you accomplish your goals set new ones around your vision to continue to challenge yourself.

Whats the alternative???

You devolve into a cash cow sucker for PhRMA and Other big Business interests to profit from..LoL

The most POWERFUL act of Rebellion is to live a Healthy Lifestyle in mind, body, and spirit.

To become Healthy Physically and be Financially Free messes up Big Plans to control and manipulate you..

There are more than plenty of entities willing and Eager to profit by managing peoples sickness and poverty.

You mess up their plans by living Health, becoming financially free, and solving problems.

Feel free to share these great ideas!


P.s. If you’d like to work with me I don’t charge any fees I’m not going to sell you something you don’t want or need: http://workwithtom.fireyourboss.xyz

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Was this helpful? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you commented and shared on Facebook and other Social Media, too. You might also enjoy Fire Your Boss & 31 Ways to Raise Money Now.

If you enjoyed my blog you might LOVE my YouTube video about changing one thing, the direction of your cash-flow, to change Everything:

Make it Happen! Does that advice REALLY do it for you??

Just curious..

How do you feel…

When you confide in someone you want something soooooo badly and the advice given is “MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!”???

It’s HARD for me to hear from anyone that they won’t do something that is Meaningful to them because they don’t know how to do it.

If you don’t know how to get what you want then MAKING IT HAPPEN could start with finding the right teacher, the right book, the right webinar, the right google or youtube search so that you can learn and figure it out.

When I don’t have a clue as to how to do something that I want so badly I am EAGER to LEARN HOW to do it so that I can do it.

Have a LOVE AFFAIR with Learning and Doing.

Have a DAILY ORGASM with Consistent Relevant Action and time will Promote you.

Who does that???

Almost nobody.

Most people rationalize why they can’t do something.

Most people “just tellin it how it is” keepin it how it is.

Be a breath of fresh air it will be good for you and everyone around you.

Your confidence will go up and opportunities will open up that never seemed to be there before but always were.

Here is something Ironic..

The people who aren’t Making it Happen and Figuring Stuff out typically Act Like a bunch of Expert Know-it-alls.

The people who ARE Figuring stuff out and making it happen are TOO BUSY LEARNING TO ACT LIKE An EXPERT Know-It-All =)

Reminds me of a wonderful Adage..

The humble will be lifted up while the prideful will be torn down.

With Love,


P.s. If you’d like to work with me I don’t charge any fees I’m not going to sell you something you don’t want or need: http://workwithtom.fireyourboss.xyz

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Was this helpful? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you commented and shared on Facebook and other Social Media, too. You might also enjoy Fire Your Boss & 31 Ways to Raise Money Now.

If you enjoyed my blog you might LOVE my YouTube video about changing one thing, the direction of your cash-flow, to change Everything:

I bought my house in cash and fired my boss in my early 30s. WHO DOES THAT?!?!

People who stop being most people do that =)
Have you been acting like most people?
I use to act like most people..
That was BEFORE I had OPTIONS to buy my house in cash and fired my boss and Travel and not be controlled or manipulated by money dependency to pay my bills and eat, like you.
Most people rationalize being broke, poor, stupid, unhealthy, taking OFFENSE over a Post like this (wink) and that’s why most people are most people.
Find out what most people are doing..
How they think..
How they spend MONEY AND TIME..
How they react to their problems..
How they take offense and insult from posts like this..
And do the Complete Opposite as FAST as you can and you will be unusually Successful however that looks as described by You not by me =)
Love people but Criticize Terrible Ideas.
Most people do Incredible mental Gymnastics to rationalize why they don’t have more freedom to make it a little easier to live with themselves for not Taking Consistent Relevant Action.
Most people use technology advancements to surrender more of their critical thinking faculties to.
Depression and Hyper Sensitivity to criticism is spiking.
Curiosity and Genuine Self Expression is Shrinking.
Hidden agendas and Self Absorption is rising.
Hiding behind technology is replacing being a human being with other human beings.
Thinking & playing small is normal while dreaming and playing big is weird.
Our Great role models of the past who Loved Knowledge and accomplishment have been replaced with modern role models of scandal and incredible Dumbness.
People have devolved into domesticated pets broken of their free will controlled and Manipulated by Money dependency to pay their bills and eat.
Most people use their money to reward companies who make their money by spreading poverty and sickness.
Corruption in Business and Politics is protested verbally by Clowns who say otherwise with how they spend their MONEY and their Time.
Most people want government to fix things as if they are like little helpless Babies incapable of fixing things for themselves.
Most people have normalized their SICK co-dependency in their boss and in their government to take care of them.
Most people have not behaved as free thinking, critical thinking, independent, free willed, human beings.
Most people live inside of a box that’s been built for them by their environment that certain people would be VERY uncomfortable if you got outside of your box to look around and see what else is out there for you…
Most people live in unquestionable OBEDIENCE to their master who controls and manipulates them through money dependency to pay their bills and eat, like a good domesticated pet.
Steve Pavlina says this:
“If you’re currently a well-conditioned, well-behaved employee, your most likely reaction to the above will be defensiveness.
It’s all part of the conditioning.
But consider that if the above didn’t have a grain of truth to it, you wouldn’t have an emotional reaction at all.
This is only a reminder of what you already know.
You can deny your cage all you want, but the cage is still there.
Perhaps this all happened so gradually that you never noticed it until now
 like a lobster enjoying a nice warm bath.
If any of this makes you mad, that’s a step in the right direction.
Anger is a higher level of consciousness than apathy, so it’s a lot better than being numb all the time.
Any emotion — even confusion — is better than apathy.
If you work through your feelings instead of repressing them, you’ll soon emerge on the doorstep of courage.

And when that happens, you’ll have the will to actually do something about your situation and start living like the powerful human being you were meant to be instead of the domesticated pet you’ve been trained to be.”



P.s. If you’d like to work with me I don’t charge any fees I’m not going to sell you something you don’t want or need: http://workwithtom.fireyourboss.xyz

follow your heart

Have you enjoyed this? Was it helpful in breaking some circular thought patterns you might have been stuck in? Do you know anyone who could benefit from this? Sharing is caring. Share with friends and family.

Was this helpful? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you commented and shared on Facebook and other Social Media, too. You might also enjoy Fire Your Boss & 31 Ways to Raise Money Now.

If you enjoyed my blog you might LOVE my YouTube video about changing one thing, the direction of your cash-flow, to change Everything:

Working within your Abilities Keeps you from getting Better…

Living below your Means Keeps you POOR.

Working for a Paycheck keeps you SHACKLED.

Rationalizing Your Facts keeps you stuck.

Tellin it how it is Keeps it as it is.

Negativity toward money keeps you controlled and manipulated by money.

Anemic dreams births anemic ACTION.

Your co-dependency has made you a well behaved domesticated pet.

Your unquestionable obedience is necessary so they can have more while you have less.

Boxes are for things NOT Human Beings!!!

Do a combination of those stir some emotion?

Steve Pavlina says this…
“If you’re currently a well-conditioned, well-behaved employee, your most likely reaction to the above will be defensiveness.

It’s all part of the conditioning.

But consider that if the above didn’t have a grain of truth to it, you wouldn’t have an emotional reaction at all.

This is only a reminder of what you already know.

You can deny your cage all you want, but the cage is still there.

Perhaps this all happened so gradually that you never noticed it until now
 like a lobster enjoying a nice warm bath.

If any of this makes you mad, that’s a step in the right direction.

Anger is a higher level of consciousness than apathy, so it’s a lot better than being numb all the time.

Any emotion — even confusion — is better than apathy.

If you work through your feelings instead of repressing them, you’ll soon emerge on the doorstep of courage.

And when that happens, you’ll have the will to actually do something about your situation and start living like the powerful human being you were meant to be instead of the domesticated pet you’ve been trained to be.”


P.s. If you’d like to work with me I don’t charge any fees I’m not going to sell you something you don’t want or need: http://workwithtom.fireyourboss.xyz

follow your heart

Have you enjoyed this? Was it helpful in breaking some circular thought patterns you might have been stuck in? Do you know anyone who could benefit from this? Sharing is caring. Share with friends and family.

Was this helpful? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you commented and shared on Facebook and other Social Media, too. You might also enjoy Fire Your Boss & 31 Ways to Raise Money Now.

If you enjoyed my blog you might LOVE my YouTube video about changing one thing, the direction of your cash-flow, to change Everything:

Just Because You Don’t Know How to Do Something it Doesn’t Mean You Don’t Do it

If that were true you would not know how to make a living.

You’ve proven to yourself you can learn something new whenever you have the will to learn.

You’ll learn how to be an employee in a heart beat.

The skill of learning to have a job is something you put effort into that keeps you controlled and manipulated through the dependency of money so you can pay your bills and eat.

Ask this AWESOME question of yourself..

What if you took the same energy it took you to learn a skill that keeps you controlled and manipulated through the dependency of money and you put that same energy into learning how to become a FREE HUMAN BEING from that nonsense?

Multi National Corporations do not want you asking yourself that question because they are are NEEDY for your unquestionable obedience.

Their interests are for you to learn to be a good domesticated pet kept in line by a policy and procedure manual 9 miles high that you, your boss, and your bosses boss are victims of.

What a SCAM.

You’re not on my page because you’re happy with the status quo so while you’re here I want to give you something DELICIOUS to chew on and digest how these ideas could help you improve your life.

You’re already working hard and learning new skills anyway, right?

Why not re purpose the energy you’re already burning up and put that energy into learning skills that FREE you rather than Shackles you??????


P.s. If you’d like to work with me I don’t charge any fees I’m not going to sell you something you don’t want or need: http://workwithtom.fireyourboss.xyz

follow your heart

Have you enjoyed this? Was it helpful in breaking some circular thought patterns you might have been stuck in? Do you know anyone who could benefit from this? Sharing is caring. Share with friends and family.

Was this helpful? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you commented and shared on Facebook and other Social Media, too. You might also enjoy Fire Your Boss & 31 Ways to Raise Money Now.

If you enjoyed my blog you might LOVE my YouTube video about changing one thing, the direction of your cash-flow, to change Everything: